Friday, July 27, 2012

"Let it Shine, Let it Shine, Let it Shine!"

Psalm 67:6
The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us.

Every Tuesday, from May through October, my hometown of Kennesaw, Georgia, sponsors a farmers' market in the parking lot of a city park.  It's always worth braving the intense summer heat to get that truck-patch watermelon, those homegrown tomatoes, and the sweet, delectable peaches from which Georgia earns its nickname, "The Peach State".

 As someone who grew up with a father who was an avid gardener, and who inspired me to be one, too, before my days of living in a forest, I truly appreciate the efforts these green-thumbed folks make each year to share their yield, their harvest, with the community.  Working long, hot hours in the garden.  Standing long, hot hours with the minimum of shade to sell their produce.

"You need some tomatoes?"  a friendly vendor calls to me as I pass his booth.

"Truthfully," I say as I stop to chat with him, "we still have a few from last week's visit, so we are set for now.  But, would you mind if I take a photo of yours here?"

"Go right ahead," he says.  "These are not the best, but I done sold all my good-lookin' ones, and I'm about to pack it in.  Lord, this heat!  They'll be better ones next week when you stop by."

"I sure will," I assure him.

"Oh, and here," he says with an engaging grin as he hands me a perfect, though small, tomato.  "Take this one.  It's on me."

"Really?  You are too kind.  Thank you!"

I accept the tomato graciously and place it in my shopping bag.  Below is the photo I take of it when I get home.

See?  It's perfect, isn't it?  And, wow!  Did it ever taste amazing!

While most people come to the farmers' market for fresh fruits and vegetables, there are other delights offered there, too.

All these are alluring, but I'm here today with only two purposes in mind:  photos and peaches.  My husband, Danny, and I can't get enough of that delicious fruit.  And, the season for them is not that long, so we must enjoy them while we can.

As I approach the tent where the peaches are sold, they aren't the first things to grab my attention . . .

The man with the guitar is performing "This Little Light of Mine", and the three young ladies (quite the Georgia Peaches in their own right) are singing and clapping right along.  I can't help myself.  I have to join in!

This joyful, spirited song about letting our lives shine with God's light brings back so many treasured memories of singing with my children.  My heart soars!  And, my thoughts fly to the man selling the tomatoes.  How his light shone through the simple, generous gesture of giving me that tomato!
How bright is your little light?  Will you let it shine, let it shine, let it shine?

Will you pray with me?
If we all practiced shining the light of Christ, Father, what a bright and beautiful world this would be!  Let us shine Your glorious light with joy and love and grace toward others.  Amen.


  1. Hi Martha:
    Speaking of tomatoes, a friend of mine ALWAYS grows them, all kinds:
    Plum what have you. Don't know what she does, but ALL of her tomatoes tast like candy. So sweet. But just sweet enough. She knows how much I love them and she ALWAYS picks the BEST ones and saves them for me.

    I look forward to those tomatoes every year.

    WOW! I could make a meal of those alone. Yup! We have a Farmer's Market in Madison, Connecticut as well every Friday. I discovered a soap lady there who makes her own soap and that's where I buy my soap now.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Chris!
      I think it's wonderful that you have a good friend who grows and shares her marvelous tomatoes with you. I'd have to agree that this one tomato here tasted the closest to "candy" as any one I've ever put in my mouth. I will definitely return to his booth this coming Tuesday.
      Homemade soap? Sounds delightful! Didn't see anyone at our market selling it. That would be a lovely addition.
      Blessings to you!

  2. I love this!! WOOHOO!! SUMMER!!! IS that Fried Green Tomatoes above the peaches in a basket tray there, Marth?! We have tons of them cropping up here in the midwest despite the drought and the food is great! Love the pic of This Little Light of Mine. Singing that in the senior home tomorrow! :-) Bless you heart, Mrs Orlando! I love your devotions!!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Bernie!
      Not fried tomatoes, but gigantic, mouth-watering cookies. :) Quite the temptation!
      Glad you liked the photo of the guy and little gals singing this song, and what a coincidence that you will be singing that very one at a senior home!
      Happy you enjoy the devotions, and blessings to you always!

  3. Wow! would love to visit places like these. This sort of market happens in smaller towns and villages. But, in cities...we have to do with the same old chemically grown fruits and veggies.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Janu!
      That's a shame that you don't have an open-air farmers' market in the city. It is so refreshing to buy and eat organically grown fruits and veggies.
      Blessings to you!

  4. Reading your post I realized how much I missed reading your wisdom, warmth filled posts Martha. That tomato sure looked delicious!God bless you

    1. So nice to see you here, Rimly - I've missed your comments!
      Oh, that tomato was the best I ever put in my mouth, guaranteed.
      Thanks for dropping by today!
      Blessings to you!

