Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Clay in His Hands

Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Last Friday, I pick up our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, at her bus stop.  Danny, aka Papa, and I are looking forward to having her spend the night with us as we have lots of fun activities planned for that evening and the following day.  Virginia is content just knowing she will be with her Gammie and Papa, but is beside herself with excitement when I inform her she is going to help me make Christmas cookies.

I prepare the dough the day before so it can be adequately chilled and ready for the big roll out.

The dough is hard, and I explain to Virginia that we can only roll out a small portion at a time on the generously floured counter top.

When the appropriate thickness is achieved, Virginia follows my instructions to flour the cookie cutter before plunging it into the dough.  She forgets a few times, but quickly becomes a pro at it.  She is so proud of herself!

And each time we reform the dough to roll it out flat again, I add more of the chilled dough to the mix, gratified to see how the flour tames its stubbornness, making it soft and pliable, easy for small hands to press the cookie cutters into, leaving lovely impressions.

As much as Virginia loves this part of the process, her eyes really light up when the time comes to shake red and green sugar sprinkles on our cookies.  She follows my directives and does a fine job of decorating.

With the cookies finally in the oven, Virginia dashes off to change out of her flour-caked shirt so she can help her Papa finish decorating our tree with "snow" and ornaments.



The cookie dough, cold and unyielding, reminds me of how the wintry trials and tribulations we endure in this world can harden our hearts, and leave us feeling as rigid and unfeeling as a rock.  That's when we need the hands of the Master Potter, the only one who can transform our stubborn stone into malleable clay.  If we let Him, God can take us in His lovingly floured hands and, piece by piece, roll us out and re-shape us, until we reflect His glorious light and love.

The process may not be painless, the changes might not be sudden, but when we trust in Him, His divine hand will soften the most inflexible of hearts and work miracles in our souls.


How is God molding and shaping you into the creation He intends for you to be?

Prayer:  Father, may we all be clay in Your hands as You work to perfect us to do Your will on earth.  Soften our hearts to welcome Your grace and truth.  Make us new creatures to Your honor and glory.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus from now until the New Year.  May each and every one of you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with love and grace!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Just Tell the Story

Ephesians 3:20
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

It's not the final novel slated for my series, Adventures in The Glade, but it is the last one on the perceivable horizon.  Revelation should be released in plenty of time for Christmas orders, and I hope, find itself tidily wrapped beneath the Christmas tree at many of your homes this holiday season.

I reflect upon this past summer as I wrote frenetically.  Compulsively.  Determinedly.


For I felt God's presence through the Holy Spirit, helping me to accomplish infinitely more than I could ever think or ask.

The endless hours of writing are hours met with eternity.  The present celebrating in the Presence.

How can I describe it?

I'm not going to try.  Because as a writer, I know I owe my inspiration, imagination and word flow to the One who created it all.  How could I possibly explain any part of it?

When His mighty power is at work, who am I to interfere?

I just tell the story.

Use my God-given gift to convey His message.

And before you start thinking I'm someone super-natural or super-special to be able to connect with the Lord in this way, take some time to review, ponder and pray about the gift/gifts with which God has blessed you.

Yes, you!

You have it within you.

Unwrap your gift.  Offer it to God.

He will show you how to use it to His honor and His glory.

For the Lord will always help you to accomplish infinitely more than what you ask or think.


What is your special gift from God?

Prayer:  Father, there are so many of Your children suffering because they don't believe they have the unique gifts You have given each one of them.  Help them to realize their gifts, that they can further Your kingdom whenever they share those gifts with others.  May we all see Your mighty power at work within us.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I Lay Myself Before Thee

James 4:6
"God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble."

This past Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, the Christian New Year, occurring an entire month before the world rings in 2016.  It is a time of high expectation as we wait for the coming of Christ Jesus once again; looking forward to both celebrating His birth, and awaiting in faith His coming again in glory for His own.

We honor the Light of the World not only at Sunday service, but also at our evening meals at home.  As the skies darken and winter nights creep closer, the glow of the candlelight fills us with hope, cheer and comfort.  Yes, I know our candles are not the traditional purple and pink, but they match beautifully with the Celtic-designed Advent candle holder I purchase a few years ago.

The reason I chose this particular Advent centerpiece?  Easy!  My ancestral roots drink deeply from my Celtic heritage.  In simply contemplating the twists and turns of the designs, I find myself on another plain of observation and awareness.  It's as if I can see and know at the same time; not needing words, only wonder.

But it is the words lacing the circle of this Advent wreath that draw everyone in the family into what it means to worship the Lord, our God:  "I lay myself before thee as I light this flame."

I lay myself before thee . . .

In this season when we anticipate the arrival of the unrivaled grace offered to us by God, we need to humble ourselves, lay ourselves before Him, as we acknowledge the light soon to return to the world.

We need to recognize our unworthiness, uncleanliness.

Our inability to achieve anything or be anyone on our own without God's help.

We light the candles.

But it's only by God's grace we see the light.

How are you observing the season of Advent?

Prayer:  Father, let us humble ourselves before You and Your Son, the Light of the World, as this Advent promises new hope and blessings for our lives.  May Your Holy Spirit fill our hears and minds with the real reason for the season, and keep us ever focused upon Your promises, which we know, will be fulfilled in Your time.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Welcome Home

  Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send ou...