Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Lamp, My Light

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Okay.  I confess.

I've never read the Bible in its entirety.  Do I hear a startled gasp escaping your lips?  What???  Martha writes all these devotions, but she hasn't tackled every scripture and verse?

That's right.  But times, they are a'changing!

Since the first Sunday in Advent, 2015, I have employed the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan created by Michael Coley.  The plan does not go straight through the Bible from cover to cover.  Rather, it weaves through chapters in both Old and New Testaments during each week, giving the reader variety and the opportunity to see how all books of the Bible work together to form one love story from God to His people.

The manageable chapters to be read and studied each day also provide ample time for contemplation, journaling and/or prayer over a particular verse.  This is an exercise in which even the busiest of moms or CEOs can participate, no matter how hectic their schedules may appear to be.

Getting back to reading the entire Bible:  Before Coley's plan, I failed.  Twice.  Now I'm on Week 22 and haven't skipped a beat.


On top of this, I read and reflect upon the wise words and scriptures shared by the many talented Christian bloggers I follow.  Oh, how the two combined can transform my day and inspire my heart!

Why did I begin this Bible-reading challenge on the first Sunday in Advent?  Pastor Wallace encouraged us to do so as the new church year began, to recommit ourselves to delving into God's eternal Word.  And it didn't hurt that he provided printouts for the daily readings!

But you don't have to wait until the next Advent rolls around to begin your pilgrimage.  Set any Sunday to start your Day One, and keep on reading.

For 52 weeks.

Just one year.

You can do it!

And you know what I plan to do when the first Sunday in Advent rolls around this year and the complete Bible is under my belt?  Start all over!

Because God's Word, no matter how much we read it, always offers fresh insights into the human experience of loving Him.  Insights that change as needs arise, but truths that are never failing.

I want God's truth for my life.

Do you?


Are you willing to start the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan, or do you have a different plan that works for you?  Please share!

Prayer:  Father, we need to be immersed in Your Word, especially in these times of travail and tribulation.  In the scriptures, You have given us lamps for our feet and a light upon our paths; the hope, the strength, and the confidence we need to live our lives to Your honor and glory.  May we read faithfully, discern with Your wisdom, and take the lessons learned to heart.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Thanks for sharing this writing and be blessed my friend!

  2. I read through using some plans and all I found i was doing was reading so I could say I did. I decided I would read it at my pace. I finished last year after over a year and a half. I am using a Men's Devotional Bible and taking my time again. i say whatever gets a person in the Word.

    1. Yes, Bill, whatever gets us hooked into scripture is the right choice for us. Thanks for sharing what method you use here!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I just found your blog (I'm a little slow). I've been writing a short devotion every morning and putting it on facebook in a bunch of groups and my own page, like a blog. I started in December 2014 and what a blessing it has been. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad you are here, Ed! Welcome!
      I will definitely check out your blog. And yes, writing devotionals not only bless others, but we are blessed, too, in delving into God's Word.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi Martha! I joined (and actually led a group) a study on a Walk Through the Bible a few years ago. It followed the lineage of Christ all the way back to Adam. It was fascinating! There is so much meaning and journey in the story of our Savior, which is our story too.

    I'm so glad you've found something that resonates with you so deeply. The fact that you'd want to do it again really shows what a great impact it's having! By the way, I wasn't shocked at all that you'd not read that passage before in its entirety. The bible is one BIG book!
    Have a great day my friend,

    1. Oh, your study sounds so intriguing, Ceil! I'll have to check that out.
      Yes, this system truly resonates with me. I'm just so pleased that it is as I've tried other methods that only frustrated me. And that's not something one wants ever when reading the scriptures!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, I'm so happy for you and proud of you that you are reading the whole of the Bible this year. As for me? I started reading the Bible from cover-to-cover in 2005 (the first couple of years I used a plan). Since 2007 or 2008, I've read on my own. This has worked well for me; it's possible for me to get through the whole of the Bible more than once.

    No matter how many times I read the Word, I find new things. It has enriched my life tremendously and helps when I preach, teach, and write my blog posts.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Wow, Kim, I'm so impressed by your cover-to-cover readings! The Bible invites us to return again and again, doesn't it? How wonderful that God's Word never grows old or stale. It is new and vibrant each time we read it.
      Love and blessings!

  6. wow impressive. It took me several times trying before I got it done - once! only once. I do think the plan you found sounds good and doable. Go Go Martha!!

    1. Jean, if you'd like to try this plan, check on the link in the post and it will come right up so you can print it out or just bookmark it so you can refer to it on your computer.
      Glad to know you got through the entire Bible. Thanks for the encouragement - I'll keep at it!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha ... I think you're in good company ... honestly, there are many people who are passionate Christ-followers that don't read through the whole book. Those OT passages get a stuck and discouraged.

    I know ...

    1. Thanks, Linda, for the encouragement! Yes, the way this Bible Plan is working, I haven't gotten to the "begats" and Leviticus. We'll see how I do then. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. hi Martha - I went through this a couple years back with the NKJV version of the one year Bible. It was life changing. The one year Bible still sits on my work desk and you've encouraged to get back to my daily readings.

    1. It's wonderful that you've read through the entire Bible and are now encouraged to do so again. So many truths - we really can't get enough of God's Word!
      Love and blessings!


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