Friday, February 27, 2015


2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!

My husband, Danny, and I have wanted to replace the carpeting in all three bedrooms with wood floors since we got married almost ten years ago (Our kitchen, dining area, living room, and hallway already enjoy this blessing).  But with two cats and a dog, not to mention Danny's boys just entering their teen years, we decide the time is not right.  There are other, more pressing issues with regards to our house.  Wood floors are a luxury.  We can live with the carpet for now.

Fast forward to 2014.  No more dog.  No more cats.  Only one son, now grown and, fortunately for us, a neat freak, we begin discussing this home improvement project in earnest.  The carpet is 23-years-nasty.  No amount of stain removal or cleaning can revive its weary nap.  To top things off, the carpet which was in our downstairs room had to be ripped up and discarded two years ago due to the lingering, tell-tale odor touting a history of our cats' territorial squabbles.  A concrete slab belongs in the garage, not in our home! 

Here are some "before" photos ~

We plan carefully for this huge renovation, doing things step by step, putting money aside every month until Danny feels we can comfortably handle the expense.  We are fortunate to find out about a flooring company managed by the son of one of Danny's co-workers.  As we've already checked with other companies in the business, we know, when we get the quote, that we've landed a true deal.

This is how our living room looked after we emptied all closets in preparation.

When the long-awaited day for installation finally arrives, we are beside ourselves with excitement.  We are so ready for this change, for the old to be gone and the new to be here!  In my mind's eye, I try to imagine the transformation about to take place.  But nothing prepares me for the beauty and elegance which greets me when the job is completed.

Danny and I are completely overwhelmed.  We both feel as though we've moved into a brand new home.  And I can't help but think that's exactly what it feels like the moment we invite Jesus into our lives.  He takes up all the soiled and sinful carpets in us, carries them out the door, and renovates us with resplendent hope and an abundant life through His gifts of love, grace and forgiveness.  Jesus changes us from the inside out so that we may become more and more like Him every day and constantly growing in faith.

Jesus wants to make us new.

Will you, have you, let Him?

Prayer:  Father, it is my prayer today that someone who does not yet know You will read this post and be moved to take one step closer to accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  I pray also for those who have become new creations in Christ, that they would continue to grow in Your love and Your grace.  In the name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.


  1. Your new floors look fabulous! I am so happy for you. ♥

    1. Thank you, Kathy! We are thrilled with the change.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh I love wooden floors, Martha and yours look fab!
    I know just what you mean about us become new creations too. A great Lenten reflection. ♥

    1. Thank you, Corinne! Somehow, I knew you were a wooden floor person. :)
      May we all become renewed creations during Lent.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Beautiful post, Martha, great imagery of how Jesus changes us IF we ask Him into our heart and life. Jesus has changed me--for the better.

    As an aside, my house is in dire need of new carpet--if I used any type of carpet cleaner on it, I'm pretty sure the carpeting would dissolve! (The majority of the carpet is 60s/70s shag and what isn't shag is that old too, for the most part.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, wow, Kim, it does sound like your carpet does need renewal. Thanks be to God that your heart, so tuned into Jesus, requires no renovation to keep on growing in Him!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Although Jo & i are not hardwood floor "likers" we are having to live with one due to tearing up old, stinky (pets from previous owner) and stained carpeting (largely from previous owner). The wood is old and needs work but we haven't done that since we hope to put carpet down someday. But yours do look nice.

    1. Oh, boy, Bill, sounds like we've both shared the stinky carpet dilemma. The hardwood decision for upstairs was truly for continuity. I'm loving the carpet we put in downstairs as I'm looking forward to using it as a play area with my granddaughters. Hope you can see new carpet soon!
      Love and blessings and prayers for Sunday!

  5. Beautiful, Martha. Happy for you!!

    1. Thank you, Miz Liz! We are overjoyed with the change.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Love how you took this home project and it became a lessons for us. You inspire me as we too want to get rid of carpet but in our front areas and go with hard wood flooring. Timing like you said. I will need to remember to snap some photos like you did to share. Thanks for sharing...

    1. Oh, I hope you can realize that dream soon, Jean! I'm still in awe, and probably will be for some time, of the remarkable change. Do take photos, too! :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha it's beautiful! We have several improvement projects we want to do this year. I have to admit the mess of the process intimidates me a little. You've inspired me! It looks like it's totally worth it!

    1. Thank you, Deb! Yes, it's entirely worth it. I can't begin to tell you how cleaning out closets and going through clutter (be it organized chaos) is so cathartic. Tomorrow's blog features a place I've carved out just for Bible reading and prayer because the renovation gave us the space.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I don't have carpets, Martha, but I do need God in my life to throw out the old and renew me with wooden floors, carpets or whatever else I need in my life. I actually feel like a new home after I accepted Christ into my life. When there was darkness before, there is now light. Thank you for always turning our attention back to what really matters in life. Not the floor or the carpets, but the Creator.

    1. I love what you said here, Vishnu: "I actually feel like a new home after I accepted Christ into my life." Yes! That is exactly what it should feel like. And our God should always and ever be the first priority in our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wonderful job on the renovation! My hubby and I have done a remodel twice, and lived to tell the tale! So, I can appreciate all the hard work behind the scenes that you guys had to do. But the finished product is really lovely.

    And yes! I have let Jesus into my heart, and He is making me new. Even all those pesky, outdated, dirty corners!!


    1. Twice, Sharon? Oh, wow, that's some downright hard work, for sure.
      And when we allow Jesus to live in our hearts as you have, He never ceases to work in us, dusting us down and cleaning up every nook and cranny in our souls.
      Love and blessings!


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