Tuesday, February 27, 2018

God's Beloved

Matthew 6:28-30
And why to you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon, in all his splendor, was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith?

Beginning in December of last year, two weeks before winter officially arrives, we here in northern Georgia experience below-freezing temperatures, and more than our fair share of snow fall.

It stays cold, bitterly cold for this region, right up through the middle of February.

Then it happens.  Spring decides, just as winter does, to make an early entrance.  As I pen this, our high today is 79 degrees!!!  Our air conditioner is in full swing.  Mr. Engineer, aka Danny, who has geekily kept energy records for decades, has never, and I mean NEVER, had to switch from heat to air in the month of February.  This is an anomaly to be sure!

But with the early spring arrive early delights, not the least of which is the daffodils, blooming profusely in our yard.  I plant these in the fall of 2005, the year Danny and I are married.  Yes, they have sprouted and produced flowers every spring, but nothing compared to the mass of blossoms that have chosen to display their resplendent, celebratory selves all at the same time.  I am overwhelmed by their delicate, pristine beauty.

And Jesus tells us that Solomon, in his extravagant and ostentatious splendor, could never match the glory of the least of these.

How humbling . . .

On top of that, they are here today and gone tomorrow.  And thrown into the fire?  Yikes!

I don't know about you, but this sure makes my day to day worries take a back seat.  And I'm compelled to recall that God has everything in His hands and in His plans.

Let us rest, contented and assured, in His immeasurable love poured out for us.

And know, just as the blooming flowers in their time, that we are clothed in His splendor.

Covered by His unfailing grace and forgiveness.

Comforted by the warmth of His presence.

Convinced that we are beautiful and precious in His sight.

I am, you are, God's beloved.

Forever and ever,



  1. Do you think the daffodils are saying, "Here comes that camera lady again"? j/k Martha. We can't say we have them yet.

    1. LOL, Bill! They probably are. Don't worry, you'll have some soon.
      Love and blessings!

  2. ah ... thanks for the daffodils. i needed these beauties this morning. my eye is on spring, and i'm celebrating every single spotting of its soon arrival!

    bless you for sharing His creation this morning, Martha ...

    1. I'm so glad I could share the beauty of these daffodils today, Linda. You know what? They've already gone by. Can you believe it? Keep watching for signs of spring.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, This post made me sigh with comfort. Your beautiful writing ability and those lovely pictures point us to our loving Heavenly Father. And where there is love, there is peace and comfort.
    I thank the Lord for the way He uses you, dear sister.
    I pray many blessings over you, Danny and the rest of your family.

    1. Thank you, Beckie, for your all-too-kind words here! Yes, as you say, "Where there is love, there is peace and comfort." How absolutely true! I'm so thankful that the Lord can use me through writing to touch others.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Thank you for these lovely daffodils, Martha. They and the verse bring hope to my heart. Oh, how I hope we get an early spring, too! I long for it! Meanwhile, I try to keep finding the beauty in winter, like yesterday when the sun was shining and the snow looked like it was twinkling with diamonds. :) Keep enjoying the warmer weather and new life! Love and hugs to you!

    1. Trudy, I do hope spring arrives soon to your neck of the woods. But I think it's grand that you can find such beauty in the winter landscape, too. Sunshine on snow is dazzling! And yes, we will keep enjoying the warmer temps.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, what a beautiful post (in more ways than one). The beauty of God's creation outshines the most beautiful of man's creation. Yes, God is our Provider--Jehovah Jireh.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim! Yes, God's creation far outshines anything we could possibly create. What a blessing I had in these gorgeous daffodils.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh so lovely!! What an apt analogy to Jesus' story about Solomon...
    I love daffodils, but they don't grow here in Florida. Thank you for sharing your bounty with us. Perhaps the extra cold winter helped them to grow. They like cold winters I believe! That's why we can't grow them here. So, see? There is a plus side to the negative temperatures you've had to endure!! God is good, all the time good!!

    1. Yes, Pamela, that was my thought, too - the icy weather prompted them to REALLY bloom in earnest. So yes, a very plus side to the harsh winter temperatures we experienced. You may not have daffodils in Florida, but y'all sure have some exotic and gorgeous plants unique to your environment. I always love seeing your photos of nature!
      Love and blessings!

  7. The flowers are gorgeous! It seems we skipped right over spring here in central FL. Our temps have been in the high 80s, breaking records two days last week. Summer seems to have arrived ahead of schedule.

    1. Whoa, Terri! Now that IS summer in winter, to be sure. No wonder so many Yankees want to spend the winters in Florida where they don't have to deal with snow and ice. On the bright side, though, without the harsh winters, we wouldn't have daffodils!
      Love and blessings!

  8. May we be always grateful for God's glory.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, yes, Victor, forever grateful!
      Love and blessings!

  9. ....and what an inspiring thought it is to be clothed as splendidly as one of these. I really enjoyed this article, Martha. It is onspot with the Father’s love fot us. Thank you, dear one.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, Nells. God does love us so much more than we can ever imagine or understand. I'll take it!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Well you really had a winter, and now its time for you to really have spring, how exciting to see the daffodils! I absolutely adore those gorgeous yellow spring flowers, and have just planted some in my garden, hoping they come up this spring. We are still in the throes of winter, and I am still loving the snow. However when the calendar turns to spring, my heart will be longing for spring. I do love winter in all its pristine beauty, but I look forward to the new growth and joys of spring. How wonderful that the Lord who sees fit to give each creature and flower its perfect adornment for whatever season it is in, always amazes me! And how they know just when to bloom, and how to live through the cold... our Lord's mind and ways are far and above our own. Blessings to you sweet friend, enjoy the sunshine flowers for me :)

    1. Oh, indeed, Marilyn, the Lord's mind and ways are way beyond our reach of understanding, yet He provides for us such signs and wonders of His beauty and grace for us to enjoy each and every day. Whether it be the white brilliance of winter snow, or the pastel shades of the daffodils, His colors never cease to brighten out world. Looking forward to seeing spring once again from your perspective, once it arrives.
      Love and blessings!


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