Friday, December 16, 2016

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

From our hearts and hearth
to yours ~
May you have a very Merry Christmas
filled with joy, blessings, and love!

Danny and Martha

See you in the New Year!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and shield.  I trust him with all my heart.  He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

"My favorite definition of joy is someone is glad to be with me." ~Christa Black Gifford, Heart Made Whole

Christmas, we are told in the Andy Williams' classic tune, "is the most wonderful time of the year . . . the hap-happiest season of all."  The twinkling lights, the sweet aroma of gingerbread, the pungent odor of freshly cut evergreen, the gaily wrapped gifts nestled under the tree, carols in the air, the exuberant laughter of children, family gatherings - what's not to like?

But for some of us, Christmas is anything but merry and bright.  Perhaps this year has seen the loss of a loved one, chronic illness, an unexpected lay-off, or any host (not heavenly) of troubles weighing heavily upon your heart.

Where's the joy in that?

I recall, as if it were yesterday, my first Christmas after my husband, John, passed away.  I take my children, then ten and thirteen, to my parents' home to celebrate together.  Since nine months have gone by since we lost John, I mistakenly think I can emotionally hold myself together.

But the moment my children begin unwrapping their presents, tears spring to my eyes.  A vivid memory of John and me exchanging gifts the Christmas before flashes before me like an unwanted newsreel.  We were so glad just to be with each other!

Now all that is gone.

Yes, I have my family and friends.  I'm not alone, I reason.  But still, this pain.  This excruciating hurt.  Dear Jesus, will it ever go away?  Will I ever know joy again?

In the last chapter of her book, Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford writes:  "Jesus' intention for us as believers is never to suppress the truth of our emotions and put on fake religious smiles, attempting to deal with very natural feelings on our own.  When life hurts, we hurt just as He did - and that's simply okay.  He never wants us to beat up our hearts as they bleed, kicking our emotions to the side, quoting Scripture at them in anger, or willing ourselves to change . . . Feeling our pain doesn't prove we lack faith - it proves our need for constant connection  with God."

Constant connection with God . . .

As I struggled along those many years ago, I wish I had had Gifford's words to guide me.  How much quicker I might have healed, opened my eyes to the constant promise of joy in Jesus, if only I understood that He wasn't feeling sorry for me from afar, but weeping along with me, holding me close in His comforting arms.

If only I had known, as I know now, that Jesus, my Lord and Savior, is always glad to be with me.

And He is only too glad to be right there with you, this Christmas and for all the Christmases yet to come.

If you are struggling, my friends, may this knowledge give you peace and hope and joy at this most wonderful time of the year.

Love and joy come to you,
And a Merry Christmas, too!
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.



This post concludes our book discussion of Heart Made Whole by Christa Black Gifford.  Thanks so much for joining Jason StasyszenSarah SalterGlynn Young, and me as we journeyed together through this inspirational book.  
May God bless!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Rudolph With Your Nose so Bright

Romans 2:12
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

This post first appeared on Meditations of My Heart in December of 2012.  As I have many new and amazing followers here at the blog, God prompted me to share this Christmas cheer with you all once again.  Enjoy!

To those of you who regularly visit Meditations of My Heart, this confession may come as a bit of a surprise - I love watching Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer every year at Christmas.  It's been one of my favorites since I was a girl (yes, the show is older than dirt - lol!).  Why?  Because it's a heartwarming story with a Christian message.

What???  Really?  Surely, you must be joking, Martha!  It's a story about Santa and reindeer, the North Pole and elves, jingle bells and ho, ho, ho.  Where is Jesus in THAT?

I'll tell you.

First, I see the Lord in the willingness of both Rudolph and Yukon Cornelius to sacrifice their own lives for their friends.  Did Jesus not say, "Greater love has no one than this:  to lay down one's life for one's friends."  (John 15:13)  And in His great, infinite, wondrous love for us, did Jesus not make the ultimate sacrifice when He hung on the cross?  Bore the sins of everyone - you and me?  Died that we might be free?  Risen that we might have everlasting life in Him?

