Friday, August 21, 2015

One Hurdle at a Time

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I am a cheerleader for four years in high school.  Though most people in those days don't consider cheering to be a sport, it requires constant physical workouts and daily discipline on my part to keep my legs strong and supple enough to successfully execute the repeated Russian split jumps we have to do.  And all that determined exercise pays off in the most unexpected of ways.

A new physical education teacher introduces our all-girl class to track and field.  One of the first challenges she poses for us is the hurdles.  I'm supposed to clear that???  I think as I regard my short legs dubiously.  As I anxiously await my turn, the coach notices my apprehension.  "It's not as hard as it looks, Martha," she reassures me.  "Just focus on one hurdle at a time.  You can do it."

One hurdle at a time.

Those are the exact words I hear from my husband, Danny, just the other day.  He knows these are trying times for me what with my mother being in the hospital, my grown children needing assistance in one way or another, and the unexpected delays in the release of my next novel.  He knows I'm stressed because I'm looking at the what-ifs down the road instead of tackling whatever problem is in the here and now.

And when Danny reminds me of Jesus' admonition in Matthew 6:34, I realize I've been centered on worry, not on the Lord as I should be.  It's a humbling revelation to say the least.

So I think again about all those hurdles situated around the quarter-mile track and recall the words of my teacher:  "Just focus on one hurdle at a time."

One hurdle at a time.

I take her advice, and you know what?  I clear every last one of them!

And with Jesus' help, I'll continue to clear each and every hurdle life throws at me.

What hurdles are you facing today?  Do you trust Jesus to guide you through?

Prayer:  Father, help us to remember that worrying about the future robs us of our joy in the present.  Let us cast every care upon You, knowing You will help us leap over every hurdle in this life.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Yep - 1 @ a time - excellent post.

  2. Also, your profile is beautifully written, emphasizing your love and commitment to the Lord: "How blessed we are! We also share a deep love and commitment to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and rejoice in being heirs of the Kingdom through His sacrifice." Carol

    1. Thank you, Carol, for your kind words here!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, Meaningful post. Like you, I find it easy to focus on too much, rather than "one hurdle" at a time. Focusing on too much at once does make me anxious. At this point, there seem to be several "things" out there that are looming in the distance ahead of me. I'll only be able to hurdle over them by fully relying on the Lord.

    Way to go on getting over those hurdles!!

    Love and blessings!

    1. That's exactly what happens, Kim, when we try to juggle too much - worry! Jesus told us not to, but we all need His help to sort things out and handle the hurdles one at a time.
      Yes, that day on the P.E. field was, indeed, memorable. I'm so glad this thought resurfaced as I conceived this post.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Sorry to hear about your Mom, Martha. Great advice from your coach and Danny! With the Holy Spirit's help you'll do just fine!

    1. Thank you, Corinne! Yes, with His help, I will hang in there. Mom should be coming home from the hospital this Friday; I will be staying with her for at least a week.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I've had to let go of so much fear and worry over the past months. It's hard work, and I didn't realize there was so much of it. I'm amazed at the benefits and peace that have come with meditating on His word and staying engaged with His goodness and love. Praying for you in the challenges, Martha. Blessings and grace through every hurdle. Thanks so much.

    1. Jason, I could certainly tell from your recent posts that times haven't been easy for you. I know we both take much comfort in knowing God is in the trials as well as the happy times. And sometimes, yes, the work is hard and there is more of it than we think we can handle, but He never fails to pull us through! Thank you so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  6. One hurdle at a time and one step at a time, Martha. When we look at everything on our plate at one time, it becomes overwhelming. If we step back, slow down and focus on one thing at a time, life becomes a whole lot easier to deal with. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for your mother.

    1. Amen, Vishnu, it's like the old question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer? One bite at a time. I'm learning to face those hurdles one step at a time. Thank you for your prayers for my mom!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Thanks for the good words Martha. One hurdle at a time. The church is experiencing growth and we are having to do just that. To the side: what is causing the delays? I WANT TO READ IT NOW! :)

    1. Lol, Bill, and I want it out! We're getting close - maybe in two weeks??? Anyway, I'll be sure to announce it on my blog.
      Glad your church is growing - good news! And I 'm sure you all will take it one hurdle at a time.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Those hurdles though! Since I am only 5 feet tall, I always went around the hurdles. :) Great advice though for life, take on one at a time, one day at a time and then anything can and will be doable.

  9. Those hurdles though! Since I am only 5 feet tall, I always went around the hurdles. :) Great advice though for life, take on one at a time, one day at a time and then anything can and will be doable.

    1. I'm short, too, Kathy, at 5'3", but those built muscles were my saving grace. Yes, one at a time!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Love the reminder, sure needed it today...thanks.


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