Tuesday, June 27, 2017

God's Super Heroes! Part 1

Psalm 34:14b
Do good, seek peace, and go after it.
(Our guiding verse for VBS)

Oh, wow!  Just wow!  This past week assisting with our church's Vacation Bible School is nothing short of fabulous, wondrous and heroic.  Our program is "Hero Central," and all the amazing children who attend learn about super heroes in the Bible, and how they, too, can be super heroes for God right here and right now.

Granddaughter, Virginia Rose, stays with us the entire week in order to attend the daily morning events with me.  Ever since last year's VBS, she has been eagerly anticipating this special time spent with us, and the opportunity to learn more about God's great love for her.

Each day, we focus on a different aspect of what makes God's super heroes so super:  Heart; Courage; Wisdom; Hope, and Power.  The children rotate with their class from station to station throughout the morning, but we all gather at the beginning of the day for energetic, spirit-filled songs and dances.

Every super hero needs a costume, right?  So on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Discovery, the children create shields, masks and capes that best describe the super hero they wish to be for God.

Meet Virginia, the Rainbow Heart!  She has the power to change into animals, to fly, and transform objects into different colors.  (And yes, she came up with this compendium of ideas all by herself!)

And what super hero would be complete if he or she didn't help others?  Virginia and her friends learn about aiding poor families in Haiti; we bring in money earmarked for Heifer International, an organization that provides farm animals for people who otherwise couldn't afford them.  We raise almost $500!  In addition to this, our super heroes also donate a total of 84 jump ropes that will be taken to Haitian children by our mission team this week.  What big hearts these kids have!

We enjoy dedicated Bible story time, too, where the children learn of heroes in the Old and New Testaments.  Heart:  the anointing of King David.  Courage:  Abigail taking provisions to David and his army against the will of her husband.  Wisdom:  The boy, Jesus, astounding the teachers in the temple.  Hope:  Jesus teaching the Beatitudes.  Power:  God raises Jesus from the dead.

Outdoor activities are a must for these active and growing super heroes!  And what could be better than playing with Captain Shield, our VBS leader?

Unless, it's a special visit from Wonder Woman!

But the most astonishing event, and the one that creates unbridled excitement for Virginia Rose and her new friend, Stella, happens on the very last day of Hero Central.

Stay tuned!!!


  1. I'm just curious. Were there other children there besides Virginia Rose? LOL Fantastic pictures and story Martha. I love that the kids were engaged and smiling. Hast off to all the volunteers. They make VBS work.

    1. Lol, Bill!!! Yes, lots of wonderful children in attendance, and we all had such a blast. Was I tired by week's end? You bet, but it was so worth the effort. I know God must have been smiling all week long!
      Love and blessings!

  2. As long as you show them how these heroes were really just regular folks. So, they learn that they can- and should be- heroes to others they meet.

    1. Exactly, Roy! I'm confident they came away with the understanding that what they do in love for others, no matter how small, can make a big, positive difference in the lives of others.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, What a great theme: Super Heros! VBS is near and dear to me. I hear many stories from grown-ups and young adults how impactful VBS and church camp were on their faith journey.

    Virginia Rose will always remember this. And not just because Grandma documented it here :)

    On another note, I just published a movie review article on SoCal Christian Voice about Wonder Woman.

    1. It certainly was a great theme, Beckie, and the children, as I'm sure you could tell, truly got into all the activities. Being with a group of rising second graders was absolutely the best, but exhausting, too. I do hope we were able to make a positive impact for Christ in these little ones!
      And that's quite the coincidence about Wonder Woman! Haven't seen the movie, but would love to read your review.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, It sounds like VBS was an amazing and special time for Virginia and her peers, as well as the adults who guided/led the activities. Today's VBS is very different from the VBS of my generation. :) Looking forward to the next installment!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, it was such a blast and a blessing for all of us. I'm already looking forward to next year!
      Love and blessings!

  5. love. Love. Love this. I could feel the energy and the Holy Spirit in the photos of this post. What an amazing time for you and all those kids.

    1. I'm so glad you could pick up on that positive energy from the Holy Spirit that flowed through us all week long, Jean! It was tiring, that's for sure, but the Spirit definitely kept us engaged and energetic throughout.
      Love and blessings!

  6. My hat's off to you, friend ... in the midst of all that you're going through, here you are pouring Jesus' love into these little eager hearts.

    Bless you, girl ...

    1. Thank you, Linda! Danny is doing SO much better now, and for that we are both so grateful.
      Being with Virginia and all those precious 2nd graders for five days was just what the doctor ordered. Looking back, I think I might have gotten more out of it than the kids did. Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a wonderful way to teach children about all of God's super heroes in the Bible! I am certain these kids won't forget these powerful lessons...and will want to be super "heroes" for Jesus! Looks like an action packed, fun filled, wonderful week. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!!!

    1. Action packed and fun to be sure, Pamela! I love the fact that each child is given a CD with the songs so they will remember the lessons far beyond the one week we spent with them at VBS. What a great reminder to them of God's ever-present and unfailing love!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Rainbow Heart--I absolutely love that! Best super hero ever. And I love her super powers. I smiled all the way through this post.

    1. Galen, I loved the name she chose, too. Ever since Virginia could draw with some skill, she has been enamored with drawing rainbows. Just seems to be an integral part of who she is!
      And I agree, her super powers are super choices!
      Love and blessings!

  9. What a busy, fun packed week for you and Virginia! I could see the joy in her heart at being able to enjoy this time with you. Sweet precious girl! VBS is a wonderful way to share the gospel with children, and to touch their hearts while they are young and impresionable. Lots of work goes into it, but so worth it. Hugs!

    1. Marilyn, the week certainly was one of much excitement and joy as the children learned about God's love for them. Yes, lots of work, but as you said, so worth it!
      Love and blessings!


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