Friday, October 11, 2013

And, Don't You Remember?

Mark 8:18
Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?  And don't you remember?

Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. ~E. B. White

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is delight in action.  I never cease to learn something new from her each time she visits.  At age three, she is markedly more aware of the world around her, but she largely remains in her own small one.  That finite world which defines her as the center of the universe.

What do I mean by that?  Let me offer an example.  We are in the same room.  I'm watching her tossing a tennis ball with her Papa, aka, Danny.  She makes a great catch.

"Look, Gammie!  See?  Ginya caught the tenna ball!"

"I see," I assure her, wondering how she was unaware that I was watching the entire exchange.

Then, it hits me.  Whether or not we are standing right there, intently observing, without Virginia's perception being explained outside her immediate involvement, nothing has transpired!  Her affirmation of the action which just took place is the only thing which enables others to share in her experience.

And, it hits me again.  Hard!  How many times had God said, "Look, Martha!  See?  What a marvel I've made of this moment!"  Have I assured Him with an, "I see, Lord," or have I missed it because I'm too caught up in the cares and worries, the fears which Satan would have me fall prey to?

Have I missed this one-of-a-kind opportunity?  Have I ceased to wonder?  Did eyes and ears fail to see and hear?

Did I forget how much He loves me?  How He is present and close and available to me every second of the day?

Did I dare take for granted His mighty power and majesty shining through even the smallest of details?

"Look, Gammie!  See!  Hear!"

Let me see, Lord, let me see and hear . . .

So, that in everything, in every place, in every time, I stand in the presence of Your wonders.


Are you standing in the presence of God's wonders today?

Will you pray with me?
Loving Father, may Your will be done in all things.  Let us remember, even when we don't feel Your presence, that You are there with us.  Open our eyes and ears to the glories You have in store, that we might praise You and bring Your Kingdom that much closer to fruition in this world.  Amen.


  1. A good reminder by a child to be more present of all the divine things around us, Martha.

    I'm trying to be observant about the many glorious sights of the material and physical world around me; sunsets, oceans, blue skies and so much of what we see around us, which we take for granted.

    But it's a little more difficult to see God working in the circumstances of our lives, especially when they are challenging. In those situations, I used to ask, 'why God?' but not trying to figure out the divine message or lessons even in uphill challenges.

    thanks as always for this beautiful Friday reminder Martha.

    1. So happy to know this post spoke to your heart, Vishnu!
      It is so easy for us to overlook those miracles and take them for granted. I, too, used to ask, "Why, God?" when troubles came, but like you, I now try to hear what He is telling me in the midst of the storm. He is always with us!
      Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  2. Martha, thanks for this beautiful remainder today through the eyes of Virginia. Like you have rightly mentioned, I take things for granted way too often. I just wish I cling tightly to him and pay attention to what he is doing to my life.

    Love and peace.

    Joy always,

    1. So glad you enjoyed this reminder today, Susan!
      We are all guilty of getting wrapped up in our own little words that we fail to see the big picture or miss the nuances God would have us see. We do have to pay attention! :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Was listening to the 'Miracle' song this afternoon {the one I shared in FB} and somehow I relate it that to your post... I pray that we may see these miracles, tiny they may be, ordinary or something that doesn't fancy us... ~ may the Lord open my eyes to all of them so that i might not miss any of His wonderful gifts today.

    Love Virginia ~ one of our little sages :) The little ones bring out these miracles so spontaneously :)

    Love this reflection dear friend :)

    1. Oh, yes, we can learn so much from those little ones, can't we? :)
      And, we do need to open our eyes and ears and be prepared for all the miracles God would have us see.
      Thanks so much for stopping by, dear one!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Children are so amazing Martha :) And I love the lessons Virginia teaches all of us. The most beautiful part of them is that their feelings are very pure. I mean when they say I hate you they do it 100% and when they say I love you they mean it 100%. Unlike us adults :)

    1. Oh, yes, Me, children are right out straight! No shades of grey here, and that's why we do find them so refreshing. :)
      Thanks so much for visiting today!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Once a person begins to look for God, it is amazing how often you will find Him there in everything. It is astounding. Even if you aren't looking, He is there.

    1. Oh, yes, so true, Kathy! The more we look, the more we see Him in all things.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. She's amazing. I hope to be grand one day.

    1. Thanks so much, Joyce! I hope you do, too. There's nothing like it!
      Love and blessings!

  7. A little child's grown-up lessons are fierce, powerful, and oh so sweet. As is life in our Father's arme. Thank you for seeing and sharing

    1. Thanks so much, Miz Liz, for stopping by!
      Is it any wonder Jesus told us that we must be as little children to enter the Kingdom? And, indeed, we can learn so much from them by just observing and listening.
      Love and blessings!


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