Friday, October 25, 2019

Back Stabbed!

2 Corinthians 12:7b-9
Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.  But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

I awaken this past Monday to be greeted by a debilitating pain I've never experienced in my lower back, specifically on my left side.  While my husband, Danny, struggles with back issues from time to time (he's in the throws of one now), this is a new and entirely unwelcome irritant to my body.  It lends a whole new meaning to the words "back stabbed."

I run through the gamut of questions.  What did I do to bring this on?  Is it caused by not getting enough physical activity during the previous week?  Too much time spent in the car, driving to Mom's and back?  Sleeping in the wrong position?

The questions soon become irrelevant as the persistent ache forces me to run for the medicine cabinet for relief.  Two Tylenol, and thirty minutes later, I'm able to somewhat tend to household chores without whining or grimacing.  But by the afternoon, that morning dosage has worn thin.  Motrin and a heating pad are the next remedies of choice.

By the time I retire for the evening, I am feeling better.  I do rest peacefully and comfortably.  But in the morning?  Here we go again!

Motrin to start this time around.  Otherwise, the dishwasher won't get emptied, the birds won't get fed, the bed won't get made, the laundry will languish, and I will wear a grumpy expression for the remainder of the day.

But with this unexpected mess come some unexpected blessings.

I'm forced to slow down.  Measured steps and thoughtful movements have me living more in the moment, mindful of the present in a heightened way.

I'm humbled.  There's nothing like pain to remind you that your body is NOT what it was 20 years ago.  For someone like me, who frequents the gym, and thinks other peoples bodies will wear out, but not mine, this is a true eye-opener.

I'm thankful.  Not for the "thorn," but for God, whose walking this path with me.  I can lean on His strength, knowing His power will be made perfect in me in spite of my imperfections.

I'm reminded.  God's grace is, and always will be, sufficient for me.

I'm praying (more than usual).  Yes, I do pray for God's healing power to work wonders.  But I remember to also pray that His will, not mine, be done.

And I would sure appreciate your prayers at this time, my friends, and for Danny, who has opted to go to our chiropractor for much needed relief.  Who knows?  I may be next!

Additionally, if you are in need of special prayers for you or a loved one, please leave those in the comments' section.  I will most definitely read and respond to each of you.

Most importantly, I will pray!



  1. Martha, I am praying for you and Danny right now and for your whole family.

    You always have the gift of making us think. Yes, Paul did have a pain in the back for a long time. And many of us have various pains and illnesses that do not go away.

    I have often asked, "Why does God allow us such pains and sickness?"

    Does He not care? Is He perhaps too busy dealing with other people instead? Is He testing us? What is the point of that if He knows already how we will react?

    Or is pain a reminder to get close to Him? To pray some more? To rely on Him again? To trust Him that He really has our good in mind? Or to give us an opportunity to pray for each other?

    Whatever His reasons are; rest assured I am praying for you all. I hope He takes note of that. There, I have answered to one of His possible reasons for pain; now I hope He heals you all soon.

    God bless you all.

    1. Victor, thank you so much for your prayers, and for leaving such a detailed and thoughtful comment here today.
      Miraculously, my back pain disappeared yesterday morning, with only a slight tweak to remind me of the former agony. Danny is getting helped by the chiropractor, and that seems to be having a positive effect. And yes, there can be benefits to pain, as I laid out here in this post, but I'm so grateful to God that He's chosen to remove it from me, and is working on Danny's, too. Keep those prayers coming, and I'll pray for you as well!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Now THIS post certainly resonates in our home. Both Tom and I have fallen pretty to "olden people backs." Because of my osteo-arthritis, I've been advised not to see a chiropractor. But, oh my gosh, how that's helped me in the past! Meanwhile, I'm relying on my Tylenol Arthritis and the SalonPas patches. Prayers lifted for both you and Danny.

    1. Myra, I'll certainly keep you both in my prayers! Getting older is NOT for sissies, that's for sure. And I'm glad you brought up the SalonPas patches - I will look into those, for sure, as I hate to keep popping pills. On the bright side, for now, the pain in my back has gone away! God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Prayers for your healing. A number of years ago I had back pain for nearly a year and now without pain I am grateful every day I can move without pain. We take this for granted dont we. Hope you feel better soon!!

    1. We so often take feeling well for granted, Jean, and this was surely a wake-up call for me. As of Thursday, my back is greatly improved, with only a slight twinge to remind me to still be careful and cautious. Thanks for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Ahhh...slowing down, being thankful, praying more. Good advice for you and for me! Thank you!

    1. Laurie, I've found that the Lord will give us those thorns to remind us that He is where our focus should be, not on ourselves or our accomplishments. Hard lessons, yes, but invaluable to our spiritual growth. Thankfully, God's seen fit to remove the pain in my back as of yesterday. I'm basking in the blessing!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I know exactly what you are dealing with Martha. Been there done that. Don't want it again. However, I won't be surprised if someday I will again. Suggestion: try sleeping with a pillow between your knees. See if that helps. I always have to. But I certainly do feel for you and Danny. Chiropractors are sometimes my best friend.

