Friday, May 17, 2013

Joyful Journey!

1 Samuel 12:24
But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.

Today marks my second anniversary of writing a devotional blog.  What a joyful journey this has been!  It has, indeed, been a humbling and life-changing experience to serve the Lord faithfully, and to celebrate here all the great things He has done for me.

And, I am so grateful for you, my loyal and faithful followers, who take the time to read my thoughts and stories, and who leave such encouraging comments.  As I begin year three of Meditations of My Heart, I trust you will be there for me as you have always been.  Know how much I love and treasure each and every one of you!

That being said, I wish to leave you today with some photos I took recently during our trip to the Nantahala Mountains of North Carolina and the Great Smokies in Tennessee.  May they fill you with joy and wonder as you reflect upon the matchless beauty of God's awesome creation.

And, may they bless you as you all have so mightily blessed me these past two years.

Peace, love, and blessings always,



  1. Congratulations Martha. I look forward to more virtual journeys with you. Lovely pics.

    1. Thank you, Suzy! I look forward to having you along on the adventures.
      Blessings and love!

  2. What a beautiful journey Martha! Love the photos...hope you are doing well & wishing you a beautiful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Mitzi! So glad you enjoyed the photos. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!
      Blessings and love!

  3. Oh how wonderful wonderful are all of God's works... from all the images you've just shared to your blog which has reached its second anniversary to your books that were made complete.

    It'll also be my anniversary for following you ~ and it's a simple way of measuring my faithfulness in reading God's Words through your reflections and sharings.

    I love you dear friend so much. I do pray 'dangerously' lol that God may push us out of our comfort zones to try and risk what it is He has called us to do for Him.

    God bless you in all your endeavors!

    1. So, so grateful that you have enjoyed this journey with me, Melissa, and that you have been so faithful in your love and your prayers. Yes, may we continue to pray "dangerously" at all times. :)
      Thanks so much for visiting, dear one!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Wow Martha the pictures are so beautiful.. thoroughly enjoyed each one of them...!

    1. Thank you so much, Me, for dropping by today! So glad you enjoyed the photos. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. I smiled through the viewing of your beautiful photos, Martha! Getting out in Nature and taking photographs of the beauty there is one of my favorite things to do. It is life affirming, and it is also a way to communicate with that Divine Presence as I soak up the beauty and radiate back my appreciation and joy. I'm still smiling as I write this!

    Btw, congratulations on your second anniversary with this blog. I'm so happy we've connected.

    Much love,


    1. Dawn, I'm so happy we've connected, too, and thanks for the congrats. :) You're such an encouraging friend!
      Glad the photos made your day and left you smiling. God's creation never ceases to amaze . . .
      Love and blessings to you!

  6. Two years - and how many lives you've touched in that time, Martha. Thank you for being a part of mine. You are a blessing to me.
    I'm so thrilled that your creativity has found new expression in your photography. The pictures are stunning. They would make a great addition to a devotional book.

    1. Oh, Corinne, thank you for your kind words - I hope I've touched many for the Lord, and you are one of the blessed friends I've had the joy of getting to know through blogging. I wouldn't trade that for the world! :)
      I am enjoying this new photography aspect of blogging; I'm learning so much. And, yes, Mr. Bald Poster Child is a fabulous teacher! LOL!
      Love and blessings always!

  7. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary Martha. I haven't been able to read your blogs lately and I may not comment much, but your post do touch me in profound ways. Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Janu, and for your kind words here. I've so enjoyed getting to know you and your writing over these two years. Such a blessing!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Congratulations on two years... you are such a blessing.

    Whoa. WOW what fabulous captures... I love the clounds, and the green, and the flowers... I heart that butterfly capture.

    1. Thank you, Mommetime! You, too, are a blessing to me!
      Glad you enjoyed the photos - yes, the butterfly is one of my favorites, too.
      Love and blessings!

  9. oh my gosh! those photos!!!! looking at them. And love your thoughtful devotionals too...they plant seeds in my heart!

    1. Thanks so much, Annmarie! Glad you enjoyed the pictures and that my devotions mean so much to you. I couldn't ask for more than that! :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Hi Martha - I'm glad I got in on the second year as well and enjoying your many insights, prayers and writings you share on your blog. And your photos ARE amazing! I know a good part of this is the camera but photos don't take themselves:) Keep up the wonderful photography work.

    Happy blog anniversary!

    1. I'm so glad you got in on my blog, too, Vishnu! Likewise, I truly enjoy reading yours. :)
      Yes, it's a combination of high-quality camera and photo shop tools which really makes the photos stand out. I do plan to keep working at my photography - it's such an enjoyable hobby!
      Blessings to you, my friend!

  11. Dear Martha,

    WoW! Clearly you have an abundance of natural vision/talent and an excellent photography coach/mentor! Outstanding work for someone who claims to be a beginner! Looking forward to MORE! Rock on! XOXO

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! Coming from you, that means a lot, as I think you are an excellent photographer. :)
      Yes, I'm rocking on!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, and thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.

    1. Thanks so much, Galen! Glad you enjoyed these photos. I was thrilled to actually get so many good ones.
      Love and blessings!


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