Friday, July 31, 2015

Watch and Pray

Mark 14:38
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Recently, I have issues with my computer.  It begins a few months ago when, every time I attempt to view a video on Facebook, my mouse freezes up, and I have to reboot to clear up the problem.  Annoying at least, irritating at best.  Who doesn't want to watch fun, entertaining, and often enlightening videos?  I know I do!

Thanks to my computer whiz of a stepson, Giovanni, a game card fixture is found guilty as charged for creating such havoc.  Once he removes it, this headache is "Aleved."

Low and behold, as soon as I think the coast is clear, another problem rises to the surface.  It might not seen crucial to the interim computer user, but it is of utmost importance to me and to probably many of you who maintain blogs and/or write for a living.  When my computer relaxes into sleep mode and is jangled awake by my calling, the background photos on my home screen begin flickering and fluctuating with disturbing abandon.  As I am looking to refine my third novel in Adventures in The Glade, I simply cannot see this happening in the midst of serious editing.  It would be a travesty to lose the work due to some wanton computer glitch.

Something has got to give!

And give, it does.

My husband, Danny, simply issues a command to my errant computer to cease defaulting into sleep mode.  He strengthens its willing spirit and banishes its flagging flesh with a click of the mouse.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us, when we fall into the flashing, fluttering temptations that plague our lives, could be made whole so easily?

We need to turn to God; only He can strengthen us to stay awake.

Watch and pray.

For when we are weak, the Lord is strong, working within us and through us.  Perfecting us so that our lives might reflect His love and honor His glory.

We all have weaknesses.  Are you turning yours over to God that He might work wonders through you?

Prayer:  Father, in our weaknesses and shortcomings, we fail to stay awake.  We fall asleep instead of watching and praying for Jesus' return.  We miss opportunities to witness to others about Your great love for all of us.  Awaken our hearts, Lord.  Help us keep watch vigilantly.  Let our prayers come with every breath we breathe.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha,
    Computer problems are such a pain at times. They are great when they work; when they don't... I'm glad you have people in your life who know how to correct problems as they arise.

    Turning my weaknesses over to God is a work in progress. Yet I know He is using me. Recently, due to lack of time (in the service) I preached for the very first time WITHOUT my manuscript! God was certainly working through me then. (In all honesty, I had been wanting to not be so dependent on a manuscript and preach from notes. It happened, just not in the way I thought.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, I'm so grateful to have Danny and Giovanni around to help when these things happen. I'm clueless when it comes to the geeky stuff. :)
      I think that's wonderful that you were able to preach from just your notes! Wow! God does work with us and through us when we place ourselves completely in His hands. Loved your post today, my friend, and left a comment!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Thanks, Martha. Other members of our Christian Poets & Writers group on Facebook will surely identify with your post, so I'll highlight it on the blog - God bless.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary, for giving me such a warm welcome to the site. I'm so glad to be here! I post every Tuesday and Friday, and will be looking for yours in the future.
      Love and blessings!

  3. You said it well Martha. I wish it was that easy. But then again if it was we would not appreciate the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He works though us to change and mold us into the likeness of Jesus.

    1. Amen, Bill! That is exactly why we're not easily fixable. Let us fasten our seat belts and allow the Holy Spirit to take us on the ride of our lives!
      Love and blessings!

  4. My cell phone wouldn't work the other day - and it felt like my whole life fell apart. I really felt guilty that I rely so much on technology. yep, time to reboot, clear out and refocus only on God. I am so addicted. Your example of computer with some great spiritual lessons helped me resolve this today. Thanks!

    1. Oh, how I hear you, Jean! We all rely, I believe, too much on technology. Glad the example of my errant computer gave you a spiritual lesson much as it did me.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I recently lost a lot of work as my laptop crashed :(

    Cannot imagine such a situation again. Compelled me to write a post on Back up on similar lines.

    1. Always, always, always, back it up! It is heartbreaking to lose our labors of love and almost impossible to recreate, Privy. That's why I back my novels up in three different computer places and print each chapter out - the latter doesn't get recycled until the final ink is dry on the published book.
      Sorry you had to go through that suffering, but as you are prone to say, "Lesson learnt." :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hi Martha! You are so blessed to have computer-savvy people in your family! My son is my 'go-to' person when things are going nuts.
    I think we are on the same wave-length today. Seeing God's greatness in our weakness is a true grace. We are blessed to recognize His movement in our lives. He does make all things new again!

    1. Yes, Ceil, I know I'm blessed to have that computer help; glad your son is such a help!
      And God does act with strength when we admit we are weak and cannot go it alone. I'm so, so grateful for His daily presence in my life as I know you are.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh, the troubles and travails of technology!! Computer-illiterate, that would be me! But, a great lesson to be found in all that trouble, right?

    Might the Lord keep me alert, and give me the strength to face the trials that come my way. (He is the Master Programmer, after all!)


    1. Isn't it amazing, Sharon, that we can learn so much from our troubles and hardships? I do think all the tough times help us lean into and depend upon God more than ever, and that's a good thing.
      And yes, God is the Master Programmer! Love your terminology here.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Who are these people who can speak to your computers and the machines listen:)

    I had a recent event where my site was hacked and htat really threw me off guard for a few days, Martha. I really had to surrender, when I realized there wasn't much I could do and let the troubleshooters do their part. Similar to life, sometimes we have to sit back adn trust that someone with more skills (and higher powers) are working on it :) !

    1. Yes, we do need to sit back and trust the Master Programmer to make all things right, Vishnu. Sorry you had your site hacked, but glad everything worked out okay in the end. It can be so frustrating!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I love this Martha! I am usually a patient person but when it comes to computer problems. Oooh that's another story. I love your analogy. It would be wonderful to have someone fix my "flashing, fluttering temptations BEFORE I crash and burn. :-)

    1. I'm glad this post resonated with you, Deb! It seems computer problems try my patience, too; just happy to have the help around here!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...