Friday, April 25, 2014

No Excuses!

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Ever since my husband, Danny, gave me his "old" camera, the Cannon "Rebel XTi," I've been trying my hand at getting better with photography.  I'm slowly improving, but have a long way to go in order to understand all the nuances of capturing the perfect shot.  Thank goodness for Photoshop when I'm processing my photos!  Many times, this astounding program can transform a mediocre picture into an outstanding one.  But, only if the shot is in focus first.

Focus, focus, focus!

And, thank goodness for Danny's assistance!  He is an experienced photographer, as you can tell by the photo above, and an extremely patient teacher.  Recently, he has the perfect opportunity for a photography tutorial on our vacation to the mountains where we visited, among other attractions, Tom Branch Falls in the Smoky Mountains.

We have been to this place previously, but it is so enchanting, Danny can't resist a return trip to see if he can get even better shots of the falls.  While he's fussing with his tripod and waiting for the sun to go behind the clouds so the falling water, white and bright, won't be blown out, I decide to do a bit of roaming to observe our immediate environs.  What amazing photo opportunities I find!

Noticing the smallest, seemingly insignificant living and inanimate things around me reminds me that God is in it all.  Photography encourages me, calls me, to hone in on objects I might have otherwise missed.  Overlooked.  Neglected.

To realize that all things are significant in the eyes of our Creator.

Whether I think so, or not, doesn't matter.

It is all important to God.

The One who created it all . . .

The only One to whom thanks and praise belong.

And, we are without excuse when the plenitude and diversity of God's creation is spread out before our eyes each and every day.  Even, and especially, in the smallest of things.

Because, think about it.  Who are we in light of the universal creation?  Aren't we but microscopic blips on God's infinite screen?  Aren't we the smallest of things?

Yet, Jesus assures us that God loves and cares for us beyond any measure we can fathom.  In His infinite love and grace, we become His children.

More important than the sparrows.

Longer lasting than the lilies of the field.

God's eternal power saves us all when we choose to believe.  

To focus, focus, focus on faith.

No excuses!

Prayer:  May we see Your mighty hand, Father, in all Your wonderful works, large and small, which You generously display before us.  Let them ever remind us in humility that we, too, are small, and be grateful that You love us anyway.  Remind us to treat Your creation and one another with the love You have shown to us.  Amen.


  1. You are so right Martha.... most of the times in trying to see the bigger picture we sometimes miss seeing the small things of life that spell joy and that is when your lesson FOCUS comes into the mind.

    We need to focus on living more than anything else perhaps!

    1. Definitely, Privy! Focus is everything. :)
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful photos, Martha! Focus is key in the whole of life. I realize in the course of a day I can be so very unfocused. Likewise, it's incredibly easy to create a litany of excuses about not doing something that I know I should be doing.

    Speaking of's time for me get up from my computer and do something!

    Love and blessings!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos, Kim. Thank you!
      Yes, staying focused is not always easy as there are so many things in this world trying to get our attention. But, we are called to focus on the Lord in everything, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  3. You are right Martha. And because of photography, I have become more observant of things around me. It has made me appreciate things more.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that photography has helped you in the same way, Janu. I think it makes us better writers, too, because we want to describe in the best words possible what we observe.
      Love and blessings, my friend!

  4. Martha, we live in a divine space and everything is touched by God's love and grace. We are enveloped by divine presence and should strive to live a more faithful life but also a more loving life. Photos like the one you shared remind us as to how connected we all are, the divine wisdom that permeates earth and how we are all spiritual beings.

    1. Yes, Vishnu, we are all so connected, not only with each other, but with God and His creation. When we remember to love as Jesus commanded, we can't help but have open hearts and minds to all the divine creation around us.
      Love and blessings!

  5. It is even more humbling when you finally realize that not only are you precious to God and He cares, but that only He could have brought about an event in your life. I had an experience like that in my life. Before that, I just assumed God was to busy with everyone else and I wasn't really worthy of his notice unless it was to take my parents from me. It was life changing...because when it happened I knew...and my faith grew and filled me and has never wavered since. He is with me, and with all of us.

    1. Oh, what an amazing, goosebump-giving testimony you have given here, Kathy! I had a most difficult time earlier in my life accepting that God, as big as He is, would deign to care for me. So glad He's helped both you and me to see otherwise!
      Love and blessings!


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