Monday, May 13, 2024

Remember God's Covenant


I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earth. ~Genesis 9:15-16

How many of you can view a rainbow and NOT recall it is a powerful and grace-filled symbol of God's eternal covenant with each living being in His creation?  I know I can't.  Yet, even for those people who know nothing of God and His greatness, who of them can argue that seeing a rainbow uplifts weary hearts to lofty heights of hope in the midst of life's storms?

The photo above was taken by my husband, Danny, while staying on the 14th floor of the new Piedmont Hospital tower as doctors diagnosed what could be a small stroke in his right eye that occurred during his heart ablation procedure on May 1st.  Yes, it is a view you would expect at a 5-star hotel in downtown Atlanta, but from a hospital window?  The staff referred to this as the penthouse suite, and that's certainly an apt moniker.

Since the end of January this year, we have endured more physical and emotional roller coaster rides than the law allows.  I know that we could not have made it through without our trust and faith that with God, all things are working for His good for all who believe in Him.  These days have not just seen our personal struggles, but people, whom we love dearly, have been facing the same challenges in their health matters, many times worse than we have ever had.  I have found that in praying for others and their needs, it doesn't erase our own, but is certainly brings peace to our situation when we take the focus off ourselves.

We cannot see the whole picture on this side of eternity, but we can rest assure that our Lord does.  When Danny saw this rainbow after a gully-washer of a storm, he was infused with fresh hope that only God can give.  It may not be what his doctor orders, but the medicine our Great Physician prescribes is infinitely greater.

Danny has been home since last Thursday, and we are both so grateful for all your prayers and support, dear friends.  He is improving with every passing day, so we remain strong and resilient, knowing God is there to help through any storm that comes, and renew our hopes.

May our loving Father bless and keep you always!



  1. What wonderful news that Danny is getting better. Praise the Lord. Indeed He cares for us more than we can imagine.

    And true, we should focus on the needs of others more than on ourselves.

    God bless you Martha, and Danny and your family always.

    1. Thank you, Victor, for all your prayers and well wishes for Danny's healing. We are blessed by God in more ways than we could ever count. May we continue to pray for one another as we journey in our Christian walk together!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Indeed, our Great Physician above has the total concept of our lives.
    On Pieter's final Birthday you published your call for prayers...
    Of course I had no time for commenting then as Pieter was indulging in the love and warmth bestowed upon him and after that, letting go.
    It is hard to watch but in the knowledge of our Faith that our souls never die, we will be forever fused.
    God granted us so many prayers to become reality...
    Pieter's Goddaughter arrived at Atlanta Airport on May 8 at 9:29 PM and I could not drive back and forth so I'd hired our private driver. He got her home at 00:30 AM and then he called on Friday mid afternoon to inform him that he was at the hospital after a stroke that affected his eye sight—no other symptoms. We never know when it strikes and/or how.
    So grateful for safe arrival of both of them. His colleague did drop off Myriam on Sunday morning.
    Hugs and best wishes for Danny!

    1. Oh, Mariette, your faith and trust in God's will simply vibrates in your beautiful words here! I've been praying for you at this time of earthly loss that God would continue to let you know how much He loves you, and that certainly seems to be the case. So happy that Pieter's Goddaughter could come and be with you at this juncture, too. That must have been of such comfort to you.
      Thank you, dear one, for all your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  3. It is always reassuring to see "signs" of God's promise-past, present and future. What is so good to hear is that Danny took this sign of the rainbow and allowed it to wash over him with the reassurance of God's presence and promise. I'm glad to hear Danny is home and improving. May you also know His power and strength as you give him loving care.

    1. I do feel so at peace, Bill, as God's strength and comfort has surrounded the both of us. Everyone's prayers were certainly felt, too, and they can't be praised enough! God will give us what we need even before we ask, or when we don't know how to ask.
      Love and blessings!

  4. So thankful to hear that Danny is home and feeling better now. Continued prayers for his complete recovery and your own strength in the midst of all of this "storm". I LOVE the picture of the rainbow over Atlanta! So beautiful! That is quite a lovely hospital room! Glad he was getting first class service while recuperating and healing. Praying that things will calm down now for both of you and that that rainbow of hope and promise will become manifest in your lives. (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you so much, Pamela, for all your prayers during this trying time for both Danny and me. We are so grateful to our Lord that He has given both of us more time together on earth, and we pray that we use that time to continue to praise Him and give Him the glory for His wonderful and mighty works. May others see Jesus in us always!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Great news, Martha. I'm so glad he's home!

    1. We are so happy and thankful, too, Glynn, as you can well imagine. Thanks once again for all your prayers and well wishes during this time of uncertainty for us. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm so thankful for progress and pray that it continues. May you enjoy rest and peace as Danny recovers.

    1. Sorry, I forgot to enter my name and address.

    2. Thanks so much, Diana, for all your prayers. We are so grateful that Danny is home and we are continuing to pray for continued healing of body and mind.
      Love and blessings!