That similarity alone in Rudolph's story would be enough to argue in favor of a Christian message.  But there's more.

Rudolph, with his nose too bright, and Hermey, the elf who would rather be a dentist than make toys, are misfits.  They are persecuted and shunned by their friends and family.  But instead of conforming to the demands of the society in which they live, Rudolf and Hermey decide to be "independent together."  They leave the North Pole and set out to make their own way in this world.

As Christians, who are in the world but not of it, don't we all have a bit of the misfit in us, too?  Aren't we often scorned and ridiculed by those who consider themselves wise in worldly ways?

And wasn't Jesus considered a misfit by the Pharasees and teachers of the Law?  Certainly, our Lord did not fit any religious mold considered righteous by the establishment.  Instead, they declared Him a blasphemer, and turned Him over to the Roman authorities.  We know the rest of that story . . .

No, being a misfit isn't safe.  But when it's for Jesus' sake, it is worth everything.

On the Island of Misfit Toys, King Moonracer tells Rudolf and his friends, "A toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child."  That very Christmas, Santa collects all those sad, not cherished toys and delivers them to boys and girls who will love and appreciate them.  The very boys and girls who will make them happy forever.

And isn't it the same with us?  We can never be truly happy until we understand how much we are loved by God.  Misfits, in all our brokenness and frailties, trials and troubles, loved.  By the King of the Universe.



And because of this incomparable love, like Rudolph leading Santa's team through the murky fog, his red nose glowing, we can shine God's light into the darkness.  Bringing hope to others.  Showing them where true joy and happiness begin.

Misfits, you and I.

We can lead the way.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Weathering the "What-ifs"

Matthew 6:25-27
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

The majority of the "what-if" scenarios that we allow to roll through our brains never come close to happening, but these imagined scenes are so powerful, they end up dictating our responses and actions and ruining our present moments with unnecessary emotions.  ~Christa Black Gifford, Heart Made Whole

Are you a worry-wort?  When stressful challenges present themselves, are you more prone to imagine a whole bunch of negative "what-ifs" instead of calming your imagination, and turning to God for guidance?

In my novels, Davy's mother, Kate, struggles with being able to let go and let God, especially when it comes to allowing her children out of her sight.  Although we certainly see her making progress, with husband, Jim's, help throughout the book series, her son, Davy, has caught the "bug."  When he perceives his beloved Old Ones could be in jeopardy due to the untoward public appearance of Racer, True Squirrel of the Old Ones, twice in one week, Davy can't help but let his imagination run rampant with those detrimental "what-ifs."

Here is what transpires when Davy's sister, Anna, and Racer get tossed into the Nantahala River while rafting, and Jim, once again, makes a positive intervention.

When Anna finally stopped crying, Jim gave her a smile and a loving tug on her sopping wet braid.  "You've had quite the adventure today, Miss Priss.  We're all so proud of the way you stayed calm through it all."

"That was because of Racer," Anna said softly.  "I could see and hear him.  He told me not to be afraid."

"Anna," Davy said with a most serious look on his face, "you're not the only one who saw and heard Racer.  Everyone did."

"Everyone?"  she asked in alarm.  "I know Pastor Mike and Miss Abby saw him, but I thought that was because Racer chose to be seen."

Davy shook his head sadly.  "Remember what Racer said about becoming visible when he gets wet, Anna?  It looks like my worst fear came true today."

"Cheer up, Davy," Mike said encouragingly.  "Good ol' Racer made a successful escape.  And what an absolute pleasure it was to see him again."

"And to meet him for the first time," Abby chimed in.  "What a thrill!"

"I'm glad you two could see him," Davy said sincerely.  "It's the other people who were there who worry me.  The ones I saw taking photos."

"But we took photos of Racer just the other day," Anna said, "and he didn't show up in any of them."

"That's because he was invisible to everybody but me," Davy told her.  "What if he can be seen in these photos?  What if someone puts their pictures of Racer on the internet?"

