Tuesday, December 5, 2017

God Will Provide

Matthew 6:30-32
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith?  So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?"  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

My husband, Danny, retires from work this past August.  Given the health issues he has faced this year (you can read about these beginning here), we both agree it's high time.  Yes, we have both saved and invested over the years, and Danny receives the extra bonuses of a buy-out and unused sick-leave pay when he exits the workplace.  But until his Social Security kicks in this coming February, he is determined to practice frugality when it comes to spending money.

Danny's biggest concern?  Our food budget.  You see, Danny not only shops and cooks for the two of us, but also for my son, Daniel, who is living with us temporarily, and for his mother; we freeze meals for her and carry them to her when we visit.  Our go-to market is the Publix right down the street.  Danny is a savvy shopper, always on the lookout for bargains.  Still, he finds that the items he buys are exceeding the amount of money he's apportioned for the week.

He vents his frustration.  "I plan meals each week, and I try to make things that will stretch.  Still, I'm finding I have to transfer from the cash budget to the food budget every month.  There has got to be some way I can cut down on spending."

Wishing to allay his concerns, I tell him, "Danny, we have more than we need in savings, plenty to get us through and then some until Social Security starts up.  God has provided for us up until now, and He will continue to do so.  Have faith, honey.  He will come through, I just know it!"

Danny listens politely, but I can tell he's wrestling a bit with letting go and letting God.

And then it happens . . .

A postcard arrives announcing the opening of a super-sized Aldi grocery store not four miles from us.  Previously, Danny has been less than enamored by the small Aldis he's visited, but I convince him to give this new one a go on opening day.  "You want to save money, don't you?  What harm can it do to at least check it out?"

Danny acquiesces.  Reluctantly.

But when he returns from his venture, his face exudes a contagious enthusiasm infused with the joy of victory.

"Martha, you won't believe this!  Aldi isn't just bragging about half-off prices, they are for real!  And the meat department is everything I could hope for, and then some.  Oh, and the seafood?  That's great, too.  I'm going through the aisles, comparing prices with Publix, and I can't even begin to calculate how much we can save each month.  This is a God-send!"

I give Danny a big hug and say, "Yes, it is, honey.  Yes, it is."

God provides.




  1. First of all, let me offer my prayers to you, your husband and family.

    Yes, God will provide. Whenever I look back at my life, every time I was going through difficulties, God was there. Yet, even now, my faith falters and fails whenever things go bad. It is our human nature. God knows that. God loves us and He forgives.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Victor, and for your encouragement. Yes, it is so human for us to falter in our faith when bad things happen to us. Whatever would we do without a God who loves and forgives? Surely, we can't live without Him.
      Love and blessings!

  2. My NMM devotion was on needs vs greeds today. I struggle with knowing our needs will be answered since I have not been frugal and do not have SS. I can live in the land of the "if onlys" but that would solve nothing except raising my blood pressure. Thanks for the encouragement today Martha.

    1. Yes, Bill, we certainly need to distinguish our needs from our wants, and we absolutely can't live in the world of "if onlys." I will keep you in prayer, knowing God will provide for you and yours.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a great everyday human story about Danny and grocery shopping to illustrate in a very practical way, a grand and beautiful truth about faith.

    1. Thank you, Galen. There are so many examples of faith out there if we simply stop to look for them.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, Yes and Amen! God does provide in just the ways we need. He never ceases to amaze me in the ways He takes care of His Children. I want to thank you for sharing this. Many times we miss the way God answers our prayers. This is (in my opinion) a direct result of God answering the prayers of the faithful.

    1. Beckie, it really was a direct answer to prayer from God. We are feeling so overwhelmed with blessings right now, knowing we are in His loving hands.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, Yes! God will provide! When I saw the title of your post, I immediately thought of Genesis--the story of Abraham and Issac--how God provided a ram (symbolizing Jesus) in the place of Issac. Wow! God has provided so much for us and continues to provide. Oh, to have eyes to see and a mind and heart to understand.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm so gratified to hear that that's the Biblical story that came to mind for you, Kim. It is the ultimate example of how God provides when we have the faith to move forward with Him. Can any of us imagine what must have been going through Abraham's mind after God had promised to make him a great nation, and was now asked to sacrifice it all? That Abraham was so willing to obey, in spite of what he saw as loss, should be a lesson for us all.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh wow, Martha! What a testimony of God's provision! I remember when our kids were growing up how difficult it was to get enough groceries for their growing appetites. There were times when I stood at the check-out begging God that it wouldn't cost more than I had. And He often graciously answered, too. And there were so many other instances where God got us through financially. So now today, when I worry, I tell myself just what you said, "God has provided for us up until now, and He will continue to do so." Love and hugs to you!

    1. Thanks so much, Trudy, for sharing your own testimony to God's provision at times in your life. Yes, I, too, can look back and see the innumerable times He has stepped up to the plate, removed my worries from my too-clenched hands, and offered more than I could ever imagine. He is our good, good Father!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love love love that your man is taking care of the kitchen! Wow! What a gift!

    My daughter shops at Aldi's and gets great buys. I'm sure Danny will find the same.

    Gee, Martha ... sure do wish you guys lived closer!!!


    Meanwhile, praising God for His steadfast provision in our lives.

    1. Oh, Linda, I wish we lived closer, too! I have lots of cousins living in Massachusetts whom I would love to visit. If we ever do get up there, I'll be sure to let you know when we're coming so we can get together.
      Yes, I'm blessed to have Danny as head chef of the Orlando Cafe. He loves to cook; I'm the bread baker. :)
      And may we always praise our Father in heaven for His unfailing provision.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I love how God chooses to answer our prayers!! He just goes and builds a brand new super store right down the road from you, not only saving in mileage to and from (gas money), but providing wonderful savings on food as well! That's a win-win! (I'm still a Publix fan, however. Aldi is too far from us) I love how God has provided for your needs. He always will!!! One way or another!

    1. Yes, Pamela, our Father is absolutely amazing! I don't think I've ever had an answer to prayer so quickly. Danny is just over the moon with this open window (yes, intended) that God has provided us. He always comes through!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Yes. Always and without end. We all tend to lean on our senses and intellect at times. They are of course a gift from God. But they don't surpass the sovereignty of our Father Who has all things in His control.

    Good for you, Martha. Praying for guys in a new chapter of your lives.

    1. All things are in the hands of our Father, Floyd. I'm just so thankful He chose to answer our prayers in a time of doubt for Danny.
      Thank you for your prayers, my friend! Will add you to my prayer list, too.
      Love and blessings!

  10. yes God provides, even Aldi's. I love his dedication. My hubby is that way too. We are blessed.

    1. Amen, Jean, yes we are truly blessed!
      Love and blessings!


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