Friday, June 27, 2014

Alpha and Omega

Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

My husband, Danny, loves photography and, in my opinion, is amazingly talented.  He certainly demonstrates his ability when it comes to angle, composition, and artistic doctoring, when necessary, in Photoshop.  We both believe that when Danny uses his camera, he is utilizing one of the wonderful gifts God gave him.  That being said, Danny is always looking for ways to improve the quality of his photos, especially those of wildlife, but just can't bring himself to spend the big bucks demanded by a telephoto lens.  So, imagine his delight when he discovers he can download an EOS remote app to his Iphone!

"This is just so awesome!"  he says.  "I can program my camera to sync with the device on my phone, set my camera on the tripod, and watch from our deck for that perfect shot.  It's 'click,' and I've got that bird or squirrel.  No need for a blind or a humongous lens now!"

I'm at once stunned and humbled.  Being from the generation which recalls having only three channels on the television, dial-up phones, and record players, I stand in awe of today's technologies.  And, I can't believe how fast they develop and change, sometimes in a matter of months.  If I didn't live in a household with two techno-geeks, I know I couldn't manage to keep my computer running as efficiently and effectively as it does.  The times when Danny and stepson, Giovanni, have saved the day (and the files) are too numerous to count.  I am so thankful for their help in navigating the ever evolving programs and apps which would stump and frustrate me otherwise.

And, I'm so thrilled with the outcome of Danny's first attempt at long-distance photography, I simply have to share!

"Remember," Danny tells me, "this is the first try.  I'm hoping for better photos in the future.  I'll keep working on it."

Well, I think those featured here are fine as they are, but I love Danny for wanting to improve his talents.  For, when we discover those unique gifts God has given us, we can't help but strive to do His will and use the skills and intellect He has given us to bring more joy to the world in His name.

And, as much as technology exponentially grows, promising to improve our lives and ease our day-to-day situations, I find myself taking an increasing comfort in the sameness of our God.  The One who is and who was and who is to come.

I need His consistency.  I need to know that, no matter what changes I deal with here on earth, He is the same today as He ever was and ever will be.

Eternal.  All powerful.  Faithful.

In the beginning.  In the now.  In the end.

God is . . .

The Almighty.


Are you comfortable with new technology, or do you balk when faced with the challenges it brings?

Prayer:  Father God, no matter what changes we encounter on this earthly journey, let us never forget that You are our constant compass, guiding us on paths for Your righteousness' sake.  May we remember it is more important to be up-to-date with You than it is to fun after the latest fad or gadget.  For only You are the constant  One, the Alpha and Omega.  In Jesus' name we pray, amen.


  1. Martha, Amazing! Simply amazing photos! God's creation is simply wonderful!

    I tend to be a little hesitant in going after new technology. It may really be a good thing, though. Waiting allows for most of the "bugs" to be worked out!

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm with you, Kim, regarding technology. So glad you enjoyed Danny's photos and, yes, God's creation never ceases to amaze!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Those are some cool much you can do with technology these days.

    1. Thanks so much, Janaki! Yes, it is amazing to think how far we have advanced technologically speaking.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh my oh wow. I had no idea that camera thing could be done. Hummmmm. I stand amazed, as usual, at the beauty from Gods hands and the abilities of some mere humans. 👏👏❤️

    1. I know, Miz Liz! This technology blew me away. :) And, there is nothing which compares to God's amazing creation.
      Love and blessings!


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