Jim took Davy gently by the shoulders.  "Look at me," he said comfortingly.  "If I saw a photo of a giant squirrel showing up on the internet, you know what my first reaction would be?"

"No, what?"  Davy asked.

"It's been photo-shopped," Jim answered, "pure and simple.  So let's not allow our 'what-ifs' to run away with us right now, okay, son?"

What Jim does here for his stepson, Davy, echoes what Christa Black Gifford states in Chapter Eight, Your Heart-Brain Connection, in Heart Made Whole:  "If all of us are already using our imaginations every day, many times to envision negative things, shouldn't we learn how to use them in a sanctified way to draw close to Jesus?"

While a vivid imagination is a potent gift, especially for writers and artists, it is not without fault when it fails to stop and rest in the very source of that imagination.  Gifford challenges us with this question:  "How could you use your imagination to encounter God instead?"

Such wonderful advice for weathering all of life's "what-ifs!"

(I hope Davy and Kate are listening.)



I have been discussing with fellow Christian bloggers, Jason StasyszenSarah Salter and Glynn Young, Christa Black Gifford's book, Heart Made Whole.  Next Wednesday will be our last installments.  I do hope you will visit their blogs and see for yourself the uniqueness each author brings to the table.
God bless!

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Princess and the Pipe

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and our strength,
and ever-present help in trouble.

On Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, I pick up my oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and embark on the long, back-roads journey to my mother's home in Oxford, Georgia.  It is the first time Virginia will be spending the night at her great grandmother's, and she is beside herself with excitement.  I, too, am elated by the prospect of having my special little lady with me for a few days, and looking forward to helping Mom with Thanksgiving dinner.

We land at the house mid-afternoon.  As the weather is unusually balmy, Virginia wants to go out on the spacious screened porch on the side of the house.  (You can just glimpse it in the photo above.)  We are not out there more than five minutes, when an unexpected visitor shows up, meowing and begging for attention at the porch door.  Virginia is enchanted and enthralled by her new friend, and promptly dubs her "Princess."

Princess, obviously enamored by Virginia's attention, visits us multiple times the following day.  No matter where we walk in the yard, the kitty stays close on our heels.

"I have an idea, Virginia," I say when we've tired of tossing the bouncy ball back and forth.  "Why don't we take a walk down the road to the Old Church?"

"Okay, Gammie," she says, "but do you think Princess will come, too?"

"She just might," I affirm.

We start off and, sure enough, Princess is faithfully trailing, albeit at a greater distance than she had in the yard.  Virginia keeps looking over her shoulder to check the cat's progress and calling out encouragements to her to keep up.  But as soon as we reach the grounds of the church, Princess is nowhere to be found.

"Here, Princess!"  Virginia cries worriedly.

I try to reassure her.  "Maybe she got tired of walking, honey, and just turned around to go home.  We'll see her soon.  I promise."

Virginia is anxious for her friend, though, so we don't linger at the Old Church for long.  It's back we go, eyes peeled for Princess, and Virginia calling her name.  As luck would have it, we spy her little head peeping warily out of a drain pipe.  In a moment, we know exactly why she is hiding.

Turkey vultures!!!  An enormous flock has appeared above us, swooping and gliding ominously, some even landing on the road in front of the Old Church!

"That's why Princess is in the pipe," I tell Virginia.  "She is afraid of those turkey vultures; I don't think she'll venture out until they've flown away."

Wanting to offer her scared kitty some comfort, Virginia slides down the shallow ditch so she can reach into the pipe and stroke Princess' head.  "It's going to be okay, Princess," she says soothingly.  "We won't let the big bad birds get you."

We wait there for what seems an eternity before the worrisome vultures decide to depart as quickly as they came.  Seeing at last that the coast is clear, Princess ventures out from the refuge of the pipe and faithfully follows us all the way back to the house.


Princess knew instinctively where to run for cover when danger threatens.  When we are waist-deep in trials and struggles, is our first impulse to seek God, our refuge and our strength, or do we strive to go it alone?

