Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Lord Has Done Great Things

Psalm 125:2
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.  Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them."

Two weeks ago, my husband, Danny, and I baby sit for our granddaughter, Virginia Rose.  We have her all to ourselves!  And, oh, what fun we have!

Virginia loves to be outdoors, and we have a perfect spring day for it.  She checks out the old chair I placed outside so I can sit comfortably while photographing squirrels and birds.

She picks up sticks and hands them to us to chunk into the piles of pine straw and leaf debris along the edges of our yard.

What a fun way to clean up our mossy lawn!

When she seems to grow weary of this activity, Danny has an idea.

"Virginia, let's see what's under these rocks.  Maybe, I can find you a roly-poly."

Of course, she has no idea what a roly-poly is, but the prospect of her Papa lifting up some big rocks intrigues her.  You can read all about her fascination with rocks here.  I try not to show how grossed out I am by the swarms of white, wiggly bugs underneath more than one stone.  I don't want to negatively influence Virginia's perceptions or dampen her curiosity.  

When Danny pries up the fourth rock, success!  He retrieves a roly-poly and places on Virginia's arm.  Her face beams!

"Tickle," she says as the tiny creature explores her skin.

We decide it's time to go back inside so Virginia can have a drink and a snack.  While she's at the table, I get out her drawing pad and crayons.  She knows her colors and loves to scribble as you can see here.

The sunny face I make for Virginia is not without her input.  For every feature, she points to her own mouth, eyes, nose, hair, and ears, telling me how the face should look!

When she's had enough coloring, Virginia slips off the chair and heads for the closet where we keep a few toys for her.  She retrieves the cars Danny has given her, ones his boys played with many years ago, and brings them to the table.  I sit opposite from her, prepared for the volley which will shortly ensue.

Zoom!  Incoming!  I deftly catch the hurtling car, turn it, and send it flying back to Virginia.  She captures it and returns it speedily.  We are laughing at the car's antics and the way we are keeping it from falling off the table.

Then, Virginia changes up the game.  I send a car careening her way.  She lets it fall off the table!

"Oh, no!"  I explain, hands to my face which expresses an exaggerated look of disbelief.  And, I scurry with a humorous gait (think Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks) to rescue it.  That's when the laughter erupts with volcanic intensity!

Virginia is hysterical!  She keeps up this game because she is enjoying every minute of my reactions.  Every moment of laughter which leaves our sides aching and our souls filled.

Then, I hear these sweet words from the sweetest girl in the world:  "Gammie, you funny!"

Indeed, in Virginia, the Lord has done great things for me . . .


When is the last time you laughed so hard your sides ached? :)

Will you pray with me?
We thank You, Father, for the gifts of laughter and joy.  How they fill our hearts with song!  How they fill our souls with delight!  May we rejoice in You always and treasure all the gifts You give.  Amen.


  1. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard my sides hurt..but I know what it's like and those are beautiful moments indeed! Loved this post. What precious photos and what an enchanting day you all enjoyed together. :)

    I loved when you wrote this:

    "I try not to show how grossed out I am by the swarms of white, wiggly bugs underneath more than one stone. I don't want to negatively influence Virginia's perceptions or dampen her curiosity. "

    I think that's a great approach in helping her shape her own views about life rather than shaping them for her-how to feel towards bugs, etc etc. What a sensitive and perceptive grandmother you are, surely a blessing in her life! :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jessica, and for your lovely comment!
      I do try not to influence the little one because of my own fears or dislikes. I think it's much easier to do with a grandchild than with your own children because you are around them all the time and they can't help but pick up on your feelings, good and bad.
      Hope you have a "laugh until your sides hurt" moment in your life real soon, my friend! There's nothing like it!
      Love and blessings!

  2. First I love the pictures of Virginia laughing are priceless, what great memory you made!!!!
    Love in any form is the greatest part of life!!
    Loved reading this today you made me smile and laugh lol


    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Jim!
      So glad this post made you smile and laugh. Virginia's smile is infectious!
      And, you are so right - love in any form is the greatest part of life.
      Blessings to you and I'll be sure to tell Danny you liked his photos of the baby!

  3. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the lovely afternoon you spent with your adorable granddaughter. :)

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos and blog, Vrndavana! Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  4. This reminds me so much of my niece. Rylee is just a bit over a year old and I'm so fortunate that she lives in the same town as I do. I get to see her as often as possible and she brings me such joy. I can tell your little Virginia does the same for you.

    1. I'm glad you get to see Rylee often, too, Chris. There's nothing like being around small children to bring joy and laughter into your day.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings, my friend!

  5. Oh grandchildren! What fun! She looks like she's full of energy and surprises (and giggles)!

    1. Oh, grandchildren are the best, Lori! She does keep us on the go and laughing a lot. :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm off to babysit right now with my grandson. I suspect there will be lots of laughing!

    1. Oh, what fun, Galen! Yes, I'm sure there will be much laughter. Maybe, you'll write a post about it? :)
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  7. So much joy little people bring into our lives.

    They are reminders for us to be more like children in our passion, enthusiasm and having fun in life -as well as sharing love unconditionally with others.

    1. Yes, Vishnu, children do remind us of what Jesus said - we must become as little children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Spending time with Virginia Rose always makes me think of this verse and how important it is to hold on to our child-like qualities.
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Blessings to you!

  8. You know how much I love reading your posts on Virginia Rose and looking at her pictures, Martha. I'm sure that listening to her laughter must be so very delightful!

    1. Oh, it's the best, Corinne! So bubbly and contagious. Virginia Rose brings such joy and sunshine into our lives.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha,Virginia is beautiful! These shots are superb! You've managed to capture her delight and the result is your being able to show us what joy looks like. Indeed, the Lord has one great things and like you mention, Virginia is proof! :)

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Gypsy, and for your sweet comments about Virginia. Just being around her does bring such joy and a fresh closeness with God. She is a blessing!
      Love and blessings to you!

  10. I love love love this Martha. I have taken a break with my Saturdates for a while. And being away with them gave me time to reflect on what I was missing... laughter. I have become really serious, I have forgotten how it was to be like the kids...

    God sent a Philip Neri in my midst this month ~ and it feels good to be laughing not because I make fun of people but for the simple realization that I am loved by God.

    I pray with you ~ YES! The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!-Psalm 126:3

    Love you lots dear friend!

    1. So glad you visited, Melissa, and that you loved the post. Yes, I know you must miss your little Saturdates and all the laughter and joy they bring.
      It's good to hear that you are laughing and rejoicing just knowing how much God loves you. He does! :)
      Thank you for coming by, my friend, and for sharing in prayer.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...