Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Super Squirrel!

Psalm 104:27-28
All creatures look to you
to give them their food at the proper time.
When you give it to them,
they gather it up;
when you open your hand,
they are satisfied with good things.

Last September, my husband, Danny, and I decide to move our bird feeder from the front yard to the back.  You can read all the reasons why here.  This set up seems more attractive to the birds and, of course, the squirrels who feast on the seed which the birds continually scatter on the ground.

But, there is a problem.  One we never would have imagined could happen.

And extremely bright and agile squirrel, whom I dub "Super Squirrel," figures out that he can leap from the trunk of the supporting tree to the feeder.  As ours is a "squirrel-buster," we don't think the little rascal can actually score the food.

Then, one morning, an astonished Danny hustles in from the deck.  "Martha!  You've got to see this!  You won't believe it!"

I hurry outside.  Danny points to the feeder.

"Look at him!  He's hanging upside down and gobbling the seed!"

At first, I can't believe what I'm seeing.  This stunt is absolutely over the top!  This cunning, crafty critter has figured out how to bust the squirrel-buster!  Genius!  I think even Grey would be impressed!

But, if we don't do something to move the feeder farther from that tree, Super Squirrel will continue to hog the birdseed and scare the birds away.  Being the engineer that he is, Danny begins formulating a plan.  I can see those wheels turning . . .

So, last Father's Day, Danny and son, Giovanni, acquire the necessary tools and equipment to get the job done.  I watch with interest, eager to see what they come up with.

Mission accomplished!

The good news?  No more Super Squirrel leaping upon the feeder!  The plastic-coated metal lines make excellent perches for the birds before they fly and flutter to claim their food.  And, we are now seeing more birds that ever before!

And, the squirrels?  Oh, you all know the soft spot I have in my heart for them!  I make sure there is always that extra, fresh seed on the ground for them, too.  After all, don't they deserve to be satisfied with good things, too?

Are you are a birdwatcher?  What is the most amazing bird you have ever seen?

Will you pray with me?
All Your creatures, Father, look to You to give them the food they need to survive and to thrive.  You satisfy them with good things.  May we, Your children, have faith and trust that You will always provide for us, knowing Your gracious hand is opened to us.  Amen.


  1. LOL...nice story...really nice.

    My sister has them come to her sliding glass door begging. She'll open it and throw them peanuts. So much joy in watching them interact.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, my friend, and glad you enjoyed the post!
      Yes, I'm partial to squirrels, too, as is your sister, and love watching them and their antics. Too cute!
      Blessings to you!

  2. Nice chuckle the creatures give us...I love the playfulness of God! Thanks Martha!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this, Jay! Thanks for coming by today.
      And, yes, the squirrels always bring a smile to my face.
      Blessings to you!

  3. We do have the same excitement in our backyard but it's fun to see their ingenious acrobats to get a score! I do bird watch a lot especially this time of the year. Glad that I stopped by. Blessed Day.

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Daniel, and welcome!
      Oh, yes, those backyard acrobats are ever entertaining, aren't they? We love watching the birds and are always amazed how many different species we get at the feeder.
      Blessings to you!

  4. Such a great story, Martha and I loved the pictures too. Can you believe I love watching the crows. Their personalities fascinate me, naughty as they are! :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Corinne! Great to see you here as always!
      Yes, I can believe you enjoy watching crows - they are highly intelligent birds, and I believe they have over 100 sounds they can make. That's amazing! But, yes, they can be ornery critters, that's for sure. :)
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  5. So funny! I love the name you gave him - Super Squirrel! :) Thank you so much for always relating everything that happens in your life to the great Lord. You are truly an inspiration Martha!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by today, Vrndavana!
      I do love being able to take the ordinary things around me and see God at work in it all, because He is. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Wow... this was so cute and funny Martha... I felt I am there in real witnessing all this with you :)

    1. I'm so glad you liked it, Me! Thanks so much for visiting today!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yes Martha - you have a way of bringing us with you in the story - especially when you added the photos too. That was one crafty squirrel but an outside the box one. Glad you made the changes to feed the birds. Any sightings otherwise of super-squirrel? Does he really have a cape? :)

    1. Ah, funny you should ask, Vishnu! Danny saw Super Squirrel walking (precariously) the wire on his way to the feeder. Massive fail! Looks like we've outsmarted him at last. :)
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Great narrative Martha, and some wonderful photos to illustrate the process! Squirrels are absolutely sneaky little creatures!

    Have a Blessed Day my friend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Phil!
      Yes, indeed, squirrels can be so sneaky and clever. I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, though. Their cuteness always wins out with me!
      Glad you liked the post!
      Blessings to you!

  9. Oh I haven't seen a real squirrel yet and we don't bird watch a lot esp. that we live in a commercial area...but what I did enjoy is your story...I do remember the other one ;) It could be pretty exciting seeing all those movements in your backyard. Thanks for the images to make the story come alive. I could imagine all those happenings...

    You are such a gentle person.

    Thank You dear God, for all Your blessings. I know You will always provide.

    Lots of love dear friend.

    1. Lovely, as always, to see you here, Melissa, and thanks for sharing my posts on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. You are so sweet and supportive!
      I hope one day you will see a really, true live squirrel, but so glad that, for now, my words and photos help this become a reality for you, at least in your imagination. :)
      Love that you pray with me. May our God who provides always bless you!
      Much love, dear one!


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