Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Calm in the Storm

Matthew 8:24-26 - Suddenly, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But, Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Unlike the disciples who lived two thousand years ago and could not have reliably predicted inclement weather, we know, through abundant technology, that the storms are coming tonight. We have been glued to weather radar on the internet and reports on the television since this morning. Tornadoes and thunderstorms have wreaked havoc in Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama (25 dead in this state confirmed at the time I post), and have now set their sights on Georgia. The northwestern section of our state has already been cruelly pummeled and, within a day's time, while still in shock and disbelief, people are battening down the hatches for yet another assault. Additionally, there are those in Tennessee, Kentucky, and the mid-west who are bracing for even more flooding in this fresh rampage of extreme storms. There is, it seems, no rest for the weary, the afflicted, the victims of a tempest tossed.

When storms are in the offing, we are most definitely proactive in preparing for what might be. Our laundry room substitutes as a basement. It is underground, with no windows, and a door that can be closed against flying glass. As I write, our family necessities are already placed there. Cartersville and Rome in Georgia already have tornadoes on the ground. We are in alert mode. We are prepared: weather radio; LED lantern; flashlights; cell phone and chargers (plus our weather radio will charge cell phones!); back-up drives, checkbooks; wallets; purses; Bible; jewelry (priceless, because Danny gave this to me); change of clothes, and the irreplaceable photos already on the shelves in this room. I'm sure there is something we have forgotten, but if we have, it probably doesn't matter in the long run. There might not be a "long run", only a "short sprint" in the wake of a "furious storm".

Make no mistake about it - the storms of life, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, will come and, sadly, when you are in the midst of a blissful calm upon the mountain-top, ravage and ruin can enter before you are prepared to descend into the valley. In times like these, do you wake Jesus, or do you try to survive on your own? Are you drowning in your fears, or do you expect Him to calm the storms of this world, the storms within your soul? Can you pray for His sustenance, His comfort, and believe that He can calm any tempest, any temptation?

Let us pray for our brothers and sisters affected by this horrendous weather endured throughout the south. Let us look at one another and know how life and love is the priceless gift our Lord has given to us. May Christ Jesus calm the storms and, His peace that passes all understanding, heal and inspire us in all the days to come.

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Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....