Friday, November 17, 2017

Give Thanks!

Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

As our annual observation of Thanksgiving approaches, we see posts of gratitude teeming on social media.  Is this good?  Absolutely!  But do we require a specific day, a month of remembrance, to ever be thankful for God's immeasurable blessings in our lives?

Certainly not!

And in light of our recent visit to the mountains of North Carolina, I'd like to share, through photos and few words, some of the moments of gratefulness that graced our adventures and discoveries during our travels, and rested with us at the cabin itself.

I am thankful for ~

A Cozy Cabin

And the good health we enjoy - just look at those stairs!

Fall Foilage

Rushing Rivers

Lakes Serene

Incomparable Vistas

The Least of These

Morning Mist

Sunrise Starburst

Sunset Clouds

Earthly Stars

Gift of Contemplation

History Preserved

God's Provisions

Afternoon Coffee

The Love We Share

My prayer, my friends, is that you are entering the gates of God daily with thanksgiving, and filling to overflowing His courts with praise!



This Thanksgiving break, for the second year in a row, I will be taking our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, down to my mother's home in Oxford, Georgia, to visit and help prepare the Thanksgiving feast for the rest of the family, who will descend upon us on that singular day.  And again, because of the lack of internet/computer access, I must take another hiatus from blogging/reading blogs from Tuesday until Friday afternoon.  Thank you for your understanding, and know that Danny and I wish you all a Thanksgiving filled with loving memories and hopes for the future.  Blessings to you all!


  1. I am SO glad you posted these lovely pictures from your vacation in the mountains! So perfect in every way!!! Those STAIRS! Wow! Yes, you'd have to be in good shape to get up and down them every day! Great exercise...and a good way to work up an appetite for all that good food! Really looks like a perfect getaway. So happy nothing changed your plans THIS year!! Your Thanksgiving time away sounds delightful...taking Virginia Rose with you to help prepare the feast at Grandma's house...such marvelous memories you are helping to create for this sweet little girl! Someday she will carry on the family traditions and will have a wealth of experience to draw from!! Enjoy your time with family...don't worry about us...we'll still be here when you get back!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos, Pamela! Yes, the stairs were a challenge, but fortunately, Danny and I both work out regularly, so they turned out not to be as daunting as they look. And yes, we are so very grateful that this trip back to the cabins was not like the last time. Never want to go through that again, nor would I wish it on my worst enemy.
      I know you are looking forward to your first Thanksgiving with the newlyweds. Enjoy!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful pictures!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Martha!

    1. Thank you, Lulu! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha,
    I want you to know that YOU are one of the people I am truly thankful for. You came alongside of me when I first started out on my blogging and writing adventure. Your encouraging comments on my blog have blessed me more than you know. Your books have inspired me and your blog is always such a joy.

    Wishing you and your sweet family a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday! How wonderful that Virginia Rose will be going along to help prepare.
    In Christ's love and friendship,

    1. Goodness gracious, Beckie, your kind words here have certainly humbled me. I always pray that my blogs and my comments to others will be encouraging, but I had no idea that I came alongside you just as you were getting started. I'm so glad God saw fit to connect us!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Celebrate!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, It's true. I'd always wanted to write and God knew as my kids were beginning to spread their wings, it was time. What a journey it has been.
    I'm blessed beyond measure to have met some wonderful writers like you. When I read your books, I hoped to one day get published too. And now I will have my YA supernatural series published with Elk Lake soon. God is so good!

    1. Oh, Beckie, this is such exciting news! There is nothing like seeing your words in print, knowing that you will touch the hearts of readers who are longing for the Good News. If you would like to send me the first several chapters and/or a detailed synopsis of you work, I would be more than happy to write a blurb of recommendation on the inside/outside of your book jacket. Just let me know!
      Yes, God is so, so good!

  5. I love these photos, Martha! So peaceful and refreshing. Thank you for sharing them. Love and hugs!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos, Trudy; I was so glad to be able to share recollections from a happy trip.
      Happy Thanksgiving!
      Love and blessings!

  6. I absolutely DO believe there is a special day to give thanks- any day that ends in Y

  7. love all the photos and made me so grateful for such a marvelous Creator. Have a great Thanksgiving with your family, Martha!

    1. All these moments made me so grateful to God, too, Jean. What a mighty God we serve!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
      Love and blessings!

  8. It sounds like you had a wonderful rest and a time of rejuvenation. Loved the pictures -- you had me wishing I was there. I have made it a practice to not only pray the answer instead of the problem but to always pray in the attitude of thanksgiving.

    1. That is absolutely the best way to pray, Carol, with an attitude of thanksgiving. Glad you enjoyed the photos!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Beautiful pictures Martha. And so glad you have a love to share that is real. have a fun time with Virginia Rose. I know she will enjoy being with her grandparents. :) See you when you get back.

    1. Thank you, Bill! Yes, I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving week and being with family. Hoping to make new and special memories.
      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos Martha. May I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and a splendid time.

    God bless you all.

    1. Thank you, Victor, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Good for you! That's what it's all about.

    Those pictures are off the charts!!! I wanna go there! Seriously... I want to go there. How inspirational. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love Danny's photos, too, Floyd, though the cover photo is actually mine with my cell phone. Lol! Yes, you would love the mountains here, right next to the Smoky Mountain National Park. Breathtaking!
      Love and blessings, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours my friend. May the blessings of God flow in and around your table and you lift up your prayers of thanks.
    Your cabin stay just fills me with peace, and that's just from the photos. I can't imagine how wonderful it would be in real time...

    1. Ceil, it was amazing in real time - in fact, it's taken me most of the week to come back to earth.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!
      Love and blessings!

  13. What gorgeous photos. I was surprised to see the gray green moss with the tiny red flowers. We have that here in Oregon, too. Isn't it enchanting?! So much to be thankful for in nature. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Oh, yes, the moss most definitely is enchanting, Galen. There is so much beauty in the least of God's creation, isn't there?
      Love and blessings!

  14. Thank you for visiting my Blog today.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. Victor, I get such a kick out of your blog, my friend. What a sense of humor you have!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Martha,
    I'm sorry to be so late reading, commenting, and sharing. Your photos and words are simply beautiful! And those STAIRS--oh my! Who needs to go to the gym when you have stairs to climb? :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Love and blessings!

    1. I know, Kim! Those stairs are quite intimidating. No handicapped access here!
      Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Love and blessings!

  16. What an incredible getaway you had Martha! I am just so thrilled that you had such a delightful time, this time around, with no untoward exciting events, and that you were able to see so much beautiful scenery and enjoy such a relaxing setting! The food looked so amazing too! Such a sweet picture of you and your husband! I just can't tell you how very thrilled I am for the two of you to have had such a blessed and very special time away together! I pray your heart is renewed in the Lord, and that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Many hugs to you today :)

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn, for your kind words here! Yes, we had a glorious time in the mountains and an awesome Thanksgiving with family. Feeling so blessed!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...