Friday, January 6, 2017

Prayer Power!

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

At my last dental cleaning and check this past December, my dentist, Dr. Lisa, concludes that the hairline cracks in my four front teeth aren't getting any better.  She is worried, as am I, that one could easily chip or break, making capping it that much more difficult.  I make an appointment to have the procedure done the week after Christmas.

And while I know this dental work is necessary, it doesn't make me less anxious about it.  I've had crowns done before, yes; but four teeth at once?  My husband, Danny went through the same experience several years back; he still recalls the intense discomfort he felt the day after, and makes sure I'm prescribed a decent pain killer.

Okay.  So I'll have something to assuage the ache.  But that doesn't go far enough to allay my fears about the entire process.  Even in the joy of our Christmas celebration, I find it almost impossible to take my mind off the impending appointment.

As the day looms, my apprehension grows.  I decide I need something to calm my nerves.

And that something is prayer.

I post my prayer request on Facebook.  The response from my friends?  Overwhelming!  I am so touched by how many are more than happy to pray for me at this worrisome time.

And best of all, their prayers worked!  When I stroll into my dentist's office the next morning, I'm anxious for nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  I feel such an incredible peace about the whole thing.  Eager, even, to simply 'git 'er done!'

Some folks, I'm certain, must have prayed for a speedy recovery, too.  Although I have some soreness once the Novocain wears off that afternoon, the next morning, not a shred of an ache remains!  It's as if I never went through the ordeal in the first place.

So, my friends, when someone asks you to pray for him or her, do it!  The influence and blessing of intercessory prayer cannot be underestimated.

Your prayers are powerful.

Your prayers are effective.

Your prayers are huge!  (My word for 2017)

And I can't thank all of you, who did pray for me, enough.



Do you have a testimony about the power and effectiveness of intercessory prayer?  Please share in the comments section.


  1. Martha,
    You are spot on in your words about the power of prayer. My hunch is there is far more power than our finite minds can begin to grasp. There are times that I know someone (or multiple someones) have prayed for me--feeling a sense of peace or simply the ability to face a hard situation with a stick to it mentality that I couldn't manufacture on my own steam.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, I believe it's power is way greater than we can even begin to fathom or figure out. The power of prayer is such an amazing testimony to the power of our great God!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, Yay God and yay to the faithful body of Christ for praying. I remember when my husband went into the ER last fall. I put out a prayer request on Facebook and was humbled by the hundreds who responded.

    1. So you've had that miracle of prayer happen too, Beckie! How awesome is that? And I'm with you in the "Yay" department. We serve an awesome God!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I remember your post and did pray that day. wow four crowns! I bet your smile looks great now. Personally I hate dental work, yuck. so glad though it worked out though and turn into a blog post. That is using your material well. LOL

    1. I don't like dental work, either, Jean, but am fortunate to have two extremely competent dentists in whom I can trust. And I think the teeth will look lots better once the permanent ones are put in next week.
      Glad God gives me the ordinary things as inspirations for writing. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh Martha Jane, I am not on your facebook, so I didn't know, but I am so glad that you made it through your ordeal powered by the prayers of friends and the strength of the Lord. I know you'll have an amazing new smile to smile about!!!

    1. Thank you, Pamela! I'll have to send you a friend request today. I'm so enjoying your posts, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hi Martha! I have so much dental work in my mouth, I think it's more than my natural teeth. Oh, how I detest it all...and how happy I am that you had such a powerful army of pray-ers to see you into peace. Yes, prayer does work! I hope your teeth are healing nicely, and that 2017 will be a new year of renewed dental health!
    PS What is your FB address? Please join me too! (You can do it on my blog.)

    1. So glad to hear from you, Ceil! I've missed your blogs so much, my friend.
      Yes, I hear you for sure about the dental work that simply aging seems to bring on. I was so blessed to have the powerful prayers of so many. I just hope this inspires others to never give up on praying for the concerns of others.
      You can find me on FB at Martha Jane Orlando. Couldn't locate Pamela who commented right before you, but will look into that.
      Love and blessings for a great New Year!

  6. So glad your prayers (and those of your friends!) were answered. Dental work is not the most fun - had some done recently and I can relate. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for Ceil's interview. It's great to meet you!

    1. It's great to meet you, too, Karen!
      No, there's nothing fun about dental work, but it's one of those inevitable things we have to face from time to time. Hoping all went well with yours!
      Love and blessings!


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