    1. Miraculously, Bill, thanks be to God, my back pain subsided this Thursday, even before I asked for the prayers of my friends. The Lord is so good, always and everywhere! Thanks, though, for that suggestion; I will certainly keep it in mind. Right now, the chiropractor, Dr. Cris, is Danny's best friend. Things seem to be on the mend for him, too, though he had to take a pain reliever this evening.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha Jane, I thank you for your consistent prayers for Joe and for me. Know that your and Danny are in mine. Back pain is debilitating and exhausting.

    1. Oh, yes, it is, Terri! Prayers continue for you and Joe. Thanks for all your support and love!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Thank you all. This has been a more extended period for this issue. You see, when I was about 31, I was training to be a guide in the Explorer Scouts and I was getting rappelling training. The trainer, who was hard core, explained during one descent, that fellow climbers can get their rope jammed and you will need to carabiner to them and cut their rope to resolve the problem. So the trainer at the Federal Law Enforcement Center in S. Georgia clipped on to me and dropped his weight on my right side. Soooo - goodbye to L4 and L5 disks. That's the current and persistent issue. Thank you for the prayers, but I trust In God, always.

    1. Danny, thanks for letting my readers know where the crux of yours problem with back pain originates. God has your "back." I know my loyal friends and readers will keep the prayers going for you!
      Always love to you, my beloved!

  8. I am glad to read in your comments that you are feeling better now. Praying that you will continue to feel better...and I am also praying for Danny to get relief from his pain. Yes, we all go through different kinds of aches and pains in this life, and some come and go, and some come and stay longer than we'd like. But no matter what, God is with us...and He can show us great things even in the midst of pain when we allow ourselves to surrender to Him and listen to what He's trying to say to us during these times. Sometimes it is just a message to slow down..."Be still and know that I am God" attention to His voice and not the noise of the world around us. I know I've probably learned more during the times of pain and "rest" than when I'm running around busily doing "God's work" (so I think). Sometimes we "Martha's" have to sit down and be a "Mary" once in a while. Hard for me to do... This was a good lesson for me...and I pray you are well on your way to full mobility again.

    1. Yes, Pamela, I've often laughed at my name when I remember Martha of the Bible, and all her busyness. We do need to slow down, choosing to get off the merry-go-round of this crazy world, and simply be content to be still with the Lord.
      And I am feeling so very much better, too! Thanks for the prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I'm so sorry for your's and Danny's back pain, Martha. I hope and pray God will send relief to both of you. Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Trudy! My back is pretty much 100%, and since Danny is now seeing our chiropractor, his is on the mend, praise God. He is so good, all the time!
      Love and blessings!

  10. I understand the challenges and the blessings of a body breakdown. I was sick a few months ago with a bug that put me in bed for several days. (I lost seven pounds in three days so you get the idea!) All I could do was lie in bed and look out the window. And surrender to the reality of what was happening. I prayed a lot too -- in petition and in gratitude. Lessons abound!

    1. Sorry to hear that you were so ill a while back, Galen, but glad you are doing well now. Judging by your photo, I don't think you could afford to lose seven pounds! But as your example also illustrates, we can see the lessons God provides even in our moments of weakness - perhaps, we actually see/hear them better!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I always say back and head pain are the worst because they are pains that feel impossible to ignore. Praying you and Danny feel better quickly. And yes, even when we're in pain and/or circumstances are hard ... we are blessed as we focus on the Lord. God bless you!

    1. Deb, you are so right - those pains are impossible to ignore. Thankfully, I'm right as rain, and Danny is much improved after going to our chiropractor. I'm so thankful to the Lord for this healing! Thanks for your prayers, too!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, this is a very timely post. :) The aging process isn't for sissies for sure. Back pain is my current reality, thankfully it's not as bad as it could be, however, it could be much better. I had spasms in my back that did feel like there was a knife in it--thankfully this time the pain is less intense.

    Praying for relief and for healing as we live life to the full.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, those spasms that feel like a knife stab? Those are the absolute worst, Kim! We both need the healing only God can give. Thanks so much for your continued prayers, especially for Danny, as he is struggling a lot more with this issue.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Bless your dear heart. I trust you are feeling much better by now. I can surely relate to the aging process and how often I am reminded of my age! Thank you for your kind offer to pray for your readers. That is SO incredibly kind of you. I would so appreciate your prayers for an upcoming situation. I have never felt so in need of God in my whole life and am leaning hard on Him to see me through. May He bless you richly, my friend!

    1. Prayers lifted for you, Cheryl, and they will continue! May God give you all the strength and courage you need to face the upcoming situation in your life. Leaning upon Him is exactly what you need to do.
      Yes, I'm much, much better - thank you for asking!
      Love and blessings!


Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....