Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!


It's often not welcomed.  It can be ugly.  But, it's inevitable.  Disheartening at its worst.  Challenging at its best.

And, let's face it.  Change upends our best laid plans.  Leaves us in the dust if we don't go with the flow.  Demands us to tread a whole new path.  A path we would more than likely not have chosen if left to our own devices.

Our band, so tight and together, is asked to make room for more musicians to rotate in and out with us.  This require lots of practice and flexibility on everyone's part.  Talk about change!

The old has gone, the new is here.  

Am I happy about this?  Honestly, "No."  I'm comfortable with the way things are.  I don't want this shift in our tidy, familiar latitude as a group so close we often read each other's minds.  I fear for what might happen when the trusty, tried and true apple cart is upended.

But, if we wish to continue to lead contemporary worship, we have to accept this new arrangement.  We have no choice in the matter.

The old has gone, the new is here.

So, I've decided not to stew over these alterations and unknowns I neither wanted nor asked for.  I'm determined, instead, to have a positive attitude.  To watch and pray and listen, trusting God's hand is in it all.   

And, I hope that, though this experience, God will grow us all and, in the end, bring us closer to Him.  I don't think it will be easy, nor do I expect it to be painless.  But, any change which creates a deeper relationship with our Father, I can fully embrace.

I'm ready to go with the flow.

To take those first tentative steps down a brand new path.

To exit my comfort zone.

To let go and let God . . .


When has a change which disrupted your life turned out to be exactly what you needed?

Prayer:  Father, we so resist change in our lives, but we know it comes at us continually.  Let us have open minds and patient hearts when we find changes challenging and uncomfortable.  May we continue to grow in our relationship with You.  In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. Martha, You're so correct. Change isn't always easy--it can be down right stressful at times.

    When I consider change, I remember how much my mom feared, resisted, hated change--she saw change as bad. For me, I try to take a neutral view to change.

    I've had a number of changes since 2000. Some have been more challenging than others. One of the most positive changes (it was what I needed) was changing churches in 2009. The change means I have a good sized drive each week--thus I'm not nearly as involved in activities. Yet the benefits are so worth it!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kim, and for sharing your story. So glad to know that the church you now attend because of change is well worth the drive and extra time. When changes come, I do try to remember that God's hand is in it all, and I will see it through.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Practiced tonight with the core group and indeed some things were challenging, but some were amazing - God is working in all of this, I can feel it.

    1. Thanks for these comforting words, honey. I, too, know that God is in it all and, in the end, it will be a marvelous thing. Love you!

  3. Love the Jimmy Buffet lyric. You are so right about change being difficult. We fight it so yet it is constant in life. I like to reframe it thinking of change as adventure, see the view on the flowing river mentality BUT often do feel close to drowning too. Leaving comfort zones isn't easy and requires courage too. I am often not the risk taker at first. Give me a few minutes ( day/months) to catch my breath, then I am ready to explore the new country BUT take time to get my sea legs I guess. Knowng God there ahead of me and behind me too helps. Good post!!

    1. Jean, you certainly have the right attitude in seeing change as an adventure. Yes, it always is! And, like you, change often drags me kicking and screaming from my comfort zone, but when I accept that God is in it all, I'm much more accepting. It is a process!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Change is so difficult, especially when things seem to be working so well. It's a good opportunity you have here to be "forced" into a new arrangement. Those coming up will benefit from playing with the seasoned and everyone will grow. I've definitely been a proponent and hinderance to change at different points. Growing, discipling, and changing is what God has for us! Good thoughts--appreciate the honesty, Martha.

    1. Jason, what you've said here is so true! This IS a great opportunity to mentor the younger musicians in our church and to encourage them as the worship leaders of tomorrow. As my husband (who is 60) likes to remind me: We can't do this forever. :) No, we can't, so we'll swim with the current and trust in God's will.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Change is difficult as you said. Go with the flow and everything will be fine. Good luck to you all.

    1. Yes, so difficult sometimes! But, we've all decided to go with it and see what God has in store for us.
      Love and blessings, Janaki!


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