Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Safe and Sound

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, has a favorite stuffed animal, a worn and somewhat bedraggled kitty, which she takes with her everywhere she goes.  "Tatty," as Virginia calls him, is her constant companion, whether she is awake or asleep.

I've been babysitting frequently as of late, and have learned just how important Tatty is to my grandchild.  He accompanies us to the park, to the indoor playground nearby, and even to the grocery store where he sits next to her in the buggy seat.  Of course, when play is involved, this Gammie winds up holding Tatty so Virginia is free to do her thing.

One day, when I'm buckling her into her booster seat, Virginia points to Tatty.

"Gammie!  Tatty buck.  Tatty buck!"

"Oh, you want Tatty to have a seat belt, too?"


Dutifully, I strap Tatty securely in his place.  "Okay, Virginia, he's fastened in and ready to go."

Virginia heaves a sigh of relief.

"Safe and sound," she says.

Naturally, I get a tremendous kick out of Virginia's precocious statement.  But, it also starts me thinking.  I'm old enough to remember the days when cars didn't even have seat belts.  When they finally did, many people, including my grandfather, refused to wear them.  Over the course of time, though, as traffic congestion increased and the interstates became more like racetracks than freeways, people began to see the sense in wearing a safety belt.

And, then, my thoughts take another turn.  Make a quite unexpected analogy.

That's what my life was like before I accepted Jesus as my Savior - riding around recklessly, wearing no seat belt.  Not safe and sound, but scared and scarred . . .

But, the Lord changed all that the moment I climbed into the car with Him and fastened His loving safety belt around me.  It hasn't always been an easy journey in this faith.  I've had my share of detours, potholes, traffic jams, and fender-benders.

Yet, no matter what has happened or will happen on this road trip, I know one thing for sure.

With God, I am always safe and sound.


Are you buckled up with Jesus?

Will you pray with me?
Father, thank You for being our refuge and strength when troubles come, keeping us safe and sound in Your loving embrace.  We pray to feel Your presence and Your grace each and every day of this earthly journey.  All this we ask in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.


  1. While you and I differ dramatically on Jesus, the concept of having the Supreme Being as part of one's life is as critical and comforting as having that seat belt around us.

    1. Amen to that, Roy! Thanks so much for coming by today. :)


  2. that safety belt, no matter the origins, is a life necessity. I remember the days of no belts, it was ugly and scary. I am glad I found mine, Thanks Martha, for this.

    1. Those days were really scary . . . Glad you have your belt in place, Sunflowergirle! Thanks, too, for dropping by today.

  3. The feeling and comfort that one is safe in the arms of the almighty is something that is soothing and wonderful to know and be assured of. Psalm 23 is a wonderful illustration of that safe seat belt and "Yea, though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil . . ." What blessed assurance. Thanks for this post, Martha. You gave me another chance to be grateful in addition to the gratitude I spell out each day.

    Joy always,

    1. So glad this post gave you another chance to be grateful today. I think having a gratitude attitude leads us toward a happy life. :)
      And, yes, we are safe and sound with the Lord!
      Joy and blessings!

  4. It's so comforting to know the Lord has us strapped in safe and sound if we just allow him to lead us. Beautiful! :)

    1. Oh, yes, so comforting, my friend! Thanks so much for stopping by today, Vrndavana!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha,

    This is such a beautiful way to describe our safety and refuge in the LORD. It's by finding our security and refuge in the LORD that we have true peace. Seems to me this leads to the last verses of Psalm 46:

    "10 Be still , and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah."

    God is our security, our shelter, our safe place. Psalm 91

    Blessings and love,

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Kim, and for sharing these verses which also relate to the subject of the post! And, it is indeed in the security and safety only the Lord can offer that we can truly be at peace with ourselves and our circumstances.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Martha, love this image of safety in Him.
      Also, Kim, Psalm 91 is my mainstay. These are the days I need to dwell in the secret place of the most high and abide under the shadow of the almighty... and I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge, and my fortress, my God in him will I trust.

    3. Debra, our band just learned and shared "Mighty Fortress" by Aaron Shust this past Sunday. He will never forsake, nor deceive. He is our tower of strength, never failing. He is good, and His mercy endures.
      In our God, we must trust, always!
      Love and blessings, dear friend!

  6. Lovely post Martha. I love how you say the Lord fastened his safety belt around me. Such comforting words. And as always a perfect prayer. Blessings and love.

    1. All is perfected in prayer, Suzy! It's taken me time to see that, but the Lord is gracious in all things. He never fails us!
      Love and blessings right back at you!

  7. Faith and belief are the two important seat belts of our life...a good reminder. Wonderful post Martha.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Janu! Thanks so much for visiting today.
      Love and blessings!

  8. God keeps us safe and sound just like Tatty's seatbelt. Similar to how she's comforted and secured in Tatty's belt, we too can be secure in God's hands, Martha. I am grateful for God's love during turbulent times and trying to radiate His love with all those around me.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vishnu!
      And, yes, I can't think of a safer, more secure place to be than in God's hands, especially in the times of trial and trouble. Keep radiating His love, my friend!
      Blessings to you!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...