Friday, October 6, 2017

Having a Doggone Good Time!

Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.

Ephesians 4:32
Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

When our oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, spends the weekend with us, we are fortunate to have sunny, but cool and breezy, weather.  It's just perfect for spending time outdoors!

"Virginia," I say, "how about riding over to Swift-Cantrell Park so you can play on the playground?"

She regards me quizzically.  "Do you mean the dog park, Gammie?"

I know there is an expansive fenced-in area for dogs to run free and interact with one another, but I'm a bit surprised, after Virginia's way-too-close encounter with an aggressive dog not long ago, that being near a dog would even appeal to her.

"You mean you actually want to go into the dog park?"  I ask.

"Yes, I love the dogs!"  Virginia declares, again to my wonderment, now sprinkled with delight, as I realize she has overcome her fear, and has decided canines are not such bad guys after all.

Virginia has forgiven the trespass. 

That sounds like a plan," I tell her.  "I love dogs, too."

As I consider the amazing variety of dogs with whom we interact, I can't help but think how God, in His vast and sometimes whimsical wisdom, made them all.  Are there any scuffles among them while we are there?  One or two, but for the most part, as different as these dogs are, they all get along.  They are quick to forgive infractions, more interested in interacting positively with their peers, and grateful for the love the humans lavish upon them.

We would all do well to heed the lessons these pups so endearingly teach us.  And to learn from Virginia Rose's unconditional forgiveness, too.



  1. What a great lesson this is!! So proud of Virginia Rose! (I love her name...especially now that my new DIL's name is Rose)...anyway...she is a brave girl to face up to her fears and go right back in there to enjoy the dogs. Yes...that is a lesson for all of us!!

  2. Virginia Rose, and the dogs, certainly taught me that lesson, Pamela. I just love how God can speak to us so clearly even when we are engaged in the simplest of activities. And yes, I must agree that Rose is a wonderful name! :)
    Love and blessings!

  3. “quick to forgive“

    The best thing about dogs!

    1. Yes, they sure are, and we should be just as quick, Sandi.
      Love and blessings!

  4. As a dog rescuer, I speak their 'language.' There is no love greater than what you receive from a dog who has been mistreated and abused. Quick to forgive is an understatement. I've never met a dog I didn't love.

    1. I know you speak from LOTS of experience, Carol; I love that you have such a huge heart for dogs, especially the ones others have abandoned. And you're right - quick to forgive is an understatement. What amazing examples of love they show us!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, This is such a precious post. I'm so happy Virginia overcame her fear of dogs and is able to enjoy them. Forgiveness is a great thing--not always easy but important!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, I'm so happy for that, too. You can tell by the photos what a blast she is having with all these different pups. And forgiveness? So very important, every day and in every way.
      Love and blessings!

  6. What fun. I think the dogs were smiling too. Who had more fun??? LOL

    1. That's a good question, Jean! I know Virginia loved every moment with the dogs, and I sure loved watching her interact with the many that were there. I got to pat some, too! :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. We can learn some wonderful lessons from children and doggies.

  8. That is a wonderful heartwarming post!!! Oh the power in forgiveness!

    1. Yes, Marilyn, there is nothing to compare with the healing power of forgiveness. So glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi Martha! Isn't it amazing how our little ones can lead us to such great truths? To forgive is to be born again, and here is your little Virginia Rose, able to have so much fun with the dogs again! Love that. And it's such a good reminder of the power of letting go.
    Looks like you had a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh, yes, Ceil, the power of letting go! I love what you said, too, about forgiving others is like being born again. It absolutely is! The little children do lead us to the most profound truths.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Looks like it was a wonderful time! It's always nice (and fun sometimes, too!) to find those parallels and truths. Our God certainly is creative! Have a lovely week! :)

    1. God's lessons are everywhere, Karen, when we take the time to look. Glad you stopped by!
      Love and blessings!


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