Sunday, October 9, 2022

Find Rest


Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. ~Psalm 62:5

I can hear some of you now: "Didn't she just take a blogging break?  Why is she choosing to take another one so soon?  Is everything alright?"

Rest assured, my friends, everything is absolutely fine.  But it's October.  The weather is blissfully cool, and the air is vibrant, fresh and crisp.  After an interminably long and hot summer, where there wasn't a day when I didn't feel drained and defeated by the heat, I want to fully embrace this fall season with all the attention and celebration it deserves.

So, my plans are to spend as much time as possible outdoors, reveling in the autumn sights and unique colors.  Who knows?  Danny and I may take some day trips here and there to fully savor the delights of this season.

The long and short of it is, though, I want to devote my attention fully to immersing myself in this season of the year.  I won't be blogging for the next several weeks.  I will try to visit all of your blogs as I can, but please don't think I'm ignoring you if I don't leave comments.  I value each and every one of you, and will keep you in my prayers while I'm "gone."

May you all embrace the wonders that autumn brings, and welcome the rest God provides when we take time to reflect and pray, and give thanks for His continued blessings.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Give God the Glory


There are different gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. ~1 Corinthians 12:4

When we take our summer journey with Virginia to the mountains, after she has spent a relaxing, rejuvenating week with us at home, we are not surprised that she knows how to use the camera on her phone to record her memories.  Rest assured, her mom, Sarah, and dad, John, strictly limit her internet access, and that's a relief for us.  But she is more than welcome to practice her photography skills whenever the urge hits.  Danny and I are glad she shows an interest in it.

In previous blogs, I've praised Virginia's precocious artistic abilities.  As Paul writes to the Corinthians, we all have gifts, but we are to recognize that they are distributed by the same Spirit.  Although my aunt was a gifted artist, I didn't inherit her talent.  Yes, I was passable at drawing, and enjoyed doing it in my youth, but it wasn't one of my gifts.

My daughter, Sarah, amazingly shows artistic talent early on as did her husband, John.  It's no wonder, then, that Virginia is their natural beneficiary.

Here is the photo Virginia takes while we are at Big Sky Lodge in the Nantahala Mountains.

This is her painting half-complete.

And here (ta-da!) is the final product!

At the risk of sounding like a doting grandmother, I don't know how many 12-year-olds out there could do any better.  Virginia's eye for perspective and colors is way beyond her years and experience.  I'm thrilled that she is developing this extra-special gift from God!

And as a cherry tops a sundae, here are two other paintings she does recently - one of cat, Henry, without a background and after the background is added.

Just wow and just wow again!

Thank you for indulging me is this post full of praise for Virginia, but I can't help but celebrate as I see her using her God-given talents to give Him the glory.


Two Are Better Than One

  Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.  For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.  But woe to h...