Friday, May 13, 2016

Man of God in the Making

Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came up to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?  Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

There comes a loud knock on our front door.  It is about 7:45 in the evening, and we are expecting no one.  Startled, my husband, Danny, hustles for the door and peers through the peep hole.

It's Frankie.  We haven't seen him in over a year.  And with good reason.

Frankie has been a loyal and close friend to Danny's sons, Giovanni and Nicco; so close, in fact, that he is included on one of our family's vacations to the mountains.  We have wonderful memories of including Frankie on this trip as he is nothing but kind, polite and gracious.  And since that time, we invite him to enjoy many a meal with us, and rejoice that he is holding down a steady and productive job.  He seems to be growing up in a way that would make any parent proud.

But something happens.  Something none of us could ever had imagined.

Frankie finds heroin.

And he is charmed.  Claimed.  Maimed.

Stealing for his habit.  Losing his job.  His girlfriend.  Forfeiting the trust friends once placed in him.

Danny and I are included on that loss-of-trust list.

We pray for Frankie, but warn Giovanni not to allow him back into our house unless he's found help.  Because we all know the devilish havoc drug addiction can play in the minds of otherwise reasonable and caring people.

Danny, upon seeing Frankie's earnest expression and clear gaze through the peep hole, decides to open the door and welcome him in.

He makes the right call.

Once the three of us are together, Frankie begins, "I know I've let y'all down.  I'm here to tell you my story and to ask you for forgiveness for the mistakes I've made in my life.  Spending time in jail and in rehab have been the best things that could ever have happened for me.  I've been clean for six months, and man, have I matured!  I have a good job, a place to live, and I'm trying to reconnect with the people I know cared about me.  You always welcomed me in, and that vacation you took me on?  One of my favorite memories!  I just hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me and give me a second chance."

Without a moment's hesitation, Danny and I embrace Frankie and assure him we are on his side, supporting him completely in this next phase of his improved and improving life.

And we forgive him.

Frankie is visibly relieved.  He then ventures to share that he is searching spiritually, not sure about God, but not willing to dismiss the concept.  We don't judge.  We both remember those days in our own lives, and simply offer to be there for any questions or doubts he might incur.  Frankie hugs us again.

He makes us a promise to call when those questions and doubts arise.

And I think we have a man of God in the making.


When has giving/receiving forgiveness made all the difference in your life?

Prayer:  Father, there are so many doubters who want to be believers, so many fallen who wish to be made whole.  Please help us to love them into Your everlasting kingdom.  Let us accept and offer forgiveness gracefully, that all may be healed in Your name.  It is in Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. What a beautiful story Marrha! I'm so glad Frankie's got you!

    1. Thank you, Glenys. Yes, I do hope he will turn to us freely and often.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh Martha, this is a profoundly touching story. I echo Glenys' words, "I'm so glad Frankie's got you!" Also, I'm glad that Frankie is searching and open to God. We know that God is Frannkie's greatest (and only hope).

    Love and blessings!

    1. God is Frankie's true hope, just as He is for all of us. I often reflect upon where I'd be now without His great grace and love for me. It wouldn't be a pretty picture!
      Love and blessings!

  3. great story but please, please keep praying for him. I know too many who have been clean that slip back into it. Herron is so evil. I am thankful for where he is right now. I will pray for him too.

    1. Yes, Jean, I will certainly keep lifting up prayers for him, and I so appreciate that you will, too. Frankie has such a good heart, he truly does. And I'm praying the Lord will turn him around for good.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Tears in the eyes Martha of a redemption story in the making. i can't wait to hear the follow up of a life regenerated and redeemed by the Father.

    1. Bill, there were tears in my eyes when Frankie told us his story. And I'm praying every day he will make the choice to commit himself to Jesus. As Jean mentioned above, it is all too easy for the once addict to relapse. The Lord is his only hope.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Prayers for Frankie, and for your family's wisdom in sharing the Lord with him! I love when God executes a miraculous rescue! Now Frankie just needs to listen to His continued wooing...

    I was once on the receiving end of forgiveness, and it changed me forever. Never before had I fully understood God's forgiveness, and the loving embrace of a Father, until I really needed it.


    1. Sharon, I don't think any of us understand the absolute power of forgiveness until we find ourselves on the receiving end. It certainly makes us that much more willing to give forgiveness to others, doesn't it?
      And we are continuing to pray for Frankie. May the Lord move mightily!
      Love and blessings!

  6. It is always nice to hear when someone is able to overcome an addiction and make amends, and it is also nice to hear when people can be so accepting and forgiving.

  7. It is always nice to hear when someone is able to overcome an addiction and make amends, and it is also nice to hear when people can be so accepting and forgiving.

    1. Yes, it is, Sarah. We are really hoping this young man will stick with it for good.
      Love and blessings!


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