Friday, October 18, 2013

Give Me a Break!

Psalm 62:5
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

When I began writing this devotional blog over two years ago, I never could have dreamed of the amazing friends and fellow bloggers it would bring into my world.  How my life has been enriched and blessed by your caring, sharing and encouragement!  You have all helped me to grow in my faith walk and in my writing.  I cannot thank you enough!

That being said, I realize just today that I need a rest from blogging.  Just as God prompted me those years ago to begin Meditations of My Heart, I hear Him just as distinctly say, "It's time to take a break."

Not a forever break.  No way!  I love this blog, and all of you, too much!

But, a break, nonetheless.

I haven't set a length of time for this period of rest.  I'm leaving that up to the Lord to decide.  I am confident He will tell me, loud and clear, when it's time to resume.

And, will I continue to write?  Ironically, that's exactly why I'm certain God wants me to take this hiatus.  My blogging style is quite different from my fiction voice as those of you who have read my novels have more than likely realized.  I feel called to immerse my self in the land of fiction once again as I begin work on the sequels to The Glade Series, tentatively titled Adventures in the Glade.  I can't do that successfully unless my sole focus is on the novel.

Will I continue to make the rounds of your blogs?  Wouldn't miss it for the world!  So, though I'm temporarily dropping out of the scene as a blogger, I'm certainly going to stay in touch with each and every one of you.

And, I will, on occasion, post a Friday Moment or a poem or reflection on my alternative blog, Moments and Musings.  But, the pressure to post two blogs a week will no longer haunt me.


May God bless you and keep you always!


I don't think I've ever asked this here before, but I'm asking now:  Will you be so kind as to pray for me as I shift gears and return to fiction writing?

Please join me in prayer:
We thank You, Father, for Your constant care and guidance in our lives.  May we ever be prepared to hear Your still, small voice prompting us and leading us on the paths You would have us travel.  May our souls ever find rest in You.  Amen. 


  1. Have fun Martha...take the time you want.

  2. Yes, Martha, you must listen to the voice. I learned this lesson so very clearly last night (I wrote about it in my status). We must heed His voice at all times, and sometimes that is just to stop what we are doing and change gears :) I will add you to my prayer book, and keep you in my daily prayers. God Bless you on this other journey, and look forward to your return ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Mary, and for adding me to your prayer list - so appreciated!
      Yes, we cannot ignore His voice, ever. I trust God's placed me on the right track for the time being.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Breaks are so important, Martha, particularly for those of us who God gave the gift (?) of writing.

    Enjoy immersing yourself in your newest writing project!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, breaks ARE important! We need time and space to recreate ourselves and to follow God's call, wherever it might lead us.
      I will enjoy the writing.
      Thanks so much for visiting today!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Breaks are important and really seem to revitalize writing. I truly enjoy your blogging and devotions here so will look forward to your return. Good luck with your new endeavor and keep in touch!!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kathy, and for your encouraging words.
      I will definitely continue to visit your blog and the blogs of others during this interim. And, yes, breaks can be just what we need to refresh our spirits and resolve.
      Love and blessings!

  5. As you know, I took a break over the summer. I'm so glad I listened to my inner wisdom, just as you are. Blessings to you during this time.

    1. Galen, your break, along with several others I follow regularly, really made me begin reflecting on the possibility. Then, when I heard God say it, I was ready and prepared to hear it and heed.
      Thanks for the blessings, my friend!
      Love and blessings to you!

  6. Martha, I'm heartened and saddened by this post. I'm glad you are following your inner guide and following through with God's prompts but I will miss your writing and inspiration.

    I definitely understand the pressure of juggling multiple writing projects. Sometimes we have to step away from something, to allow other things to manifest and take fruit in our life.