I hope and pray we all remember God's ever-present help in times of trouble.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Do you experience your relationship with God in your head, or in your heart? ~Christa Black Gifford, Heart Made Whole

Last Saturday, I celebrate the completion of a year-long reading of the entire Bible.  I began the study on the first Sunday of Advent, 2015, using the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan, which I highly recommend.  As I used The Message for this study, I've decided to explore different versions of the Bible as I prepare to read every word of it again this year.

Yes!  Reading the whole Bible is something I have never managed to accomplish before now.  Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty darned good about this milestone achievement.

And if I'm honest with myself, I'm feeling quite proud, too.  Smug even.

Until, that is, I read Chapter Seven, The Naked Heart, in Christa Black Gifford's book, Heart Made Whole, and encounter this passage:  "It's easy to open a Bible and read a Scripture with your physical eyes and memorize a sentence with your head, but studying the Bible without experiencing the God of the Bible is a total waste of time.  If your pursuit of Scripture isn't leading you to intimate fellowship with God, then you've completely missed the mark."

Ouch!  Gifford's words hit way to close to home.  How many times did I open my Bible over the last year because it was time to read the daily offering, never giving a second thought of God wishing to speak not just to my mind, but to my heart, too?  Had I neglected to invite Him, through the Holy Spirit, to sit with me as I read, to help guide me in truly hearing His Word with my whole being?

Not nearly enough!

So this go-round, I'm changing things up.  I'm committing to begin each daily session of Scripture reading with a prayer, a sincere invitation to God to open the eyes of my heart to what He is trying to show and tell me.  What He desires to reveal of Himself in those particular passages.

I never again wish to simply read God's Word, and dare to imagine that is ever enough.

I long to experience the presence of the One who, as Gifford writes, "just happens to be the most important, intimate, loving, compassionate, powerfully real relationship you'll ever have . . ."



For the next two Wednesdays, I will be joining fellow Christian bloggers, Jason StasyszenSarah Salter and Glynn Young in a discussion of Heart Made Whole by Christa Black Gifford.  I hope you will join us as we explore this amazing book together.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Think Again!

John 1:17-18
For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

Today's meditation is an excerpt from my third novel, Revelation, in the Adventures in The Glade Series.  Without giving away too much of the plot, as I hope you will be intrigued enough to order my novels, allow me to set up the scene.

Betty Rae is the wife of Jim's (Davy's stepfather) cousin, Ronnie, who is in the hospital because of a severe gunshot wound to his hand.  Naturally, Betty Rae is struggling with her emotions at this inconceivable turn of events.  Pastor Mike is in the emergency waiting room with Jim for an extremely pressing reason, which I will not spoil here with an explanation, and can't help but note Betty Rae's distress.  My hope is that this exchange between Pastor Mike and Betty Rae will inspire you to share the Good News with those so in need of hearing it.


"Mrs. Carson?"  Betty Rae looked up and saw Mike regarding her with kind, sympathetic eyes behind his round spectacles.  "I'm Pastor Mike Russell, from Nantahala United Methodist Church.  Would you mind if I sat down?"  Betty Rae didn't utter a word, but simply motioned half-heartedly at the empty chair next to her.  Mike promptly took his seat and turned to face Betty Rae, but she didn't respond in kind.  Instead she resumed staring at the far wall, as if she had no company whatsoever.  Her face wore a passive expression that belied the turmoil she was enduring inside.  Though Betty Rae seemed on the surface to be resigned to whatever fate befell her this dreadful day, Mike was sure he glimpsed a hint of distress in her eyes.  "Mrs. Carson?"  Mike tried again, his voice barely audible.  "Would you like me to pray with you?"

Betty Rae turned toward Mike this time, blinking her eyes as if she were seeing him for the first time.  As she pondered his question in her mind, her appearance transformed from one of indifference to one of haughty indignation.  "You want to pray with me?"  Betty Rae snarled sarcastically.  "Aren't you with Jim over there?  Aren't you his preacher?  What would he think about you cozying up to the enemy?"

"You're not the enemy, Mrs. Carson," Mike calmly assured her.  "In fact, we just finished praying for you a few moments ago.  I just thought you might need someone to pray with you."

