Friday, August 8, 2014

With God, All Things Are Possible

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Many bloggers whom I follow have been studying and reviewing the same book, The Forgotten God, by best-selling author and inspirational Christian speaker, Francis Chan.  Their reflections and commentaries have whetted my appetite to explore this book in depth, and I have placed it on my Amazon wish list with husband, Danny.  He's the bread-winner in our family and always keeps a conscientious finger upon all our expenditures, and I strive to keep my own frivolities to a minimum as we prepare for retirement.  But, I don't regard a book devoted to the Holy Spirit frivolous.  I trust, once Danny's reads this post, he'll order the book without hesitation as he, too, admires Mr. Chan ever since we were privileged to hear/see him in person several years ago.

If you are a regular follower of Meditations of My Heart, you know that I'm on a semi-hiatus.  I'm not publishing regularly because the next novel series calls.  Loudly!  And, I have to complete and edit the ENTIRE SERIES before I dare let Book One loose to my publisher.  The demands of time are, well, demanding!  Time is precious.  My responsible use of it, even more.

And, what does this have to do with reading The Forgotten God?  EVERYTHING!  Because, each and every day I plop myself down at the computer to write creatively, the Holy Spirit visits me.  He's not always apparent or present at first, but as I let myself go and allow Him to enter in, the words flow.  Characters take on flesh and blood, and the novel moves forward, more real than reality, truer in words than my own human and limited thoughts could ever imagine.  The characters speak with authority and autonomy.  I simply listen, heed, and record.

Listen.  Heed.  Record.

For I know this:  In depending upon myself alone, nothing is possible.  I could try and try and try again, yet be resigned to flailing impotently in my own efforts.  My striving, my goals, my dedicated work means nothing unless the blessing of the Lord is in it.

Unless, He is welcomed.


Beyond the shadow of doubt, I must, you must, embrace the Holy Spirit.

In heart and mind and soul.

Without Him, I (you) fail.

With Him, I (you) succeed.

When we have succumbed to the will of God, our will is no more, and we're the better for it.  Guaranteed.

Only with God, through His Holy Spirit, promised by Christ Jesus, are all things possible.

Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to move in your life?

Prayer:  Father in Heaven, send Your Holy Spirit once again, that we might feel the flame of passion which is Your love for us.  We are so in need of revival and confirmation in our Christian walk, especially in these globally trying times.  May we ever remember and revere the sacrifice that Your Son, Christ Jesus, made for us, the undeserving and unwashed.  May we ever give unending thanks for our salvation, and live according to Your will.  In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.


  1. Beautiful post Martha. When we walk with Him and heed his call, then we truly begin to live life and it is joyful. Blessings and wishes for a successful book.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy! Yes, when we let go and let God, we can accomplish things we never dreamed of.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dear Martha,

    One of the things I love about being back into blogging is seeing the synchronicities between what I'm currently working on and that of my cyber friends! This is another perfect example, since I've been incubating a post about choosing priorities in a busy world. Like you, my first priority each day is to tune in to the energy of the eternal creative Spirit. After that, everything else falls into place as it must, and will.

    Wishing you a wonder-filled and productive day, Dear! Thank you for all that you are! XOXO

    1. I'm so glad you're back blogging, too, Linda! Isn't it amazing how we often sync up on the same topics; this happens with me and my friends, too, more than I can count. Just convinces me we are all connected by the one Spirit.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Every time I have come to your blog Martha I have taken along with some strength that I so need, some reassurances and some beautiful lessons that I cherish very dearly!

    I cannot thank you enough for these and would like to wish you all the best for our book <3


    1. Thank you, Privy, and so gratified to know you glean something you need to know when you visit my posts. That makes me feel that my blog is actually touching hearts in a meaningful way. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Great post, Martha! I treasure my relationship with the Holy Spirit--so gentle yet so able to convict. He is a perfect gentleman. I seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit daily (sometimes more than once). Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit was one of the greatest things to happen in my spiritual life with the exception of my salvation.

    Love and blessings!

    1. The perfect gentleman - what an apt description, Kim! Yes, he never forces Himself on us, but stands there waiting for our knock at His door. I'm glad you can relate to this; I was a bit apprehensive that some folks would think me outrageous or radical for claiming His presence in my life on a daily basis, and it's so good to know I'm not alone! :)
      Love and blessings!

    2. Martha, I understand your struggle. It's the same for me. How do I put into words the Holy Spirit's activity in my life? I've come a long way in my understanding in the last ten or so years. What a difference that has made!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I needed to read this today and I am so glad I did. Thank you!

    1. So glad it spoke to you, Kathy! Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Not sure if my comment came through, Martha. I was saying that your posts are so inspirational and prayerful, both at the same time. I've missed your writing and glad to be back to read those posts I missed. And glad you're writing even when you had not planned to:) The Holy Spirit was actively present in my life twice, for days at a time. I will never forget those experiences and continue to welcome the Spirit into my life everyday.

    1. Oh, those experiences with the Holy Spirit can't be compared to anything else! So glad He has entered your life, Vishnu!
      Thanks, too, for the kind words about my writing. I, too, have missed blogging, but am making great progress on my novels. I will have a post up this week sometime.
      Love and blessings!


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