Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Lord, Make Firm My Steps

Psalm 37:23-24
The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Maybe it's the caution which comes with growing older, but lately, I find myself with Iphone affixed to my belt, not just when I'm out and about in my car, but when I'm home alone.  And I'm home by myself frequently.  With stepson, Giovanni, working full-time and husband, Danny, at work downtown, I know there is no one close by to come to my aid should an unforeseen mishap occur.

I become acutely aware of this need to have-cell-phone-will-travel when Danny leaves on a Sunday for a meeting in Phoenix, and Giovanni is miles away visiting with his girlfriend.  I am truly isolated!  If, in my umpteenth trips up and down our staircase to tend to laundry and other chores, I find myself, in the words of that infamous commercial, to have "fallen, and I can't get up," how would I call for help if my phone is not on my person?

While taking precautions regarding physical protection is wise and sensible, I can't help but feel a bit sheepish when I read these verses from Psalm 37.  If the Lord makes firm the steps of those who delight in Him, which I do without reservation, should I even entertain such a worry in the first place?  Oh, yes!  I could stumble, especially when lugging a wet and unwieldy basket of washed clothes up the stairs and out to our deck to be hung on the line.  But where is my faith?  Won't the Lord uphold me with His hand?

Yes, I know.  I'm placing a literal spin on a metaphorical example of God's unfailing love and protection for all His children.  He who delights in us will ever save us when we stumble in sin.  Jesus will not let us fall into that abyss, but will catch us at the brink and place us, once again, onto the path of righteousness for His name's sake.

God will make firm our steps when we choose to follow Jesus.

God will bless us when we delight in Him.

He will love us, though we stumble, and not let us fall.

We can rest assured, cellphone ready or not, that the Lord upholds us with His powerful and omnipresent hand.


When you stumble, can you trust in the Lord to uphold you?

Prayer:  Dear Father, let us ever delight in You that You might make our steps firm and our purpose to spread the Good News of Your Kingdom foremost in our hearts and minds.  When we stumble as imperfect children, may we always recall that You are right there beside us, ready to pick us up, brush us off, and set us upon the right path You have laid before us.  Make firm our steps!  All this we pray in Jesus' name.  Amen.


  1. I firmly believe that the Lord helps those that help themselves...so I think it is essential to keep a cellphone on my person. Now...whether it has enough charge and signal to get me the help I need is up to HIM. He will make it possible for me to reach someone. See what I mean?? I love the way you make me think about these things and God. I am alone more than I am not, and anymore I always have my cell phone in my pocket. If not in case of an emergency but because if I don't I lose the stupid thing and then can't find it! LOL

    1. Kathy, you reminded me here of the story of the man stuck on a cliff who turns down all sorts of rescue because he says God will save him. God finally cries out in exasperation, "I sent you three different rescue teams; what were you thinking?"
      Yes, keep that phone on you and check the charge, too! I'm almost anal when it comes to keeping mine fully powered.
      Thanks for your great comment, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Lovely post as always <3

    And these thoughts inspire me today, just yesterday I was feeling lost when I found solace in His thoughts - just the belief that when I being pushed to the edge of the cliff He will be there, either to hold me or to teach me how to fly is comforting enough.

    1. Oh, such a tender and comforting thought, Privy! Knowing God will save us when we are at the end of the line or will teach us to fly brings great comfort. He will, yes, He will!
      Love and blessings, my dear!

  3. For me, learning to trust God continues to be a process. Thankfully, He's patient with me. Sometimes I can be such a slow learner!

    Love and blessings!

    1. We can all be slow learners, Kim. I know I am! God's patience and love never cease to amaze me.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Love this! So true and I needed to be reminded today. Thank you.

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post, Martha. Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, I have been reading your comments on Jason's blog (Endless Impact). I decided that it was time to come over and visit yours! I thoroughly enjoyed this post! My hubby and I moved to a remote mountain home a little over two years ago. I try not to think about how far we are from a hospital and doctors. So I could identify with your thoughts about personal safety. But of course, I tend to worry about all kinds of stuff anyway!!

