Friday, August 26, 2016

Slip-Sliding Away

Psalm 94:18
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.

When the phone call comes, I feel myself slip-sliding away.  I'm caught off balance.  And in the shock of it all, I'm amazed at how God, in His unfailing love, allows me to think clearly when the fog of confusion rolls in, deep and dark and treacherous.

I, with my family's complete support, am able to meet this immediate need of our loved one, who has unexpectedly found himself in dire straits.  The rug has been yanked out from under him.  His feet have slipped.

He's lost his compass, and is in need of ours.

It's there.

There because of God's unfailing love.

The scenario, which plays out, as surrealistic and upending as it seems, is paradoxically an answer to months of prayer for this individual.  God did not act in a way I could ever have anticipated.  That's often His way.

And as we deal with the disruption in schedules and routines, riding the unpredictable emotional roller coaster, my prayers continue.  I need the Lord now more than ever.

He knows that, and invites me call upon Him, to lean into Him when I catch my focus and resolve slipping; my faith faltering.

Because I can only help this person whom I love when I understand God's unfailing love for him, for me, for all of us.  That love, the only love, that can support, uplift, save, and inspire us.

Yes, I'm leaning on God.

Leaning hard.

Because I know my feet, firmly planted in Him, will never lose their footing.

How had God's unfailing love supported you in times of trouble?

Prayer:  Father, today we thank You for answered prayers, even when those prayers fulfilled call for more prayers from our hearts.  We need You and Your unfailing love in our lives every day, that we might do Your will and serve others who are in need of comfort and hope.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, it's interesting how God works in our lives and the lives of others. Praying for others and ourselves can be risky at times. God's ways are SO beyond our ways. Clinging to God is pretty common for me these days...praying, trying to stay focused on Him, seeking Him during this time of transition and more.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, praying for others can, and often does, open a whole new can of "worms." But I'm looking at the bright side and giving thanks that God has listened to my pleas and restored a loved one to us. We'll see what the Lord has planned next.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, God's promises have lifted my head more times than I can count. Many times when I'm in the midst of a difficult season, God will bring along someone else who is also struggling. When I decide to reach out and encourage them in their difficulty, I find that God lifted me up in the process as well.

    1. Isn't that amazing how that works, Beckie? We think we're the ones in need of comfort when comforting another leads to wholeness in our souls. We are definitely created to reach out to one another in love.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Leaning hard with you too. Sometimes all we have is God and that is enough. Extra prayers for you!

    1. Truly, Jean, God is the only One we need. Comforted by your prayers and knowing you're leaning with me!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi, Martha! I have missed your words of wisdom. I confess I have not been online very much since rejoining blog world, and I don't keep up with even my favorite blogs, such as yours. I will try to do better!

    And how timely to read this post today. So true. God's ways are not our ways, and God's thoughts are not our thoughts. In answer to a prayer of concern about a loved one, I received this response: "Do you not know that all are in my hands? I hold them all. And you. You know not their paths. It is not yours to know. Yours is to have faith. Only that. Pray for faith."

    This passage has brought me back to my focus on God more times than I can count. And it has reassured me that God's plans are perfect and all is exactly as it should be.

    Phone calls like the one you received can drive us to our knees, which is, of course, where we should be in the first place. Your loved one is blessed to have your prayers and support.

    1. Welcome back, Galen, it's such a joy to see you here!
      Thank you for your inspiring thoughts, too. Yes, all is in God's hands, and we must trust in His ways and pray for His guidance and comfort when we are at a loss as to where to go. God is leading me through this uncertain time and I am so indescribably grateful for His sustaining presence.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I don't like to lean, to be honest. Although, I can't help but wonder if I do more than I know Something to think about, though

    1. It is worth the pondering, Brenda. :)
      Love and blessings!


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