Friday, September 28, 2018

Turn, Turn, Turn

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Fall officially arrives last week, but with temperatures in the upper 80s here in Georgia, it sure doesn't feel like it.  Yet, the signs of the season are surprisingly here.

Leaves, especially those from the oak trees, are intent upon littering our deck.  My husband, Danny, and I are scratching our heads because we have no recollection of this ever happening in September.  And the acorn "bombs" that shower down and explode on that same surface?  Makes me think Racer is up there with the local squirrels, helping them secure their annual harvest, while playing practical jokes on us at the same time.  If you've ever had one of these errant nuts hit your head, you won't soon forget the impact.  One big ouch!

Thus begins the autumnal chore of daily deck sweeping . . .

Remember the flowers we plant in the spring?

For the most part, they thrive during the summer months, with the exception of the poor Toe Tickler.

Either too much or too little water led to its untimely demise.

The begonias?

Think be-gone-ias.  They start off strong, but as September rolls around, they become anemic and spindly.  Danny dumps them before I can photograph them in their waning state, but believe me, it was a sad sight to see.

The Chocolate Chip plant meets the same fate.

Danny makes the mistake of feeding it Miracle-Gro, thinking the purple blooms might regenerate, only to discourage any and all further growth.

But the double impatiens and the Polka Dot plant, purchased to replace the Toe Tickler, are still flourishing.

As the temperatures drop over the next few weeks and fall, at long last, turns to winter, these, too, will be laid to rest.  Their season passed; their duty done.

As King Solomon so aptly expresses in Ecclesiastes, there is a time and a place for every activity under the heavens.  Seasons come and go.  They will continue to come and go.  And we must turn, turn, turn into each one.

Only God remains unchanging and unchangeable.

For all eternity.

Let us give Him the praise and the glory in every season of our lives.



  1. Loved this post. Sounds like Racer is up to mischief for certain. He even has his cohorts and cousins busy down here in Florida, bombing us with acorns whenever they can! Must be a season for acorns...wondering if this means a colder winter? We shall see. Love "Turn Turn Turn" by the Birds...I remember it well. Yes, 'tis a season of change. So thankful for God leading us each step of the way. Have a blessed day my friend. Time to buy some MUMS! That's on my list for this week! Need some colorful flowers! Mine are like yours...gone gone gone

    1. Boy, Pamela, it seems like Racer is really getting around these days! Could it mean a colder winter? We will have to wait and see. Turn, Turn, Turn is one of my favorite "oldies" and I was glad to be able to share it here as we "turn" into another season of our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Fall comes slowly here in Tennessee too, Martha, but as the Seasons change God’s love maintains an even temperature. We worship an awesome God!

    1. Nells, I love this: ". . . but as the Seasons change God's love maintains an even temperature." Yes, He does! Our God is awesome indeed.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Yes … I love that verse, that song. I know little-to-nothing about plants and their 'cycles', but those darn acorns and green pecans are falling everywhere … and what a racket. The dogs are finally becoming accustomed to it and no longer jump out of their skin. :)

    1. Glad the dogs have grown accustomed to the acorn bombs, but they still manage to take me by surprise, Myra. In all the seasons of our lives, there is the need and the reason to turn and embrace it all. Our God knows best.
      Love and blessings!

  4. We had five of those oak trees in our yard at the old house and those acorns crunching under foot and under the tires of the car... so glad we don't have that mess to clean up anymore! But they do tell us Fall is in the air!

    1. I hear you, Terri! Those little nuts can make such a huge mess, can't they? With the morning temp today at 68, I'm feeling that touch of fall, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Yes indeed, the seasons come and go, the years pass by, we grow older ... and perhaps ... a little wiser.

    God bless you and your family, Martha.

    1. We can only hope and pray that with the passing years, we would grow in wisdom and in truth, Victor.
      Love and blessings!

  6. We always loose leaves before our first cool snap here in LA due to drought. As for the acorns, sounds like an early winter for your guys?
    Beautiful plants!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Early winter? You think? Could be, Lulu. I'm ready for some temperature changes after this hot and humid summer!
      Love and blessings!

  7. loved the photos capturing the change in season. I really noticed more crunchy leaves this week in Ohio too. Just a hint of leaving changing colors. Cool this weekend so it won't be long.

    1. For you, Jean, living up north, I'm sure it won't be long. Here, we are still waiting and hoping for a drop and temps. And the leaves just keep on falling . . .
      Love and blessings!

  8. So beautiful. Fall is the season of letting things "fall" away. We can learn from the trees and the plants. Love your reflections on this season.

    1. Yes, Galen, the season to let things fall away . . . those "things" that keep us burdened and worried, we need to let go of. With God's help, we can!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, thank you for your most interesting post. I so love how you paint vivid word pictures. Those "acorn bombs" are something else! Years ago, I had one hit me as I was walking on a college campus-ouch!--I FELT the impact through my backpack strap! Gotta watch out for those mischievous squirrels!

    Nevertheless, as you wrote, there is a time for everything--plants have a life-cycle, just as we humans have a life-cycle--there's a time for everything and everything in its time.

    In Iowa, it's really beginning to look like fall--cooler weather and falling leaves--the northern part of the state has already had a frost/freeze advisory/warning. We will likely have an early fall.

    Love and blessings!

    1. You, too, with the acorn bombs, Kim? You know I definitely hear you on that one!
      Yes, seasons, and a time for every purpose under heaven - may we roll through all the seasons of our lives knowing God is in it all.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I love the seasons. I used to think I loved change in general but I find myself pushing back a little more lately. What an awesome blessing to know the One who never changes ... whose promises last forever.

    1. Oh, amen, Deb! Knowing the One who never changes is our constant joy.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Got that right, girl. Unseasonably hot here in NC too. Looking SO forward to cooler dryer weather and leaves to turn turn turn those luscious circus-bright red, gold, rust, yellow. My symbolic "Welcome Fall" mat is on my heart's door.

    1. Yes, I hear you loud and clear, Debra. Especially now that I've had the cataract removed from my left eye, I'm so looking forward to seeing the changing leaves in all their glorious splendor. Hurry up fall!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Only God remains unchanging and unchangeable. Now...if only summer would stay around be the same. :)

    1. I understand you wishing summer could stick around longer, Bill, as your winters can be so brutal. And like you, I'm so glad God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Indeed, it is fall around here too! Lots of leaves blowing off the trees earlier than usual, makes me sad to see the beautiful colorful leaves fall off the trees. Tis the way seasons pass though! I understand about the difficulty of keeping your plants looking happy throughout the entire season, and of course, I had deer in my garden this summer, which left very little to enjoy now. Well, there is always next year! Blessings and hugs to you sweet friend :)

    1. Yep, Marilyn, the deer are everywhere in our neighborhood, too, so gardens have to be surrounded by very high fences. The only reason our plants survive is because they are up on our deck. And yes, there is always next year for another go round!
      Love and blessings!


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