Friday, May 10, 2013

It Is THE Conversation

Job 11:3
Will your idle talk reduce others to silence?  Will no one rebuke you when you mock?

Several months ago, my husband, Danny, persuades me to join Twitter.  I am reluctant.  I am resistant.  I dig my heels in deeply.

"I'm already on Facebook," I gripe.  "I don't have time for Google+, so why would I want to tweet?"

"Trust me," Danny says, "you can take it or leave it.  It's just another opportunity to spread the word about your blog and your books."

"Really?  Isn't Twitter full of idle talk?  Does it even make an impression when you post?"

"Well, yes, it can be perceived as idle talk, but there are often those gems in there which you would want to see and share.  Gems you can place there which others might like and choose to retweet."

So, reluctantly, resisting the change, and with two heels dragging, I allow Danny to set up my Twitter account.  He helps me find some interesting, newsworthy folks to follow for a start.  Okay, that's good, I guess.  Not too intrusive.  Not too busy.  Maybe, this tweeting stuff will be all right after all.

But, it isn't long before I am plunged into the yawning chasm . . .

"Oh, no!"  I exclaim three weeks into tweeting.  "I've been on the internet for ten minutes, and I have 56 tweets!  How can I possibly look at them all?  What am I supposed to do?"

"Just browse through them quickly," Danny advises.  "If you find something you want to respond to or retweet, it will only take a second.  It's hit or miss."

"But, I don't want to miss!  I want to hit the mark!  What if someone rebukes me if they don't like my comments or re-tweets?"

"That's the chance you take.  It's worth it.  Worth the risk . . ."

Worth the risk?  Really?  I have my doubts.

Then, it comes . . . the ultimate Tweet!  A well-known, beloved talk show host picks up a tweet promoting my books and website.  Unbelievably, he retweets it!  And, I get 200 hits in one night!!!   Wow!

And, Twitter is no longer idle conversation.

It is THE conversation.

I have not reduced others to silence.  There is no rebuke.  There is no mocking.

There is only affirmation.

Just as we know the Father affirms us daily with His never-ending love when we go to Him in prayer.  For even a tweet-sized prayer grabs His attention.

He never misses a word we speak to Him.

He is always listening.

And, every breath of prayer we breathe to God becomes a precious gem in His sight.

It is THE conversation!


How is your conversation with the Lord going today?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for always being there for us, for loving us, and for listening to our every prayer, no matter how small.  May we never miss the mark in hearing Your answers and heeding Your call.  Amen.


  1. Funny, Martha:
    I've been on Twitter for a few years and NEVER received ANY traction. Excited for you that you've found some success there.

    Good for you!

    1. Thanks so much, Chris! Yes, it was truly an exciting moment, one I'll probably never have again.
      Blessings to you!

  2. I've been reflecting on what you wrote! Words, as simple as they are, or as briefly encapsulated in tweets, could be powerful tools to spread the news.

    It's so exciting to hear that you've been affirmed continuously along your path. I have been journeying with you and could testify how wonderful God is and has been in your life and how He answers our prayers.

    I am praying with you dear friend always! Thank You dear God for all Your abundant blessings and Your faithfulness.

    1. Oh, yes, Melissa, how both of us have witnessed God's affirmations along our journeys with Him!
      And, words, carefully chosen, can often convey much more meaning than when we ramble on and on. Twitter does create that discipline, does it not? :)
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend, and for sharing in the prayers as always!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wow! I was one of the people that found you through that famous tweet!!

    1. Really, Lori? Oh, wow! What a small world we live in! I know I'm so glad to have met you through the blogging world; hope everyone will check you out at
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Blessings and love!

  4. I've also found the power of twitter in connecting with others, Martha. And going to be taking a course starting Monday to learn to use twitter better. Interesting how much information we can convey in such few words on Twitter.

    Glad you listened to your heart and made it through the resistance you initially experienced -and opened a Twitter account.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vishnu!
      Wow! A course on Twitter? Would love to know what you learn in this one. Maybe, you could write a blog about it. :)
      All in all, I'm glad I joined Twitter, too.
      Blessings to you!

  5. A really touching post... loved this one Martha. Now I am tempted to join twitter :)

    1. Join away, Me! It's really not all that bad as I learned here.
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Blessings and love!

  6. WoW, Martha! That is CRAZY-INSPIRING! Rock on, Sistah!!! Thank you for sharing ;-*

    1. So glad you found it inspiring, Linda! :) Yes, I will continue to rock on with Twitter.
      Thanks so much for dropping by!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I, too, have resisted Twitter. If I had a Danny who would take care of it for me, maybe....


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...