"Think again," Betty Rae huffed angrily.  "I don't believe in all that hocus-pocus prayer stuff.  Never did me any good when I tried in the past, so don't think for a minute I'm going to try it again."

Mike was understandably flustered by Betty Rae's unexpected declaration and flippant attitude, but he decided to push the envelope.  "So I'm assuming by what you just stated, Mrs. Carson," he ventured, "that you and Mr. Carson don't attend church?"

"Oh, we attend church, all right," she protested.  "Wouldn't be right not to.  I mean, what would folks think?  I just don't like all the religion garbage."

Mike pounced on this window of opportunity.  "God doesn't like religion either," he avowed.

Betty Rae's mouth few open and her eyes grew round with disbelief.  "How can you say that, you being a preacher and all?"  she spluttered.  "I've never heard the likes!"

"But it's true," Mike continued, undeterred.  "God doesn't like religion.  What He likes, what He wants from us, is relationship."

"Relationship?"  Betty Rae was dumbfounded.  "What does that mean?"

"It's why God sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth," Mike stated unpretentiously, "to die for our sins and restore a right relationship with the Father, or to be more accurate, as our Daddy, the One who loves us immeasurably as His children."

Betty Rae scowled as she mulled Mike's words over in her mind.  Daddy?  How preposterous!  God wants us to call Him that?  It seems too simple; too good to be true.  Yet this Pastor Russell seems so sure of it.  I can't think why he wouldn't be telling me the truth.  But I still can't wrap my head around it.  "Pastor Russell," she said flatly, her frown still in place, "I don't know what to think about what you just said.  No one's ever explained it like that to me.  I need time to digest it."

"You do that, Mrs. Carson," Mike said encouragingly as he stood up to go.  "Now, if you will excuse me . . ."

"Wait!"  Betty Rae's command startled him.  "Sit back down.  I've changed my mind."

"Changed your mind?"  Mike asked.

"Yes," she said as Mike caught the barest glimmer of a smile on her face.  "I'll take those prayers after all."


Prayer is powerful.  Think again before you dismiss praying with or for someone else.  Like Pastor Mike knows, trusting in God to hear our prayers is a win-win, every time!

I will not be posting any new blog entries next week due to the Thanksgiving holidays.  Know that I wish you all a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, and I will see you back here on Wednesday, November 30th.  God bless!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Heart Healthy

Proverbs 23:7 (AMP)
As he thinks in his heart, so he is.

God's intention for your heart has always been to bind it up, making it undivided and whole, just as He promised in Ezekiel 11:19:  "I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh." ~Christa Black Gifford, Heart Made Whole

Until I read Chapter Five of Christa Black Gifford's book, Heart Made Whole, I am unaware that our hearts are comprised of three distinct, but interactive parts:  Emotional; Guardian, and Function.  God means for these three to work in perfect balance, undivided and supportive of one another, much like I envision the Holy Trinity.

But what happens when they don't?  When, instead of working in unity, these heart parts wage war within us?

It is impossible to live out our lives without encountering pain in this world.  Your emotional heart knows this all too well.  But if, in lieu of being expressed, this pain gets suppressed, that's when everything goes awry.  Gifford says, "When you condemn your emotional heart for the normal feelings it produces, both good and bad, instead of trying to understand why it feels that way, an essential part of your heart gets stifled and shamed, eventually shutting down to cope."

Enter the guardian heart.  "It's sole purpose is to keep you safe," states Gifford, "so your guardian heart will do whatever it needs to accomplish the task.  It believes more than anything that your pain must stay separated from your consciousness or you will be too overwhelmed to keep functioning."

And the function heart?  "(It) must remain in denial about emotional pain or it can't do what it needs to do to stay alive, or perform to remain loved and accepted, or climb towards more success and achievement," Gifford writes.

Bottled-up emotions=overprotective, defensive wall=substituting meaningless doing for mindful being.  In other words, when we don't address and acknowledge the pain we feel in any given circumstance, we run the risk of entering this vicious, self-destructive cycle.