  7. All the best to Danny. That rainbow must be a good sign -Christine

    1. A rainbow is always a good sign, Christine, as it reminds us that God is ever with us and deeply cares for each one of His children. Thanks for all your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  8. This brought tears to my eyes ... in a good way! AMEN!!! My heart rejoices with gladness and renewal when I hear His Word and He is lifted up even in times of trial. Thank you for brightening my gloomy day. "Iron sharpens iron." Been praying for y'all too. God bless. 💙

    1. Those good kind of tears are the best! Keeping you in prayer for healing, too, Sparky, and thanks so much for all of yours.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wonderful news - Danny being at home and getting better each day!
    The rainbow in the picture he took through the hospital window, is so , so beautiful!
    God the Creator and "our Great Physician" as you put it, is always by the side of his believers.

    1. Amen, Duta! God is ever with us and never more than a prayer away. Thanks so much for all your prayers during this trying time.
      Love and blessings!

  10. So thankful for this rainbow to remind us of God’s presence. Continuing to pray for Danny.
    Blessings, Martha!

    1. Thanks for all your prayers, Lulu! God knew what He was doing when He declared a convenant with all the earth through it, knowing it would appear in the heavens time and time again.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Praise our Lord for answered prayers!
    Whoa! Talk about a room with a view. Spectacular.
    Unlike the (seeming) popularity of the Rainbow symbol, I will always choose to look on it as God's promise.

    1. The Lord does answer our prayers always, Myra, and whatever He decides is always best. I choose to view rainbows in the same way that you do.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha Jane, this is a wonderful report and I'm thankful you were able to give us the good news of Danny's progress.

    1. I'm so grateful, too, Barbara. Thanks so much for all your prayers during this time!
      Love and blessings!

  13. A post with some good news always pleases me.
    Rainbows are so pretty and it is sad that many do not understand significance of them.

    1. In these crazy times in which we live, good news is always welcome, Jo-Anne. May every rainbow we see renew our hopes in God's eternal promises.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Praise God Danny is home and on the mend. What a delightful gift, that rainbow--a hope-infuser for certain. (It's not often we get to see one touching the treetops!) My hope and prayer for you is that this season of difficulty and sad news will give way to a new season of peace and contentment. May it be so, Lord!

  15. Thanks so much for your prayers and kind words here, Nancy. It is unusual, indeed, to see one over the treetops, but it certainly is a perk of being 14 floors up in the air. Such a gorgeous and hopeful sight that points right back to our Creator.
    Love and blessings!

  16. Danny and you both are in my daily prayers for strength and healing. I am glad he is home and improving daily! Praise God!! Beautiful rainbow and yes, I always think of God's promise when I see one. xo

    1. Thanks so much, Terri, for your continued prayers for us! Caring friends like you are rainbows in my life, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  17. I am sorry to hear about the physical challenges , but as you wrote... that rainbow! it says it all, our hope is in God alone!

    1. Absolutely, Marja! Our hope lies in our loving Father who gives us more than we could ask for or deserve.
      Love and blessings!

  18. thank You, God, for the rainbows, seen and unseen, that You send just when we need them. and thank You that Danny is home again.

    1. Amen, Linda! Thanks so much for your prayers.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Amen, Linda! Thanks so much for your prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Martha Jane: It is wonderful that Danny is getting better. Still praying for you both. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. It is nothing short of a miracle, Cecelia. Thanks so much for your continuing prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  20. God bless you both with comfort and healing! It is such a blessing to see a rainbow!

    1. It is such a blessing to see a rainbow, Mrs. White, and Danny and I have been comforted by God's unfailing love and presence in these days.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Martha, I'm so thankful Danny is home and doing better. What a wonderful sign of hope from our Lord in that beautiful rainbow. It's just magnificent to even see it in the photo. I like how you said God sees the whole picture, but we don't. Continued prayers for you both in body, soul, and mind. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Thanks so much, Karen, for your kind and encouraging words here. We are so grateful to our Father for His signs and wonders we can see and even the ones we can't.
      Love and blessings!

  22. thecontemplativecat here. Oh, my. You and Danny have been under some major stress and uncertainty. But we know that God is in control. His Hands hold you both. I will be praying for you both. I promise.

    1. Thank you so much, Susan, for your prayers! This hasn't been an easy ride, but God is ultimately in control, and we are trusting in His unfailing love and comfort.
      Love and blessings!

  23. The world is not always a friendly place. Everyone endures some kind of trouble. It is a blessing when we can share our troubles with one another and lift one another up. May you both be blessed and healed of all troubles and ailments.

    God Bless

    1. It is such a blessing to be able to share our burdens with others and have these wonderful folks lift us up when we need encouragement and prayer, Jim. Jesus told us the world would cause us troubles, but let us remember that He has overcome the world.
      Love and blessings!

