Friday, May 6, 2016

On a Shoestring

Galatians 5:7
You were running a good race.  Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?

Recently, I purchase a new pair of athletic shoes as my old ones are wearing out.  When I try them on, I realize immediately the comfort and support I'd been missing in all my steps on the treadmill!  Soft, lightweight, and just plain cute, I'm enamored with them.

But there is one problem . . .

The laces are prone to untie themselves.  I kid you not!  It's only slightly aggravating when it happens as I'm tending to chores around the house or shopping for groceries.  But when it happens on the treadmill?  Now that's just downright exasperating!

After all, I'm running walking the good race.  The last thing I want to do is lose my momentum because of a wayward shoestring.  But stop, I must.  Just the thought of tripping is enough of a motivator for me.

And as I repair the damage and get back to my workout, I have a thought.  My errant shoelaces force me to literally stop in my tracks.  They are distractions, for sure.  But what other distractions am I allowing into my day that steer me away from a closer walk with God?  The ones that cut in on me and cause me to veer away from the truth?

Needless to say, I have much to ponder as I cover another mile on the treadmill.

And though I could double-knot the laces to keep them from becoming unraveled, I decide not to.  Why?  Because when I pause to address this issue, I am reminded to assess where I am in that moment.  How has my day's race been so far?  What is God calling me to do?  Am I still on the right path, or have I strayed from His will in what I'm thinking, feeling, and yes, even praying?

So go right ahead, delinquent shoestrings.  Untie yourselves any time you see fit.

Especially, when I need to reevaluate my direction in this good race God wills me to run.


How do you handle distractions in your life?

Prayer:  Father, when we become distracted by the things of this world, help us to refocus on You and Your will for us.  Let us obey Your truth, and faithfully run the good race You have set before us.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Oh wow, Martha. So spot on this morning as I'm readying myself to tie on my own sneaks and head off for a hike.

    Lessons learned here today and I am appreciative. Have a great weekend ...

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! Hope you have a wonderful, restorative hike - does a body good, doesn't it?
      Have a great weekend, too!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! Now that's turning a negative into a huge positive! Those shoelaces were causing you to be aggravated, but now they remind you of your life with the Lord. Wow. That is powerful.
    I think distractions often feel like unwelcome intruders into my carefully planned day. You make me rethink that BIG time. Thank you!

    1. I'm glad this post helped you to rethink distractions, Ceil. I know when the whole concept came to mind, I knew I had to write a blog about it. Hope it has the same effect on others as it did on you, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I firmly believe that attitude affects every part of our lives. It is where you choose to live that makes the difference. This is what prepares us for the distractions.

    1. Amen, Carol, you are spot on! Our attitudes do influence our lives so much. I choose to stay positive.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Good, good lesson here. Lately my life has been so full of distractions (delinquent shoelaces??) They have certainly sidetracked me. What helps me is knowing that the enemy of my soul will use anything to take me away from the Lord. When I look at the distractions as weapons used against me and God's purpose and place in my life, well, then I get fighting mad!!

    Trying to run the good race, and fight the good fight.

    Thankfully, God runs with me.


    1. Yes, Sharon, the enemy will, and too often does, throw distractions in our paths to steer us off course. But as I said here, we can use those same distractions to refocus on and recharge for the race God has set before us. And yes, He is always running with us!
      Love and blessings!

  5. That's right Martha, keep on keeping on! Don't let small things or anything stop you from moving forward. God bless you my sister in Christ!

    1. Amen, Shira! We won't let those distracting obstacles get in our way and keep moving forward toward the goal.
      Love and blessings!

  6. thank you for sharing your shoestring story. It sounded like a dysfunctional pair of shoes but you found how to put it to good use Martha:) Your writing is a regular reminder and prayer to keep our focus on God.

    1. Dysfunctional shoes . . . I love that, Vishnu! But even they can serve a purpose and a good one at that.
      Let us keep our focus on the Lord at all times!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, I love your perspective on a frustrating (and potentially dangerous) thing. I want to keep in mind when my shoes come untied--to stop and evaluate my day and how my walk with the Lord is going. (That's better thank thinking my shoes have it in for me!)

    Love and blessings!

    1. It is a much better way of thinking, Kim. I mean, let's face it - life is full of hurdles and obstacles. We can get through them and around them only by leaning on God for His help and guidance.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a great illustration. Isn't it so much fun to find wisdom in our everyday occurrences? You are very wise!

    1. Oh, yes, it is, Jean! I truly try to leave myself open to those opportunities.
      Love and blessings!

  9. There is another word for treadmill: boring. I feel the same way about riding my bike inside but it is a necessity when I can't get out. Good contemplation takes place when walking in the same place.

    1. Yes, that treadmill or that stationary bike can be boring, that's for sure, Bill! But since we don't have cable television at home, I usually watch the news or a program on Food Network that helps pass the time and the miles.
      Sometimes in the rote comes the revelation we least expect. I love it when God breaks through in new and wondrous way when our minds are prone to wander because we are "bored."
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, I love that you're not double-knotting your laces as a reminder. I need to pay better attention to ways I can work reminders of my race and His grace into my day. Thanks for this great analogy. Blessings!!

    1. So glad you liked this analogy, Deb! We all need those reminders, pesky or otherwise, to remind us upon whose road we travel. I have no doubt, as astute as you are, that you will find many ways to trigger reminders of the race you are running.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, this one got me good! Distraction is a huge issue for me that I deal with on a daily basis. Thank you for the reminder of getting/keeping on track. Clever way of doing it! God bless!

    1. Oh, yes, Kimberly, anything that reminds us to get back on track with God is priceless. Thought about the words I wrote here today when my shoestrings both decided to unravel at the same time! Oops! Lord, fix my eyes and heart upon You!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...