Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Savannah Jane Turns Two!

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

We recently celebrate granddaughter, Savannah Jane's, second birthday.  It's difficult to wrap our heads around the fact this little imp (yes, she is the mischievous one) is two!  Of course, big sister, Virginia Rose, gives me my marching orders when it comes to the theme of our celebration.  "Savannah wants a 'Frozen' party, Gammie," she informs me, "and a chocolate cake with orange frosting."

The 'Frozen' decor I have no trouble finding.

But the cake is an entirely different issue.  My week is so jammed-packed, I can't see my way clear to bake one.  "Don't worry about it," my husband, Danny, tells me.  "I'll just pick up a small, decorated cake at the store."

"But that's not what Virginia asked for," I protest.

Danny grins and asks, as if I don't know, "And whose birthday is this?

"You're right," I concede with a sigh.  "I'm sure both girls will like any cake you choose."

Isn't this elegant?  I fall in love with the delicate rose on top.  It's all so dainty and more than fit for a princess!

After a kid-friendly dinner of Danny-made pizza, it's time to open gifts.  We decide to do so before bringing out the cake for two reasons - we need time to digest our food, and the sugar-high guaranteed by ingesting the rich cake is sure to send the girls into an energy overload.

Savannah opens her gifts, not without Virginia's assistance.  Her favorite ones are a box of chubby crayons and a coloring book.  Children her age are so easy to please, aren't they?

At long last, it's birthday cake time!  Daddy and Virginia come to Savannah's aide.  Look at her glowing expression.  It's as luminous as the candles!

Here are the girls enjoying their slices of cake.  Virginia asks for, and gets, the fancy rose in honor of her middle name.

And littlest sister, Alexandra Nancy?  She is simply content to take it all in.

While birthdays are wonderful events to celebrate, especially for the little ones, let us remember that each and every day is cause for rejoicing when our faith and trust are in the Lord.


Do you have a favorite birthday memory?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for this life You have given to each of us.  Help us to treasure every day, to number them carefully, and to pray for hearts filled with Your wisdom.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Oh my goodness these little ones are so precious. The one pic big sis looked like she was not too sure about the cake choice!

    1. Lol, Carol, but she ate it anyway! :) Thank you for your kind words about the girls. They sure are precious to me!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Blogging on the most important things in life....the love of family, unity and good times that can't ever be replaced. Love it! Simply Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Shira, you are so kind! I'm glad I could share the fun of that day with my readers/
      Love and blessings!

  3. Blogging on the most important things in life....the love of family, unity and good times that can't ever be replaced. Love it! Simply Beautiful.

  4. Hi Martha! That cake is beautiful! It looks like a princess cake, just like you said. I have grandchildren who are 4 and 2, and they can't get enough of the Frozen stuff. They have tee-shirts and dolls...isn't it something?
    I don't have a birthday memory in specific, but my mom always made our day a special one. We got to choose our dinner menu, and the cake too. Everyone at the table got 'table prizes', just little things, but it made the dinner festive.
    I love how close you are to your family. And I always enjoy the photos!

    1. Yes, Ceil, the Frozen fad shows no signs of stopping. I have yet to see the movie, but will make a point of doing so soon. We are going to have Virginia with us for a week this June so she can attend Vacation Bible School at our church - that would be a great time to rent the flick!
      I love how your mom made everything special for your birthday. We didn't have 'table prizes,' but we always got to choose the food and the type of cake.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, Savannah's birthday celebration looked so fun, so amazing. Little children are easily pleased, every thing is so new and interesting. I love your reminder about rejoicing every day. Focusing on the thought that each day is a gift, a fresh start from God changes things.

    Love and blessings!

    1. It was so delightful, Kim! Each day we have here on earth is truly a gift that God wishes us to unwrap and cherish. I try to greet each day with thanks to Him, even when I'm still sleepy and waiting for the coffee to brew! :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm too old to remember that far back. :) But I do like the idea of living each day and each year with a lot of excitement and adventure. Live the adventure! Looks to me like both girls are going to do that.

    1. Lol, Bill, no, you are not too old for any adventure the Lord has in store!
      Yes, the girls are living their adventures; such a great reminder that we are still on that wondrous journey with the likes of the young.
      Let us keep on keeping on for God's glory!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Every single day is a treasure. It can be hard to maintain that perspective, but grace is bigger! Beautiful grandchildren, Martha. Looks like a great party. :)

    1. Thank you, Jason, for your kind words about the grands. They are my heart, for sure!
      Sadly, we who are older can lose sight of seeing each day as a treasure to be cherished. The Lord provides so many opportunities to love and honor Him in a bright, fresh, new way through our children and grandchildren. His love, and the opportunities to love others that He gives us, never ceases to amaze me!
      Love and blessings!

  8. beautiful! and love the rose cake too. One of my favorite birthday memories of the kids is my son, my youngest, photo of his 6 or 7th birthday party One of the boys, one of his friend, in the photo around the table eating cake and at his party, grew up to marry one of my daughter. It is like I capture a before I knew you photo. Your photos warmed my heart tonight!

    1. What an amazing memory that is, Jean! Who'd have ever guessed?
      Glad you enjoyed the photos, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Cuteness overloaded :)

    So loved all the pictures! Belated happy birthday to the little Princess <3

    My best birthday memory has to be the one where I was at the Taj Mahal staring at its beauty in the moonlight all by myself.

    1. Oh, wow, Privy, that's quite the special birthday memory, that's for sure!
      Glad you enjoyed the photos. Never hurts to get a dose of cuteness overload once in a while. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Adorable 2nd birthday bash photographs! My sister is also planning to have a frozen themed birthday party for her daughter. Will tell her about your article. She has just reserved a party venue in DC for the party at Eventup.com.

    1. Thank you, Zerry! Hope your niece's birthday is a real hit. That 'Frozen' theme is so popular, isn't it?
      Love and blessings!


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