Friday, September 2, 2016

Wonderfully Made

(L-R) Virginia Rose, Savannah Jane, and daughter, Sarah, holding Alexandra Nancy

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Although there are many, many things in my life that make me happy, none can compare to spending time with our three granddaughters, Virginia Rose, Savannah Jane and Alexandra Nancy.  They are the sheer delight of this Gammie's heart.  I love the times when I get to babysit the youngest two or have big sister, Virginia, over to spend the night.

What I find most amazing about each girl is how different they are from one another, not just in looks, but in personalities.  Yes, even though Savanna is two and Alexandra is one, they already exhibit certain traits and styles unique to them.

Alexandra Nancy - The Observer

Alexandra watches everyone - closely!  This child could win a staring contest hands-down.  She will gaze up into the faces of those around her, studying them painstakingly, as if she is penetrating their very souls.  Sounds unnerving, but it's just the opposite.  When Alexandra intently peruses my own face, I feel all she wants to do is know the real me.  She is, in the immortal words of William Blake, seems to be "trailing clouds of glory."

She is easy-going, easy-to-please, and tries her best, after spending time in careful scrutiny, of course, to do all the things she sees Savannah doing, including climbing up on the furniture.  My phrase for Alexandra is:  "I look before I leap."  (Interestingly enough, Alexandra's middle name, Nancy, is my mother's.  Mom's grandfather nicknamed her "Eyes" when she was young because she never missed a thing!)

Savannah Jane - The Dreamer

Savannah is in her own little world.  I've never seen a child so young entertain herself so completely without sibling or adult interaction.  Although she is talking intelligibly here and there, she babbles to herself as she plays in what I can only describe as "Savannah-ese."

Savannah has a healthy, if not overactive, imagination that heralds great creative promise.  I don't think she'll ever utter those dreaded words, "I'm bored," becaue she has her own fantasies to entertain her.  I'm thinking hoping she might follow in Gammie's writing footsteps, and always hold on to that flight of fancy.  My phrase for Savannah?  "If I can dream it, I can do it!"

Virginia Rose - The Go-Getter

There's never a camera on hand or a challenge to be met that Virginia isn't prepared to greet with a winning smile and a positive attitude.  For her, every stranger is a potential friend, and every friend deserves a hug.  Social, talkative, full of stories, singing, and dancing, Virginia's personality is magnetic, inviting, and most importantly, loving.

She has developed a healthy curiosity about God and Jesus, and acts toward others by the Golden Rule, though she does not yet comprehend it all.  Virginia's motto?  "Love makes the world go 'round!"

All our granddaughters are unique, fearfully and wonderfully made.

All loved and created by our magnificent and infinitely merciful God.

Oh, how I give thanks and praise to our Father for His gift of grandchildren, and all the timeless truths their presence offers to us, when our hearts and minds are open to see the beauty in each of them!


In examining your own personality, what would be your motto, or phrase, which best describes you?

Prayer:  Father, we give thanks today for the unique gifts and talents You bestow upon all of us.  Let us be encouragers and nurturers, for Your sake, of the wondrous abilities You have given to those in our care, be they children, grandchildren, friends, spouses, or co-workers.  Bless them all with Your constant and loving presence.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. This was so beautiful and what an absolute delight grandbabies are. I just spent two weeks with mine and really noticed the difference in personalities now that the baby is 6 months old. God is so good!

    1. I know, Carol, aren't the differences truly amazing? So glad you had two weeks with yours - I know that must have been heaven on earth.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful post, Martha, I so enjoy seeing your grand-daughters! It's interesting to see how vastly different siblings can be--same parents, same home--yet be so very different. All I have to do is look to my mom and her brother. It's amazing they're related!

    A phrase or motto to describe me? "Still waters run deep"...I've seen that said about my Myers-Briggs Type, some how, I think that's pretty accurate.

    I'm sharing this one, too!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Ooh, Kim, I think that phrase fits you perfectly!
      And yes, it is so awesome to see how God creates us all to be unique, even though we have the same parents and home environment. He's a good, good Father!
      Thanks, too, for sharing!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I think they look like angels! just beautiful and so innocent.

    1. Thank you, Jean! They are my angels, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, These pictures brought a smile to my face! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm so glad they did, Beckie! We all need those moments that brighten our day.
    Love and blessings!

  6. Lovely, charming little girls! You are blessed.

    1. Thank you, Diana! Yes, I count them as blessings daily.
      Love and blessings!


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