Friday, May 20, 2016

See That It Is Good

Genesis 1:20-21
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky."  So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good.

My husband, Danny, loves photography.  Over the years, he has taken many splendid photos of the birds that frequent our backyard, including these awesome specimens.

But there is one species in particular that he longs to snag in the perfect close up:  The Pileated woodpecker.

These birds tend to be heard before they're seen.  Their deep, hollow pecking at dead wood and their eerie, ear-splitting call guide our eyes toward the lofty heights of the trees.  And even if we spy an elusive Pileated, Danny doesn't have a camera lens powerful enough to render any decent picture.

Imagine Danny's delight when he catches these gems several years back.

Danny figures these may be the best images of this shy bird he'll ever capture.

But he is wrong!

As he is working at his computer, Danny happens to glance out the window.  He can't believe his eyes!  Slowly and stealthily, he reaches for his camera, adjusts the settings, and tip-toes outside to our deck.  And these are the photos he snaps.

Just wow!  This Pileated is so engrossed with the dead log, he isn't even aware of Danny's presence.  Such rare and spectacular moments happening in our own backyard take our breath away and fill us with awe and wonder.

They remind us to open our eyes to see God's hand in all His indescribable creation; to not take even the tiniest bloom or lowly insect for granted.

God's glory, while breathtaking in the Pileated, is nonetheless in every inch of the natural world.  May we seek out signs and miracles of His presence in every living thing.

And see that it is good.


What aspect of God's creation makes you particularly aware of His presence?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for the miracles, large and small, spread before us each day.  Let us be aware of Your presence in this marvelous earth You have given to us, and be ever grateful for Your love and mercy.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Your husband is faster with his camera than I am, Martha. Great photos! We have Pileated woodpeckers in our yard, too, like living Woody Woodpeckers and so different from the small Downy we occasionally see. What variety God created!

    1. We call them Woody Woodpeckers, too, Mary. Danny was so fortunate to capture these moments. Keep trying! You'll eventually get the perfect photo.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, Danny has quite the photographer's eye. God's creation is so amazing. Even though I'm miles from mountains or oceans, I find beauty in Iowa's country areas (on main highways). The gentle rolling hills are eye catching and some times breath-taking, especially as green slowly replaces the browns of fall/winter. On the other hand, there's tremendous beauty in a fresh snowfall too.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, a fresh snowfall! We especially appreciate those here in the South as they are few and far between.
      There is beauty in every bit of God's creation when we stop to look at it.
      I'll let Danny know what you said about his photography, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I enjoyed the photos Martha. Thanks for capturing and sharing these divinely-inspired creatures. A good reminder to look for all the miracles around us daily.

    1. Thank you, Vishnu! I'll be sure to tell Danny you enjoyed them. Yes, there are wonders and miracles to behold each and every day!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Great shots of the woodpecker! My blog post today has a photo that reflects the *work* that some industrious woodpeckers left behind!

    The aspect of God's creation that makes me particularly aware of His presence is the sky. The sunsets and sunrises, the clouds, the stars, the Sun, the Moon. It all speaks of the vastness of the universe. When I think of the power of the One who created it all, and then think of His humility in being willing to die for me - well, that's when I especially feel His love.


    1. Thanks, Sharon! Looking forward to reading your latest post as soon as I type up mine for tomorrow.
      Yes, the sky is a huge drawing card for me, too. I especially love a clear night sky when we are in the mountains and we can see the countless stars our God created. It makes me feel both small, yet immensely loved by the One who made it all.
      Love and blessings!

  5. What beautiful photos! How great to be reminded that we have God's beautiful creation all around us to be thankful for! Being home now has slowed me down enough to really notice the beauty around me and I feel like I breathe Him in like oxygen.

    1. Thank you, Kimberly!
      Yes, it does require us to all slow down in order to take in the marvel of God's creation. He IS the air we breathe!
      Love and blessings!

  6. What beautiful photos! How great to be reminded that we have God's beautiful creation all around us to be thankful for! Being home now has slowed me down enough to really notice the beauty around me and I feel like I breathe Him in like oxygen.


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