Friday, November 18, 2016

Think Again!

John 1:17-18
For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

Today's meditation is an excerpt from my third novel, Revelation, in the Adventures in The Glade Series.  Without giving away too much of the plot, as I hope you will be intrigued enough to order my novels, allow me to set up the scene.

Betty Rae is the wife of Jim's (Davy's stepfather) cousin, Ronnie, who is in the hospital because of a severe gunshot wound to his hand.  Naturally, Betty Rae is struggling with her emotions at this inconceivable turn of events.  Pastor Mike is in the emergency waiting room with Jim for an extremely pressing reason, which I will not spoil here with an explanation, and can't help but note Betty Rae's distress.  My hope is that this exchange between Pastor Mike and Betty Rae will inspire you to share the Good News with those so in need of hearing it.


"Mrs. Carson?"  Betty Rae looked up and saw Mike regarding her with kind, sympathetic eyes behind his round spectacles.  "I'm Pastor Mike Russell, from Nantahala United Methodist Church.  Would you mind if I sat down?"  Betty Rae didn't utter a word, but simply motioned half-heartedly at the empty chair next to her.  Mike promptly took his seat and turned to face Betty Rae, but she didn't respond in kind.  Instead she resumed staring at the far wall, as if she had no company whatsoever.  Her face wore a passive expression that belied the turmoil she was enduring inside.  Though Betty Rae seemed on the surface to be resigned to whatever fate befell her this dreadful day, Mike was sure he glimpsed a hint of distress in her eyes.  "Mrs. Carson?"  Mike tried again, his voice barely audible.  "Would you like me to pray with you?"

Betty Rae turned toward Mike this time, blinking her eyes as if she were seeing him for the first time.  As she pondered his question in her mind, her appearance transformed from one of indifference to one of haughty indignation.  "You want to pray with me?"  Betty Rae snarled sarcastically.  "Aren't you with Jim over there?  Aren't you his preacher?  What would he think about you cozying up to the enemy?"

"You're not the enemy, Mrs. Carson," Mike calmly assured her.  "In fact, we just finished praying for you a few moments ago.  I just thought you might need someone to pray with you."

"Think again," Betty Rae huffed angrily.  "I don't believe in all that hocus-pocus prayer stuff.  Never did me any good when I tried in the past, so don't think for a minute I'm going to try it again."

Mike was understandably flustered by Betty Rae's unexpected declaration and flippant attitude, but he decided to push the envelope.  "So I'm assuming by what you just stated, Mrs. Carson," he ventured, "that you and Mr. Carson don't attend church?"

"Oh, we attend church, all right," she protested.  "Wouldn't be right not to.  I mean, what would folks think?  I just don't like all the religion garbage."

Mike pounced on this window of opportunity.  "God doesn't like religion either," he avowed.

Betty Rae's mouth few open and her eyes grew round with disbelief.  "How can you say that, you being a preacher and all?"  she spluttered.  "I've never heard the likes!"

"But it's true," Mike continued, undeterred.  "God doesn't like religion.  What He likes, what He wants from us, is relationship."

"Relationship?"  Betty Rae was dumbfounded.  "What does that mean?"

"It's why God sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth," Mike stated unpretentiously, "to die for our sins and restore a right relationship with the Father, or to be more accurate, as our Daddy, the One who loves us immeasurably as His children."

Betty Rae scowled as she mulled Mike's words over in her mind.  Daddy?  How preposterous!  God wants us to call Him that?  It seems too simple; too good to be true.  Yet this Pastor Russell seems so sure of it.  I can't think why he wouldn't be telling me the truth.  But I still can't wrap my head around it.  "Pastor Russell," she said flatly, her frown still in place, "I don't know what to think about what you just said.  No one's ever explained it like that to me.  I need time to digest it."

"You do that, Mrs. Carson," Mike said encouragingly as he stood up to go.  "Now, if you will excuse me . . ."

"Wait!"  Betty Rae's command startled him.  "Sit back down.  I've changed my mind."

"Changed your mind?"  Mike asked.

"Yes," she said as Mike caught the barest glimmer of a smile on her face.  "I'll take those prayers after all."


Prayer is powerful.  Think again before you dismiss praying with or for someone else.  Like Pastor Mike knows, trusting in God to hear our prayers is a win-win, every time!

I will not be posting any new blog entries next week due to the Thanksgiving holidays.  Know that I wish you all a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, and I will see you back here on Wednesday, November 30th.  God bless!


  1. Hi Martha! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I hope you'll be spending time with your dear grandchildren.
    Prayer always sounds such a lame offer to people without faith, but as we know, it's the most powerful thing we can do. We can ask a tender Father to help, full of faith while knowing that what we can do is so limited.
    May we all be blessed with a close relationship with our Father,

    1. Yes, Ceil, prayer IS the most powerful thing we can do, as God can take it from there, that's for sure! I have been so blessed recently to see so many prayers answered; our God is good and gracious, all the time.
      And it will be a happy Thanksgiving, indeed, as I will be able to see all three grandgirls. Hope you and yours have a splendid holiday, too!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, Thank you for sharing this meaningful post. This side of heaven we'll not know just how effective our prayers are--some of which we may not live to see fully answered.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Whether we see our prayers answered here in this life is not important in the long view - you are so right about that, Kim! It matters THAT we pray. As I told Ceil above, God can handle the rest as He sees fit.
      Happy Thanksgiving!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh yes! How often have we encountered people just like Betty sure of their "religion", but unaware of the greater relationship with Jesus Christ that could be their own. Sounds like a great book. Thank you for sharing it with us. I may need to check into this further! Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones and friends. See you next time...when the hubbub is over and we can settle down year??? :)

    1. Pamela, I do hope you will check out all my books. If you go to my website, all six will be displayed, and they are numbered as they are a continuing series. The first novel is A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror. You'll want to start with that one!
      Hoping you and yours have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, too! Enjoy!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! will miss you next week

    1. I will miss you next week, too, Jean, but I'll be taking my oldest granddaughter to visit with my Mom and then spend Thanksgiving together with the rest of the family.
      Wishing you a terrific Thanksgiving, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I love it when someone who is lost ask me to pray. Happy Thanksgiving Martha...

    1. Isn't that just the best, Betty? Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm convinced that my nephew's wife has a direct line to God! When two of my kids needed some extra prayer mojo in recent months, I asked her to pray for them. Miracles followed. Just sayin'....

    1. Oh, what a fabulous testimony, Galen! That's the kind of news I love to hear, too!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...