Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Confirmed and Connected

Acts 8:17
Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Confirmation . . .

One soul.  One named Jordan.  One we are asked to help traverse the river.  The rushing, raging rapids of life only he will know completely from beginning to end.

Confirmation . . .

In God's hands, we place our hearts, our minds, our souls, with His.  Our spirits are commended into those hands.  Into Jordan's.

Confirmation . . .

The hands.  The hearts.  Placed where they can be.  Placed in joy.  Placed in love . . .

All those gathered together, hands touching shoulders, heads, but everyone bound by one connection.


And, every hand placed upon the shoulder of another feels the power of God's grace, alive in the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Awake in a way which passes all understanding.

I am moved . . .

I am empowered . . .

God's grace fills the temple of my soul.  And, in this one child's commitment to serve the King of Heaven, I am made whole.

And, then . . .

The Holy Spirit, on this day of Pentecost, descends.

And, every hand placed upon the shoulder of another feels the mighty hand of God, alive in the vibrancy and vitality of the Lord's gift.  Awake in a way which passes all understanding.

I am moved . . . Beyond words.

I am empowered . . . Beyond words.

God's grace fills the temple of our souls.  And, in this one child's commitment to serve the King of Heaven, we are made whole.


Have you ever experienced the Holy Spirit moving within and through you?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for the gracious gift of Your Holy Spirit, our Comforter.  Let Your power and grace so burn in our souls that others will see Your great love in us.  May we remember that we are all Your children, connected and confirmed by You.  Amen.


  1. Such a beautiful thought Martha... loved these lines the most

    "May we remember that we are all Your children, connected and confirmed by You." AMEN <3

    We really need to remember these words.

    And yes I have experienced the Holy Spirit moving within and through me and its has been a magical experience

    1. Isn't it just the most divine feeling ever, Me? So glad you have experienced that glory and wonder!
      And, I'm glad you liked the lines you quoted here - for indeed, we are all God's children and, if we treat one another as such, life would be heaven on earth.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  2. You are truly blessed Martha to feel HIS presence everywhere and in everything.
    I have felt his hand too...many a times.

    1. Oh, Janu, so glad you have felt His hand many times! As I told Me above, there is nothing that can compare with that experience.
      And, yes, this day in church was an incredible blessing.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  3. A month ago, I could not have related to this post much Martha but I too have felt the holy spirit in my life recently. Not something I was seeking, had asked for or wanted but the experience was a life-changing one. Your words above describe the transformational experience I had.

    1. Oh, wow, Vishnu, your words gave me goose-bumps (or, are they "God-bumps") when I read them! It's amazing how we cannot even be consciously looking for God to move in our lives, and He decides the time is right for us to feel His presence through the Holy Spirit. And, without a doubt, the experience is always transforming!
      Blessings, my friend, and thanks so much for dropping by today!

    2. Thank you for this post. I'm still trying to come to terms with the experience which I hope to write about soon but in the meantime, I'm thankful for this life changing event.

    3. :) Just loving this for you, Vishnu!

  4. how wonderful!!! I remind my kids to pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance...especially now with school finals.

    1. What a great reminder for your children that the Holy Spirit is there to guide them and lift them up! You're one great mom, Annmarie!
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hold on to that power.


    1. Believe me, Joyce, I'm holding on! It's not the first time I've experienced this and I'm sure it won't be the last, but the feeling? It takes me from the last wave to the next without fail!
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I initially joined a Charismatic movement when I decided to go on a deeper journey with Jesus. I felt a certain "high" in this community. They 'spoke in tongues,' and 'slain' by the Spirit. I didn't understand that much...

    But when the time arrived for bold decisions to be made and to join the missionaries, I got a card with a prayer for the gift of fortitude.

    I could feel the Spirit working esp. during those times I couldn't pray...it does so on my behalf...

    I pray with you, may we allow this 'power and grace' to BURN within us God's fire of love.

    Love you lots Martha. Thank you for your reflections this day!

    1. What an interesting experience that must have been for you, Melissa, with the Charismatic believers. Yes, whenever the Holy Spirit comes over us like "a mighty, rushing wind," (Brent Yonker) we are taken up, so to speak, in the power and presence of God.
      How wonderful it is, too, that the Holy Spirit prays for us when our hearts are full, but our minds can't find the words. What a Comforter He is!
      Thank you for praying with me as always, dear one! May God's fire burn within us all with love!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

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