Thursday, March 23, 2023

A Book Review and Give-away!


Jesus answered, "It is written:  'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" ~Matthew 4:4

I cannot recall how or when I met my blogging friend, Cheryl, but from the first exchange, I knew she was someone I wanted to know better.  She and I bonded immediately over our love for the Lord, and the deep desire to share the inspiration He gives us with others.  The by-line of my blog is "Meeting the Miraculous in the Mundane."  Cheryl personifies that concept perfectly in her latest collection of devotions:  Homespun Devotions - Volume Two.

Her down-to-earth reflections give me a sense of peace, warmth and closeness to God, as if I'm visiting with a long lost friend, rocking gently together on her front porch, and sipping on a glass of iced tea.  That's how welcome Cheryl makes her readers feel.

Cheryl describes her work with these words:  Homespun Devotions - Volume Two continues a series of books that record the piecing together of many of the stories in my life and rich spiritual truths God has imparted along the way.  As you read these homespun narratives of faith, family, love, marriage, motherhood, friendship, and the music that is such a part of my heritage, you will discover glimpses into the moments of the soul - searching and intense struggles I have experienced while journeying to a place of complete surrender to the One who bled and died for me.


And now comes the easy part:  If you would like to be entered in a drawing to receive a complimentary copy of Cheryl's latest book, just leave a comment below.  On April 1, I will have my husband, Danny, draw a name from a hat.  I will announce the winner in the blog that follows.  Regrettably, though, for my many out-of-country friends who follow me, shipping costs prohibit overseas mailing.  The good news?  You can order Cheryl's amazing book on Amazon.  And if you have yet to read Homespun Devotions - Number One, you can order that, too.

May this book of collected devotions touch your heart the way it has touched mine!


About the author:

Cheryl E. Smith is the author of the books, "Biblical Minimalism:  Following Jesus from a Life of Abundance to a More Abundant Life" and "Homespun Devotions - Volume One."  She blogs as, where she writes about minimalism from a Biblical perspective, and where she writes devotionals and conducts "Inner Views."  She loves to spend time with her husband and son in the mountains, sing and play rhythm guitar for the Mountain Hope Band, and write.  You can hear her original songs on YouTube @mountainhopeband.


  1. This sounds like a book that is essential to those who follow Christ in these days.

    1. It truly is, Cecelia. Cheryl's reflections are unsurpassed!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dearest Martha Jane,
    The word 'Homespun' is a very clever and also valuable word in her title!
    Sounds like a great book.
    Just received two devotional books that I yet have to read so I don't need to be added to the drawing.
    Good luck to the winner for being picked out of the hat by Danny! 🎩

    1. I replied to you earlier, Mariette, but somehow, it didn't take. So sorry! I hear you about having devotional books in line, but if you win the book, you could just save it for when you do need a new one.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I sure believe we need more "down to earth reflections" and less trying to reinvent the Word! I'm going to share this post with my (like minded) Bible study ladies.

    1. Wonderful, Myra!!! I know Cheryl will so appreciate this. The Word isn't meant to be reinvented, but to be observed and followed as best as we can.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Thanks for sharing about this wonderful book!

    1. You are so very welcome, Christine!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Glynn! Your assessments always boost my spirits.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Thank you for including me in the drawing, Martha! I will go check out her volume one after I post this comment. Blessings!

    1. So glad you plan to do so, Terri. Cheryl is such a wonderful writer, and I'm so fortunate to be able to promote her latest book.
      Love and blessings!

  7. This devotional book sounds very comforting and inspirational. I love it when people truly write from the heart and from their own personal experiences with what God is teaching them in their daily lives. Thank you for this wonderful book review and the gift offer! You are a blessing to all of us as well!! God bless you dear friend!!

    1. And you, dear Pamela, are a blessing to me! Good luck in the drawing for this book.
      Love and blessings!

  8. A wonderful book review, thanks for sharing.

  9. It is wonderful to find sisters in the Lord that you can share with and be comfortable. I truly like it when someone shares about a book that has blessed them and share about it with others. Great for your friend and group for us that we found out about this book.

    1. I'm always happy to share a book that has helped me in my Christian walk, Charlotte. Good luck with the drawing!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, thank you for sharing this lovely review; the devotional sounds very interesting.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Kim! Glad you liked the review.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I certainly enjoyed and gained from Cheryl's insights in Volume One. But please don't put my name in the hat so someone else may become acquainted with her writings!

    1. I'll be glad to honor that request, Nancy, but do let me know if you change your mind.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Great post. "as if I'm visiting with a long lost friend" I love this expression.

    1. So gratified to know that expression touched you, Crane.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Just received my free copy of this one in the mail (I won it at Linda Stoll's blog). I'm looking forward to getting into it and Vol. 1. I echo Nancy's sentiments (above).

    1. Congrats, Bill, for winning over at Linda's blog! Yes, I'll be sure to take your name out of the hat.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Wow, Martha! You've given us a double blessing. We not only get an opportunity to meet another gifted writer, we get a chance to win a lottery that doesn't require paying taxes if we win. Thanks for being the faithful friend and active promoter of God's truth that you are.

    1. Thanks, Ron! Good luck in the drawing, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Cheryl's devotion sounds amazing and she seems like a such a sweet person and inspiring writer. This!--"...journeying to a place of complete surrender to the One who bled and died for me."

    1. Oh, Karen, Cheryl will capture your heart and mind with her devotionals as much as she captures mine, guaranteed! Good luck with the drawing, but if you don't win, don't hesitate to order her book.
      Love and blessings!

  16. What a nice way to introduce new writers to us. An honor to have met Ms. Cheryl here and learn a bit about you both. Will be looking to read more of her work. God's blessings ladies.

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, J. D.! Her work is inspirational and humble at the same time. I do wish you the best in winning the giveaway!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I love the title and the photo. Thank you for sharing, Martha. Blessings.

    1. It's an amazing devotional, Diana. Thanks for stopping by!
      Love and blessings!

  18. The title is perfect. God raises up from being mundane to being a witness for His power. Thanks.


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