  5. Your peaches got me. I am allergic to them but love them,lol. I can no longer eat them but the smell makes me want them so bad. I planted a peach pit years ago in my flower garden and it grew! I could not believe it but I dug it up and moved it to the middle of my front yard and it grew like crazy!I love that tree and now it is dying from the last flood of salt water we got and I won't let them cut it down.I am determinded to give it time to come back and they think I am nuts.Well, 2 days ago in the very center of the main truck where it brances off into four giant limbs, there is a small plant growing from it! I swear it is a new peach tree growing from the old! My son laughs at me saying it's probably a weed but I won't give up on my beautiful peach tree until I know for sure that it is gone.I believe God gave it to me from a pitonce and is not ready to take it back,lol.. If I can I will post a pic on my facebook page to show you...Gina

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Gina!
      Oh, I love the story of your peach tree! Do post a photo if you can; I would sure like to see it and the shoot that's coming out of it. That would be some kind of miracle if the tree is still living. :)
      Sorry to hear you are allergic to peaches . . . I know you must miss them.
      Blessings to you!

  6. Even here in the fog of the San Francisco bay, my light is shining brightly today. I am not a gardner but I am a regular at the farmer's market. I hope that counts.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda!
      Glad to know your light is nice and bright today, my friend! And, go right ahead and count your regular visits to your farmers' market as being a gardener. I have to do the same these days.
      Blessings to you!

  7. Lovely pictures Martha...I am trying my best to keep that light shining :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Me!
      Glad you liked the photos. You keep that light shining brightly, my friend!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Martha,
    The pictures and the blog post just make me realize how many delightful blessings we all have. I love the peaches (in everything!) Just having these great folks out there makes a day brighter. I have to remember not to let my light be dimmed by all those incidentals that don't matter anyway.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kathy!
      Oh, yes, if some days, when our shining lights seem just a bit dim, if we stop and take time to count our blessings, we can shine brightly once again. Works for me! :)
      Blessings to you!

  9. I think I should add a beautiful vegetable and fruit garden to my vision board :) Oh how wonderful to see the harvest grow in abundance and what rich crops coming from fertile soil. I remember we used to buy a lot of tomatoes and make sauce and juice from them. I love that tomato and the peaches as well. And the kids do look adorable with that guy playing the guitar.

    I would love to hear that song. I'm not so familiar with it.

    I pray with you this day ~thank you for putting a lamp into my heart today :)~ God's Words are definitely healing... I was too drowsy last night but I woke up real refreshed.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Melissa!
      Glad you've added growing a garden to your vision board. I do miss gardening so much and hope to get a spot in our town's community garden next spring.
      I will see if I can find the song on YouTube and put it on my Facebook feed. I should have looked it up earlier and attached it to the blog. :)
      As always, I love that you pray with me . . . it fills my heart with joy!
      Blessings, dear friend!

  10. Since my word of the year is shine, you know I love this!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Galen!
      Oh, yes! The year of "shine". This is right up your alley, isn't it? :)
      Keep on shining, my friend!

  11. I love the pictures... I so enjoy going to the farmers market and feel so much better about the foods I'm preparing for my family. Excellent post.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Amy!
      Glad to know you enjoyed the photos and that you have a farmers' market near you where you can shop. I love Tuesdays here in Kennesaw!

  12. Keep letting that light shine, you Georgia Peach, you!

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Debra!
      Yes, this Georgia Peach will let it shine - brightly! :)

  13. Hi, Martha! ~

    Such a SWEET post! Brings a smile to my face!!

    I love the farmer's market and your photos made me feel like I was right there with you!

    Thank you for sharing! XOXOX

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Linda!
      Glad the photos made you feel like you were right there and that I was able to bring a smile to your face. :)

  14. Martha, your light is shining all the time. Right now I'm sporting shades because the glare is so bright! This little light of mine should be this blaring light of Martha's! LOL!!

    Loved the Farmer's Market, and those peaches!

    1. Leah, thanks for stopping by today!
      You are too sweet! And, believe me, dear, you have one bright and shining light of your own!
      Glad you enjoyed the post.

  15. I am so glad I found this blog. We never know what Good there is until we look for it. Just as we seek God and find more and more of his goodness !

    Thanks so much for a great post. I am following you via I need blog followers on FB.

    1. Welcome! Glad you found my blog and hope you will become a frequent visitor here. I will check yours out, too.
      And, yes, the more we seek God, the more we see of his overwhelming goodness and mercy.

