Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm Thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Give thanks in all circumstances . . .

The alarm goes off at the way-too-early time of six o'clock in the morning.  In a fog, I turn it off, grumbling before I recall that this is the day I am going to my granddaughter, Virginia Rose's, kindergarten Thanksgiving Day play.  My inclination to return to the comfy, cozy bed dissolves.  I am up and at 'em, knowing how blessed I am to even have a granddaughter, and to witness her theatrical debut as a . . . turkey???

Oh, what a long drive to her school, with rain spattering my windshield, and the promise of coffee's awakening effects fading fast.  I find myself hoping, under the dismal weather conditions, if the trek is worth it.  Yes, I want to see Virginia every chance I get, but wonder how this Thanksgiving play will pan out.  Will my time and effort reap rewards?

My mind turns to thoughts of gratefulness as I drive the winding back roads, sixteen miles, to her school.  My car, which chugged ominously at me just the other day, is wending its way smoothly once again; it's raining, but it's light and intermittent, no matter what the play is like, I get to see Virginia!

By the time I reach the elementary school, my mood is definitely brighter than the gloom of this drizzly day.  I sit with a congenial group of parents and grandparents, eager for the extravaganza to begin.

I'm thankful.

The children gather on stage behind the curtain; we can see their sneaker feet beneath its edge.  Phone cameras poised and breath baited, we anxiously await what is about to unfold.  The curtains are at long last drawn, and we behold the Pilgrims and Indians of that first Thanksgiving feast, along with the corn (yes, their lines, when cued, were, "Pop,pop!), and of course, the turkeys, replete with targets on their chests.  The costumes are perfect!

I'm thankful.

Different children narrate the story.  At appropriate times, the Pilgrim men shout, "Bang, bang" as they are determined to bag a turkey for the feast.  The Pilgrim women interject a humorous and timely, "Mercy me!"  Indian men shout confidently, "Big and Brave!"  And the Indian women chime after them, "Go, Braves!" as they do the tomahawk chop.  

Songs and recited rhymes replete with hand motions keep this entertaining, yet historically correct, play moving along splendidly.  This Gammie especially loves the dance of the turkeys and their chorus of "Gobble, gobble!"  Virginia struts her stuff!

I'm thankful.

The last song in the play, believe it or not, did not refrain from praising God as the creator of all our blessings, and the One most deserving of thanks.  And this in public school.  Hard to find in these days of darkness . . .

I'm thankful.

I'm grateful.

For all God's innumerable blessings.

Are you giving thanks to God in all circumstances?

Prayer:  Father, as Thanksgiving Day draws near, let us all reflect upon the many blessings You give us each and every day, even when trials and tribulations momentarily detour us from the great love and mercy You desire to give us.  Guide our hearts back to You.  Let us acknowledge and cherish all Your wonderful gifts.  May we treasure them and give thanks always for Your innumerable blessings.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus until Tuesday, December 1st, so I can enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays with family and friends.  May God bless your Thanksgiving time, and bring you fresh revelations of what it means to be grateful in all circumstances.


  1. Hi Martha! I was about in tears at the end of this post. I just came back from my first "Grandparents Day" with my oldest grandchild. She's three. It was so precious! They all sang songs, well, not all. My grand was frozen in fear on the risers, but still precious :)
    Enjoy your time away, and all the blessings you will experience,

    1. Aw, Ceil, you are too sweet! Glad you also had a special day with your granddaughter - that is the stuff of forever memories. :)
      I will enjoy the holidays, and hope you do the same, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! Beautiful post, as always. The play Virginia was in sounds amazing; I'm glad you were able to be there! I'm learning how to give thanks in all things.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Kim. And yes, indeed, it was a marvelous play and I was so, so glad I could be there for Virginia. I was rewarded with lots of hugs once the play was over. :)
      You have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Some of my fondest memories are from those school presentations when my sons were boys. The sheer spontaneity is joyful in itself! And there's always a few precious *antics and shenanigans* to bring laughter! Can't wait to attend in the future as a grandmother!

    Yes, indeed, I join you in gratitude for the simple pleasures that children bring to our lives. And the Creator of us all...


    1. Like you, I treasured going to play/musical productions when my kids were in elementary school (son went on to act in high school, too!) But as great as those were, there is nothing like seeing your grandchild on stage. It will be a thrill for you, I promise!
      And taking joy and giving thanks in the simplest things? Nothing is better!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such wonderful times. Glad you got to go see her stage debut.

    1. I'm so glad, too, Mountaingmom! It really put my heart in the right place for Thanksgiving Day.
      Love and blessings!

  5. When Jo & I get to see our grandson (which is too far between), we are filled with excitement. And thankful God gave him to us. Yep, you are allowed to be a button-popping, picture-taking grandma.

    1. Oh, you know it, Bill! Grandchildren are always cause for excitement, joy and laughter. They are such blessings!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Such a delight to read this tonight. yes thankfulness is powerful especially in changing our attitudes. lovely!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, Jean! Being thankful certainly does change our attitudes for the better.
      Love and blessings!

  7. How wonderful this must have been to see! Thank you for sharing it with us. You have much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

  8. How wonderful this must have been to see! Thank you for sharing it with us. You have much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

    1. Oh, yes, it was so much fun, Kathy, and I do know I have much to be thankful for. Appreciating every moment with my family. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!
      Love and blessings!

  9. It felt so wonderful to read this Martha, it seems as if it was just yesterday you had written about her birth sharing her first picture. Truly a proud moment.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Privy. It seems like yesterday to me, too. Have we been friends that long? Oh, that is awesome! So glad you stopped by today and for the Thanksgiving wishes.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Replies
    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Victor, and may God bless you in turn!
      Love and blessings!


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