Tuesday, June 25, 2019

We'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain - Part Two

Matthew 8:19-20
Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go."
Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

We faithfully follow the directions provided by the cabin leasing company, assured that we will land at our promised destination, as the Subaru climbs up, up, up to heights that our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, has never before experienced.  I take every opportunity to turn around and glance back at her ever-changing reaction to this rise in elevation, as she lets me knows her poor ears are popping.

"Swallow hard, honey," I advise her.  "Here, maybe chewing this piece of gum will help."  Virginia readily accepts my offer, and the momentary discomfort is soon alleviated.

Before long, the car is winding up the last steep curve to the cabin.  Its name?  Nantahala Gorgeous, and it certainly lives up to its moniker!  And unbelievably, this is one place where Danny and I, in all our many trips to the mountains, have never stayed, so the view and the interior are just as new to us as they are to Virginia.

Danny eases the car down the gravel driveway, parking it next to the cabin.  Virginia bounds out of her door eagerly, vociferously expressing her praise of the mountain view spread before us.  "And I can't wait to see the inside of the cabin!"

"We'll do that in a few minutes, Virginia," I tell her.  "Papa always likes to go in first to take photos of where we're staying before we muddle it up with all the belongings we've brought."

To pass the time, Virginia explores the grounds, and helps me carry what she can up to the cabin's deck and close to the front door.  The activity seems to distract her for the time being, but once Papa give the okay, she darts into the cabin like a lightning bolt.  "It's my dream house!!!"  she exclaims as she dashes to and fro, exploring each and every room from top to bottom.

"Oh, Papa!"  Virginia pronounces once she's completed her tour.  "This is the best idea you've ever had!"

"I think so, too, honey," I agree as I take in the amazing vista before me.  "The best idea ever!"


Once Jesus began His ministry, He had no permanent home on earth of which we are told.  He depended upon others for a place to sleep, to eat, to teach.  I can't begin to imagine how He managed it, but everywhere Jesus went, it seemed, there were always accommodations, even if it was out under the stars at the Mount of Olives.  

And as I admire the beauty of Nantahala Gorgeous inside and out, I am so grateful for all that God has so generously provided for us, both at home and in our travels.  Yes, we are blessed, especially knowing that Jesus has at last found a permanent home in our hearts.



  1. You know, Martha, we often read the Bible but perhaps not take in all the details that are there, yet not actually written. Take for example Jesus' life as He grew up. We know He was found in the temple by His parents at age 12; but not much else.

    We don't know how He grew up. Was He a good carpenter learning from His father? What did He like or not like as He grew up? Did He behave like other teenagers of the time? More important ... being God, did He know what was going to happen to Him? Can you imagine as a teenager knowing that He would be arrested, beaten and suffer such a cruel death? How could He get to sleep at night knowing this? Did He tell His parents about it, as any teenager would? How did they react?

    As as a grown up man, where did He live, sleep, eat and do all the things we do these days? Did He go shopping? Was He always relying on charity? Was He a beggar?

    Imagine ... next time we see a beggar in the street ... do we see Jesus in him?

    God bless.

    1. Great and interesting thoughts you've shared here, Victor. Yes, there are so many blanks regarding Jesus' early life, but I've often wondered if the early writers of the Gospel simply didn't deem those years important in light of the resurrection - that's the real story!
      And as we are called to love as Jesus loved, and to see Him in everyone we meet, that would certainly go for beggars, too.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I agree with Virginia … that looks like MY dream home, too! Danny rocks!

    Seriously, that's a good idea about checking out and documenting the home's interior. Our one and only VRBO experience, there was a sizeable snag in the carpet and a broken ceiling fan -- I was concerned we might have to forfeit our deposit, but no. Thank goodness, they must have known about it ahead of time. I would LOVE to see those mountains some day.

    1. Oh, those mountains are definitely worth the trip, Mevely! And I'd never thought of taking photos as being a safety net for any damage that could be there, but what a great idea! The company we lease from has a stellar reputation, and we've never once found anything amiss, so we've been very fortunate in that regard. And I'll agree - Danny rocks!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Love it!!!
    It reminds me of how our hearts, become, they are so clean and fresh and orderly when we welcome Jesus in, to live there. Absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Isn't it the sweetest place, Marla? I love the analogy you've presented here - Jesus does make a clean sweep of things when He enters our lives, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh Martha, the mountains and cabin are amazing! Our earthly dwellings: houses and our bodies, too, are simply temporary. What is lasting, eternal is our Home in Heaven.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Our eternal home . . . amen to that, Kim! I can say, in all honesty, if my mansion space prepared for me looked like this cabin with this view, I would never tire of it. Glad you enjoyed the photos!
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a beautiful place...just stunning! What a blessing to be able to share this glory with Virginia. I know she will never forget this trip! And yes, the more we see here on earth that is so lovely, the more we know our heavenly home will be even far far greater than any place we can being to imagine! That's pretty awesome! Wow. So happy you all had this time together. What a sweet little girl's dream come true!

    1. Pamela, it truly was a dream come true for Virginia; she's asked for years if we would take her to a cabin, but that was always getaway time just for the two of us. Now that she's older, and easier to travel with, we will definitely do it again some time. with her so she can make even more memories.
      And yes, our heavenly home will be far more stunning than anything we'll ever encounter here on earth.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I agree with Virginia Rose! What a dream house. The wood is amazing. And to think, the blessings of the beautiful cabin and mountains are just a foretaste of the glories that await us in Heaven.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Amen, Beckie! The foretaste of Heaven's glory, indeed. We are so, so happy we had this chance to share the beauty of the cabin and the mountains with Virginia.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Wow!! That cabin and the views are beautiful! What a lucky girl you have with you!!

    1. I do think Virginia knows what a lucky girl she is to have gone on this marvelous trip. She made some great memories, and so did we!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Nantahala Gorgeous is indeed a fitting name for such a beautiful place! Enjoy! We just spent several days at the beach with our 1-yr-old grandaughter. She won't remember it, but I sure will!

    1. Oh, wow, Lisa, the beach with your little granddaughter is a memory you will always treasure. Just wait until she is old enough to remember, and it will be grander still for everyone! And yes, the cabin certainly lives up to its name.
      Love and blessings!

  9. wow that cabin is beautiful and so is the family inside of it. and yes it does live up to its name.

    1. Oh, Jean, you are too sweet! We had the time of our lives, and I know Virginia will never forget this trip.
      Love and blessings!

  10. is jealousy allowed? I sure hope so.

    1. Lol, Bill, what would Jesus say? But you are allowed a bit of jealousy here. Yes, we were most fortunate in being able to take this trip, and oh, the memories made are priceless!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...