    Sending you many good wishes and prayers for your next writing project and next life chapter:)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Vishnu, and for your kind words about my blog. That means so much!
      Yes, I've never been good at multi-tasking; not even sure if it's possible as distractions have to set in when we are trying to do more than one thing in the moment. I will be back with this blog, for sure, just uncertain as to when. Do keep up with me on Moments and Musings.
      Thanks for the good wishes and prayers, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, you know if anyone understands, I do. That’s exactly what happened to me, the inner prompting to take a hiatus from blogging. I’ve only blogged once this year, and can’t say that I miss it. But, like you, I find that I must keep writing, as that is a call for me too. I pray that your time engaged in fiction writing continues to be fruitful and rewarding in every way.

    All the best with your new work, and stay in touch. ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Thanks so much, Debra, for the encouragement. I know you understand! :) I don't know how long this hiatus will be, but I do have to honor it.
      Thanks for visiting, my friend, and I will stay in touch!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Enjoy your break Martha and wish you all the best with your new book. Many blessings.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy, for your well wishes and for stopping by!
      Love and blessings to you!

  9. Sometimes in life is it important to take such breaks... have fun... and will be waiting for you...

    1. It is important to take breaks from time to time, Me. I don't know how much fun I'll have, but it's definitely something I need to do.
      Thanks for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, You know I am totally about taking a digital sabbath, whether short or long, to refresh and reevaluate. Will miss you but I understand the importance. Bless you.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy, for coming by! Yes, we all need to rest from our labors, no matter how much we love them.
      I'll be back soon. :)
      Love and blessings!

  11. You are so kind to give us a notice of this change dear friend ~ I beg your apologies if I haven't done the same :) But I know that when the Lord calls one to engage in something deeper ~ one must respond...I am glad that you have chosen the better part AND it will never be taken away from you.

    My congratulations in advance ~ my love and prayers are with you. Go forth and seek Him where He calls you!

    I pray~ yes! Find rest in Him! I love you dear Martha ~ and I'll write you long love letters just the same... just read them when you come back :*

    Thank you for everything!

    1. Melissa, your words so moved me in my heart and soul. I do know He is calling and calling deeply. I have to sit with Him in a different place and a different time at the moment. There is no doubt that I will return to blogging at some point, but it will be on His schedule. :)
      Thank you so much, my dear, for your prayers and for your friendship. Know I will be keeping up with your blog and those of others during this time.
      And, as always, I will be praying with you and for you!
      Love and blessings!

  12. I understand why you need to take a break from blogging to focus on your novel, Martha. But I feel blessed that I still get to see you around Facebook and especially when you visit my blog because your comments aka words of wisdom matter a lot to me and I learn a lot from them.

    Wishing you all the best, my friend! Much love and God bless! ♡ :-)

    1. Thanks so much, Irene! I'm already missing blogging, but do have to focus on the novel right now.
      I'll be keeping up with everyone else's blogs, including yours, in the interim. :)
      Love and blessings!

  13. My home network was just acting up, so I have to re-enter this :)

    I just subscribed here, so I'll get your best when you return to blogging. Don't neglect your first love, and keep following His muse. Come back to this when you are able - we'll be here :)

    1. So good to have you following, Rick! Thank you!
      Yes, I will be back soon. I will be posting intermittently at my alternate blog, Moments and Musings, at if you wish to check it out or subscribe.
      Blessing, new friend!

  14. I have given you an award because you are just plain awesome! Please stop by to pick it up! ♥

    1. You are so sweet, Kathy! Just now saw this from you. I so appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I don't put awards on my blog. Hope you understand, my friend! Thanks so much!

  15. Yes, a break is just what the Doctor ordered, I'm sure. Because I'm just on the return from one, which I know even more surely afterwards than before that I did indeed need it. And it's funny, in that time I almost went off into fiction writing, which I haven't done for a long time. I didn't because I felt I was already trying to go in too many directions at the same time, but now you make me wonder... Yes, I will purpose to be praying for you! (And I "get" the non-posting of awards, too. I don't do it, either, even though, too I am touched by the sweetness of those offering. God bless!)


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