So how might these three work together in a healthy manner?  I'll use the example of a toddler being told, "Hot!  Don't touch!" when she approaches the stove.  Curiosity gets the better of her.  She touches it anyway.  Oh, the pain!!!  She screams and cries, venting her hurt freely and immediately.

To be sure, in the future, her guardian heart will remind her not to venture there again.  And her function heart will help her navigate the kitchen safely when mom or dad is cooking.

If you are suffering from heart dysfunction due to some trauma you simply cannot forgive or forget, I hope you will prayerfully contemplate this heart-healthy advice from Gifford:  "The only way for your heart to live in unity with God is if you're also living in unity with yourself.  This can happen only if you call in a skilled mediator, Jesus, who sits with all the parts of your heart, both wounded and whole, and begins a safe, truthful, inner conversation in which everything is brought to light and laid out on the table."

Because as you think in your heart, so you are.



Thank you for joining me here for our weekly discussion, chapter by chapter, of Heart Made Whole by Christa Black Gifford.  Make sure to visit my fellow bloggers who are participating:  Jason StasyszenSarah Salter, and Glynn Young.  Although I will post my regular blog this coming Friday, I will be taking off the week of Thanksgiving.
God bless!

Friday, November 11, 2016

A Gratitude Attitude

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

With the Thanksgiving Holiday right around the corner, it isn't unusual to see many folks in the blogosphere and on Facebook extolling the virtues of living life with an active sense of gratitude.  My Christian blogging friend, Deb Wolf, at Counting My Blessings is devoting the month of November to how being thankful can bring us closer to God.

In a recent post, Deb challenges her readers to keep a gratitude journal, writing down seven things each day for which we are grateful.  I decide right away to take her up on it, and I can't tell you how rewarding this practice has already been for me.

And easy!  But I must admit -  the easy part is because I've been cultivating a Gratitude Attitude in my life for many years.  Not a day goes by when I don't give God thanks for even the littlest of kindnesses and pleasures that make me smile.

However, for some of you, who may be going through some discouraging and disappointing times, a Gratitude Attitude is probably not high on your priority list.  Bogged down by stresses, worries, fears, or _______________ (You fill in the blank.), being thankful in such circumstances seems nigh impossible.

But take heart!  According to a November 2014 article in Forbes by psychologist, Amy Morin, the seven scientific benefits of a thankful attitude are too empowering to ignore.  They are as follows:

  • Gratitude opens the door to more relationships.
  • Gratitude improves physical health.
  • Gratitude improves psychological health.
  • Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.
  • Grateful people sleep better.
  • Gratitude improves self-esteem.
  • Gratitude increases mental strength.
Who wouldn't want any and all of these?

Are you ready to join Deb and me in beginning to write a daily gratitude journal?  Not sure where to start?  Here's a super list of suggestions Deb gives to get us moving and help us stay motivated:

  1. Who was kind to you today?
  2. What did you enjoy doing today?
  3. Who helped you today?
  4. Who did you help?
  5. What is the best thing that happened today?
  6. What simple thing made today a good day?
  7. What did you learn today?
  8. Who made you smile today?  What did they do?
  9. What did you learn from a bad experience?
  10. How did technology make your life easier?
  11. Who made you feel important today?
  12. Who or what made you happy today?
  13. What was your favorite taste, smell, touch, sight, or sound from the day?
  14. What do you like about your neighborhood?
  15. Who forgave you?  Who did you forgive?
  16. What did you do today you couldn't do yesterday?
  17. Who thanked you today?  How did it make you feel?
  18. Who loves you?  Who do you love?
  19. Where did you see God at work today?
  20. What are you most thankful for today?
Great tips, wouldn't you agree?  Thanks, Deb, for inspiring me and others in nurturing a Gratitude Attitude in our lives.

And may we keep this journal not just in the month of November, but all year round!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's All Papa, All the Time!