  24. God Bless. Sending love and hugs. Regine

  25. Bom dia, Martha
    Que bom saber que o seu esposo está melhorando, graças a Deus, lindo arco-iris, o Senhor cuida de nós, um forte abraço.

    1. Oh, yes, Lucinalva, we are so grateful to our loving God for helping Danny get better. He deserves all our thanks and praise!
      Love and blessings!

  26. God's timing is so awesome, isn't it? I'm so happy He sent Danny that rainbow of fresh hope and that Danny is improving. Love and blessings to you, Martha!

    1. Our God is amazing and always loving toward His children, Trudy. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes for Danny!
      Love and blessings!

  27. Hi Martha Jane, I pray that God will bring complete healing for Danny. I keep a small piece of paper beside my computer with these words written on it. 'Trust and believe that your miracle is coming.' , and the Lord has seen me through many trials in my health over the past few years. All things are possible with God, and He holds our future . God bless you and Danny with all God has for you in Jesus.

    1. I love that quote that you keep by your computer, Brenda! That is inspirational for all of us, as we never know what God's plan is for us, but we know that He is the Author of Life and His promises never fail.
      Love and blessings!

  28. I will be praying that God brings complete healing to your husband. I am supposed to get a heart ablation for my afib. I didn't know you could bet a stroke in your eye. Our God is so wonderful. He even gives us a rainbow when we need it.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Kathy, and know that I will keep you in mine as you face that procedure. Yes, a stroke can happen, but it is rare, for sure. May God keep you safe and well!
      Love and blessings!

  29. Hope you’re doing well this morning. I’m working on a project. I’m wondering if you’d be willing to help. Regine

    1. I'm okay, but have to go to my annual health check today. What kind of project? If I can help in any way, I'd be honored.
      Love and blessings!

  30. I hate being so incredibly late to the party again, Dear Friend--had some distracting medical stuff of my own that got in the way--nothing serious, just followups from a recent fall and other routine things.
    Anyhow, I might be late getting to it, but it didn't lose any of the encouraging and inspirational impact that God used you to build into it. Like you, I can't look at a rainbow from any vantage point and not praise the God who painted hope in such glorious colors and stretched His promise across a canvas that takes miles of heavenly expanse to hang. I never get over how many ways He builds beauty and comforting assurance in the world around us. But none of that is new to you. You have made a ministry out of pointing them out and all of us fans love you for blessing us with them.
    Diane and I are so glad to know that Danny's home and apparently doing well. We're more thankful than words can express to be blessed with so many options and possibilities when we're faced with unexpected and sometimes devastating medical issues. So, thank you again for continuing to display the gifts God has given you and for faithfully standing on the one foundation that will never be shaken.

  31. In my book, Ron, you can never be late to the party, and I do treasure your writing and your friendship. Be sure to thank Diane for her steadfast prayers and well wishes for Danny, too. Like you, I am so thankful that we are living in a day and age when so many medical advancements allow for us to be treated, healed and repaired physically. I pray for those who have yet to accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Healer in their spiritual journeys.
    Love and blessings!

  32. It's remarkable how God's promises can lift us up in our darkest moments.
    The sight of that rainbow through the hospital window is indeed a beautiful reminder of His unwavering love and covenant with us.
    I'm so glad to hear that Danny is home and on the mend.
    Your faith and strength through these trials are an inspiration to many, including myself.

    May God continue to bless you both with healing, peace, and renewed hope every day. Martha.

    1. Thank you for your kind and caring words here today, Veronica. I am humbled by them, honestly. God will come through for all of us in our moments of need and trouble. It might not be a huge sign like His rainbow, but we certainly can see His power and comfort in all His works.
      Love and blessings!

  33. you have and will continue to be in my prayers. So sorry this year has been so rough for you both. Keep trusting!!

    1. I'll never stop trusting in God and His miracles, Jean, as I know you will do the same. Jesus didn't promise us a world with no trouble, but we can breathe a collective sigh of relief knowing He has overcome this world.
      Love and blessings!

  34. Magnificient photos, I hope you are doing well this weekend, wish you a happy sunday.

    1. Thank you, Snobe, we are doing much better now that Danny is home and we even played two praise songs in church. How great is that?
      Love and blessings!

  35. Always great to see a rainbow. So glad Danny is now home from the hospital. I know than I want about hospital rooms. Thank you for your kind comment today.

    1. You are so welcome! Please know I love your photo blog, and never take your God-given talent for granted.
      Love and blessings!

  36. You and Danny have had so many difficulties. I know God is right there holding you both up. We continue in prayer because we pray for friends near and far. I pray you both stay healthy and will be enjoying the summer. That hospital room is very fancy. It is the new thing, I heard, to make healing not dreary but like rays of sunshine. Take care my friend.

    1. Thanks so much, Anne, for your kind words here and for your prayers. They mean so much! Danny said the same about that bright room with a view, but felt sad that so many patients on that floor were too sick to even appreciate it.
      Love and blessings!


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