    So, yes, your thoughts about the Lord's great protection and provision were greatly encouraging to me! I echo your prayer - Lord, make our steps, literal and spiritual, strong and sure.


    (Glad to become your newest follower!)

    1. Sharon, I'm so glad you decided to pay a visit to my blog! Happy that Jason's posts placed you in touch with me!
      My husband and I love to take vacations at luxury cabins in the mountains (Nantahalas of NC overlooking the Great Smoky Mountains), but we have thought about those same concerns with regard to retiring there. I admire your spunk and faith to choose to live away from the conveniences of immediate help if anything inopportune should occur. You inspire me!
      Oh, and about those worries? I have them, too. What I've found to be the best of help is to pray as soon as those concerns cross my mind. Does it work right away? Only if I completely let it go and let God, for He is good all the time!
      So glad you are following, Sharon; know your presence here is always appreciated and welcomed!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Love the photo and saying, Martha. I have been extra careful this week with the new snow and slippery surfaces - so that is what I was thinking as I read your words. Yes we trust God but he counts on us using our head too. I think it isn't the caution about personal safety but the worry that accompanies it. less worry, more trust, right?

    1. Less worry, more trust - yes! I think God expects us to use our common sense with which He graced us, i.e, being careful on snowy, icy surfaces, but to ultimately trust that He is the ultimate protector and provider when it comes down to it.
      Thanks for your great insight, Jean!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What's wrong with a little celestial insurance? You always remind me to stop and take notice of my world, to remember. Nice one, Martha.

    1. You are a writer, Brenda, always taking notice of your world! (Haven't started reading your book yet, but hope to do so soon!) That's what God would have us do: refresh and revive in every moment, savor every detail, live in the now . . . Okay, can I have my cellphone back now, Lord? :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. I'm with you, Martha. I think sometimes we make the Bible metaphorical when He wants to promise something literal. Why not believe that our physical steps are made firm as we delight in Him? There's no separation for Him--He sees and has dominion over all, spiritual and physical. All part of the same universe that is upheld by His word. Good thoughts! Thank you.

    1. Amen, Jason! Nothing can separate us from God's presence and His great love, spiritually or physically! Thanks for such a thoughtful comment!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Forgiven to follow with firm steps. By His grace alone! Thanks for this great inspiration and reminder. Blessings!

    1. Yes, Deb, it's only by His grace alone that we can follow firmly in His steps. So sorry I missed commenting on your wonderful posts last week, but we were in the mountains and I was trying to go "dark" as they say and take a real vacation. The Good Lord knows I needed it!
      Love and blessings!

  10. That is one of the many happy perks of being a Christian. An all loving ever supportive and faithful God. A God whom we don't have to search because He's the one searching for us. Lovely!

    1. Yes, indeed, SuperLux! Our God who loves us so much He runs to find us is the most wonderful thing in the world. So glad you stopped by today, new friend!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I love reading your blog Martha. You take everyday life situations and turn them into a spiritual lesson. I am so thankful for your writing and divine inspiration. And thankful for having Jesus in my life. Cell phone or not, like you say, He's powerful and omnipresent.

    1. Thank you so much, Vishnu! Just knowing someone as talented and insightful as you are takes away inspiration from my blog warms my heart. Yes, that's my thing: finding the miraculous in the mundane. It's there if you just look for it! :)
      Love and blessings!

  12. Beautifully written and puts a smile on my face. The many times I fall, I can no longer imagine falling without Him there reaching out to catch me. For the times I feel alone and the times that sadness creeps in, I don't even want to remember the time I spent outside His will. Yes, He was still loving me, He was wooing me and won my heart the moment I understood that He is real and He loves ME! Me? Yes, ME! I look forward to reading through your posts! Thank you!

    1. Hi, Helen! Welcome to Meditations of My Heart! I do hope you will be a regular visitor. :)
      Like you, I don't want to ruminate over all those wasted years when my heart wasn't attuned to Him. I realized after accepting Jesus as my Savior that He had never given up on me, had always loved this Prodigal Daughter, and would always be ready with open arms to wrap me in His love.
      Love and blessings!


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