  16. My dear Martha,
    Love the Farmer's Market!! I love fruits because it is healthy and keeps the skin nice. Thanks for sharing such an encouraging post.

    1. So glad you dropped by today, Andy! Thank you!
      Yes, I love fruit, too, and there's nothing like fresh produce from the farmers' market to make my day.
      Happy you enjoyed the post.

  17. What a great post Martha, I love the farmer's market, we have at least two in our community. I love the people as much as the and fruit and vegetables..

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Jan!
      Danny and I were just talking about how the folks at the grocery store we frequent are like family. It's great to form relationships with we buy from. :) So glad to know you have two farmers' markets in your area. Lots of choices!

  18. Well now I'll be singing that song all day long LOLOLOL....I wish so that we had a fresh farm market here..I miss them so....I don't know how my light is shining..I hope it is though....As always...XOXOXOXOXOXO

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Bonnie!
      Oh, no, it's the "song stuck in my head" syndrome. :) At least this is not a bad one to have on our brain.
      I wish you had a farmers' market; they are wonderful.
      And, you are shining your light, my friend, more brightly than you know!

  19. What a wonderful story Martha. How refreshing! We have several farmer's markets in our area but I hadn't found any great deals on peaches. They have been so expensive so it looks like I'll be doing without this year. I never thought of getting a hold of you to get some for me and I could use the trip as a mini-vacation ☺ Maybe next year??? And yes, I will let my light shine through!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mary!
      Yes! Next year we'll have to hook up for a peach exchange. What a great idea!
      They have been reasonably priced this year and we have really enjoyed them.
      Let your light shine on! :)

  20. What a wonderful post Martha! We have several farmer's markets in our area, but peaches have been outrageous in price this year. It looks as though I will be doing without. Maybe next year, I'll get a hold of you and have you grab me a couple of crates, or bushels, and I'll make the drive a mini-vacation LOL. And yes Martha...I'm letting my light shine through ♥

    1. Loved both your comments, Mary. Looks like you were uncertain if the first one went through. Hate it when that happens on Blogger!
      Adding some love to the blessings!

  21. Great post! I was at the farmer's market buying goat cheese and squash blossoms with my mom today! We got there late, so the produce was pretty picked over, but it is going to be our new Saturday morning tradition. I hope your peaches were every bit as good as the pictures you took!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Maureen!
      Yep! The trick to getting what you really want at the farmers' market is to get there early. Glad your mom and you are going to make a Saturday morning tradition of this.:)
      And, yes, the peaches were fabulous!

  22. Through even the smallest acts the heart of the giver is revealed. Loved this post! What a great farmer's market you guys have in your area. We have a very small one in our town...Not too much produce is sold, a lot of handmade items soaps and products sewn from alpaca yarn.

    Loved this post!

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Jessica!
      "Through even the smallest acts the heart of the giver is revealed" - perfectly said, my friend!
      Our market is truly a good one. The only drawback is the once-a-week limitation. I try not to schedule anything else for that morning so I can get there.
      Glad you loved the post.

  23. I love farmer's markets! Believe it or not I don't often go to the one in Kennesaw (mainly because the hours are not so good) but I'm often in Blairsville on the weekend and it is phenomenal! As you mentioned the produce is so much fresher and cheaper. Oh and the stories of the people selling are always intriguing. Thanks for highlighting such a fun summer time activity.

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Lynne!
      I'll bet Blairsville has a much broader selection than the market here in Kennesaw. And, yes! Produce is always fresher and cheaper; what a great break from the grocery store.
      So glad you enjoyed the post.

  24. To me this is a pure joy of simple it is perfect...just like that tomato!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Annmarie!
      It is one of summer's joys - I agree! And, I've never tasted a better tomato than this one.

  25. Thanks for sharing this experience, Martha. How I'd love to go to this farmer's market to see and taste all these as you did. ;)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Joyce!
      I wish you could be there with me, too. It's an awesome place and I can't wait to go there tomorrow. :)

  26. Farmer's market is such a great place to be reminded of how God has blessed us. I love going when I'm feeling tired of paying high rent to live in CA. We get a lot of fresh fruits and veggies year round at good prices! :)

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Rachel!
      That is one good thing about living in CA - the year-round, inexpensive produce. And, I love your perspective of seeing God's blessing in the harvest. Beautiful!

  27. Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing your day. I love farmer markets. It's harder for me to take the blessing of food for granted when I'm there. xox

    1. Thank you for visiting, Adriene!
      Yes, farmers' markets can be so intriguing and so full of blessings. Being so close to the producer certainly makes us appreciate the produce that much more.


Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....