Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fingerprints of God

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

My mother has a favorite saying, one I heard repeatedly growing up:  Don't judge a book by its cover.  Sage advice, but easier said than done.  Especially in a culture which celebrates outward beauty and youthful looks.

We need seek no further than the "People" type of magazines confronting us each time we stand in the grocery store check out line.  Their glossy, come-hither covers feature entertainers and celebrities with flawless looks and perfect figures.  Those who are deemed by the media to be stunningly gorgeous or handsome.  It's enough to make us loathe looking at our own reflection in the mirror.

Then, there are what I like to call the "rag-mags," the weekly trash bins touting  in lurid photos which movie stars are now overweight, or who look hideous without make-up, or are dressing in an unflattering or scandalous manner.  When we see how "ugly" they are in appearance, don't most of us feel, unfairly, might I add, just a wee bit better about our own looks?  I wouldn't be caught dead in a bathing suit that skimpy!  I thought I was fat - just look at her!  She's just a Plain Jane without her make-up after all.

And, on and on and on we can go.  It is human nature to be drawn to the outward beauty of a person even though we may experience episodes of jealousy, or be repulsed, and selfishly gratified, by another's physical detriments.

It is sinful human nature.

In this year I've named "Love," God has opened my eyes in surprising, delightful, and even alarming ways.  When I catch myself on the verge of judging that person-book by his/her looks, either exquisite or lacking, He gently nudges me, reminds me of His great love for all people no matter how they may appear on the outside.  He takes my hand to walk that second mile of understanding and compassion.  Asks me to love them.  To see His fingerprints all over them.

To know, unequivocally, that His fingerprints are on me, too.  That I am His beloved child, loved and cherished just the way I am.

No matter what the mirror says.

Loved . . .


You are God's unique creation.  His fingerprints are all over you!  Will you live that way? 

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for showing us that beauty is only skin deep.  Give us the eyes to see as You see and the the hearts to love as You love, knowing Your fingerprints are on every precious person You have created.  Amen.


  1. It is our job to insure that others feel the fingerprints... in everything we do.
    Great idea!

    1. Oh, yes, indeed it is, Roy! Thanks so much for coming by today.

    2. Yes indeed Roy. It is our job.

  2. You are so beautiful Martha. ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. A nice reminder for all of us Martha. <3

  4. As always a perfect prayer and a great reminder that physical beauty is only skin deep.

  5. Beautiful post, Martha! My goal is to not judge people by what I see on the outside--it's hurtful and not helpful in any way. Besides, I know what it's like to be judged from outward appearances.

    I'm praying each day for the heart and mind of Jesus--to see each person and event from His perspective.

    Keep shining Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Kim, and for your lovely comment!
      And, yes, I, too, pray that I can see others as Jesus sees them. Sometimes, it's a daily challenge, but He's helping me get better at it. :)
      Blessings to you!

  6. I love this Martha. This reminds me of where I am at, at the moment. Trying to accept everyone as they are - love them and their foibles and create myself into the person I want to be; God-like. A goddess.

    Love to you. SSS

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, SSS, and welcome to the blog!
      Glad you are working on seeing and loving as God does. We can only be better for it. :)
      Blessings to you!

  7. Great reminder. Knowing that everyone is created in His image and that Jesus loved each one enough to die for them, that should govern how we see and respond to them. All the outward is temporary and fading, but the unseen is eternal--we keep our eyes on the unseen. Thanks Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Jason!
      Yes, it is upon the unseen that we should focus, always!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Either I'll feel bad about other people or I'll feel bad about myself... these are the reasons why I don't buy fashion and beauty magazines and watch that much tv anymore, Martha. I want to minimize sinning against other people and also against myself. It's so difficult not to feel insecure when society tells us that this look is beautiful or that this body is to die for. I also do not want to be brainwashed by society and judge people because their appearance is not beautiful in society's standards.

    Great reminder that God loves us not for how we look like, but for who we are and to His eyes, we are all beautiful. Much love and God bless! ♡ :-)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Irene!
      Yes, you are so wise not to fall into the trap society sets for us. When we envy others, we are sinning, and we are certainly not doing anything to help ourselves grow in our Christian walk.
      And, so true - we are all beautiful in His eyes. What a reassurance that is!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Between beauty and brains, I've always chosen brains lol... but the truth is, in our society, physical beauty matters... Our eyes are trained that way I think... but it's not the eyes that convey beauty ~ it's the perception of beauty inside our minds :)

    We should, therefore, redefine beauty in its truest sense... and I believe that as long as we have God within, then, we know what beauty is :)

    I pray with you ~ may we learn to bless others with our presence ~ may they breathe Jesus in us and may the light of Christ's beauty shine upon us.

    I delight in the Lord, my Creator, who has created me in His beauty and

    Thank you so much for your deep reflections Martha ~ we all need to be reminded of this!

    1. "I delight in the Lord, my Creator, who has created me in His beauty and likeness!"
      Love this, Melissa! Thank you so much for visiting and for leaving such a wonderful comment.
      Love and blessings!


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