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

According to Scripture, the will of a good father is that all of His children - no matter how vile, destructive, perverse, or sinful - would run into His open arms of love through repentance, finding salvation. ~Christa Black Gifford, Heart Made Whole

As I read Chapter Four, The Reconciled Heart, in Gifford's book, Heart Made Whole, I am particularly moved by an anecdote she relates of her then three-year-old son, Moses,' preference of parents.  Moses is for all things "mommy" - from being buckled into his car seat to being snuggled first thing in the morning.

Although her husband, Luke, "takes Moses to the park, rides bikes to get ice cream, and plays with him for hours to develop attachment and relationship - being more engaged as a father than I've ever seen in an earthly man," still, Moses favors Mom every time.

Luke, to say the least, is disheartened and discouraged.  Wouldn't any of us feel this way when the child we love and nurture seems to care little for our ministrations?

As our oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is growing up, my daughter, Sarah, is working outside the home while husband, John, is going back to school.  There are many mornings, afternoons and evenings, when I take care of this little one, and am glad to do it.  I can't begin to count how many diapers I change, how many games we play, how many bottles I replenish, how many cuddles we share.  This Gammie savors and treasures every moment!

Enter Papa, and all that Gammie loving might as well be chopped liver.  It's all Papa, all the time!

Now make no mistake.  I'm thrilled that Virginia loves her Papa so much, but there is that part of me, which has given such unrestrained and constant dedication to her care, that I can't help but feel just a twinge of sadness.  I give Virginia so much love.  Isn't that enough?

And isn't that exactly how God, our heavenly Father, feels when He provides us with riches and blessings beyond measure, yet we run in another direction, seeking something or someone other than Him?

As Gifford says, "Love cannot be forced.  Love is always a choice."

God gave us free will so that we can choose:  whom we love, when we love, how we love.

An amazing and selfless gift, indeed, from the Father, who only wants our whole-hearted love and obedience.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if each and every one of us could turn our whole hearts to our Abba and say with conviction:  "It's all Papa, all the time!"



For the next five weeks, I am joining fellow Christian bloggers, Jason StasyszenSarah Salter and Glynn Young in a reflective discussion of Heart Made Whole by Christa Black Gifford.  Please feel free to order the book for yourself and join in with us, or simply visit each person to give them feedback.
God bless!

Friday, November 4, 2016

God's in the Details

Luke 12:6-7
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?  Yet no one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered.  Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

I mention in a previous post that our dishwasher begins to act erratically, threatening to quit at any moment.  My husband, Danny, throws the breaker switch and voila!  She's back up and running.

As we are traveling home from our glorious week in the mountains, I receive a text from my son, Daniel, who is temporarily living with us.  Mom, the dishwasher is messing up again.

"Uh-oh," I say aloud, "and I'll bet it's full of dirty dishes."

"The dishwasher isn't working?"  Danny asks in alarm.  "Again?"

"Again," I say gloomily.

"Well, let's not worry about it until we get home," he says.  "You never know; trying the breaker may do the trick one more time."

But it doesn't.

And my premonition of a dishwasher loaded to the gills turns out to be true.  So now, on top of unloading the car and unpacking, I have the added chore of washing all the soiled glasses and plates and utensils.  Bummer!

Or so I imagine.

About half-way through the suds and the scrubbing, the rinsing and drying, I have an epiphany.  In having to wash everything by hand, I'm paying attention, focusing on the details of every surface of the objects I'm cleaning.  Noticing things about our dishes and flatware that I never had before, and coming to appreciate them in a whole new way.

And I'm reminded of how God is in every detail, no matter how minute, of our lives.  He, who numbers the hairs on our head, will never forget nor forsake us.  Just as I hold a glass up to the light to make sure I've cleansed every smudge and smear, so God, through the salvation offered us by Christ Jesus, has removed every stain of sin as far as east is from west.

"Danny," I say with a smile, "Don't buy a new dishwasher."

"You must be joking!"

"No, I'm serious," I assure him.  "Just buy me a drying rack and I'll be happy."

So he does.

And I'm not just happy.

I'm blessed!


Are you seeing God in the details of your life?

Welcome Home

  Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send ou...