Friday, November 8, 2019

Encouragers Wanted! Apply Within.

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore, encourage one another, and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

When I begin writing Meditations of My Heart many moons ago, I could in no way imagine how many fellow Christian bloggers I would meet along this remarkable journey.  These friends have lifted my spirits, inspired my thoughts and increased my faith by leaps and bounds.  As I hope and pray that my words here offer encouragement to you as you walk with the Lord, my blogging brothers and sisters always provide encouraging words in their posts, which I'm honored to read.

One vital way we can acknowledge each other as bloggers who make a difference in our lives, is by taking time to leave some love in the comment section.  I can't begin to tell you all how dear your comments are to me!  That you would take the time to not only read my posts, but also to share your thoughts with me, is the epitome of encouragement.

But what would happen if you love a particular post, try to pen a comment, assume it has "taken," only to discover it never shows up?  Wouldn't that frustrate you no end?

Well, that's exactly what has happened to my friend, Floyd, whose blog, But for the Grace of God . . . There Go I, is one of my top tier favorites.  Several months ago, Floyd lets me know, via email, that his comments are not appearing on my blog.  It's a mystery we try to noodle out together, though I know I'm not much of a help.

Long story short, Floyd thinks he has the matter resolved.  He begins leaving comments once again.  But when he decides to go back through my posts to check for my responses, he is flabbergasted and appalled to find out that none of his comments are there!

And this is where Floyd and I need your help.  Do any of you have an idea of what could be causing this communication breakdown?  He uses Wordpress, and I use Blogger, but that, in and of itself, shouldn't cause the difficulty as many of my followers use the former, and have no difficulty in leaving a comment.

If you think you have a solution, or can steer us in the right direction, I ask you to leave detailed info in the comment section.  Floyd can't respond, but he can access them to see if anything offered helps resolve the issue we are facing.

Fellow bloggers and friends, we need your encouragement more than ever!  Praying that some dear soul among you will have an answer.

God bless you all, and please visit Floyd's marvelous blog at the link I shared above.  And don't forget to leave some love!



  1. If Floyd is using Chrome your Blogger may not accept his comments. Can he try using Explorer or Firefox to comment on your Blog.

    Have you blocked anonymous comments?

    Have you blocked some people from commenting or is your settings at "anyone" can comment?

    Hope you are OK!

    God bless.

  2. Victor, thanks so much for all your suggestions here! I'm using Google Chrome as my internet search engine. I believe my settings are set to "anyone," though I may have blocked "anonymous," so will double check on that. I'll let you know if any of this helps out.
    Love and blessings!

  3. Are his comments going to the Spam folder for some reason? Sometimes even some of my faithful commenters end up in the folder awaiting moderation and I have to manually allow them to be published. I don't know unless it has something to do with the differences in Word Press and Blogger. I used to have issues commenting on Wordpress blogs, but somehow I seem to have fixed it. Not sure now what I did differently. Praying it will work out.

    1. Thanks for your input, Pamela! I will definitely check the Spam folder to see if that could have happened. And thanks for your prayers, too!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Testing to see if anonymous postings are allowed.

  5. Testing to see if anonymous postings are allowed when not logged in.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous! That's a big help.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Does Floyd get the captcha dialog box that pops up that asks him to verify He is not a robot... I received it on both attempts above along with the picture selection to prove I am not a robot.

    1. Interesting, Ryan . . . I didn't think I had a Captcha box on my blog.

  7. Couple things to try if you haven't...
    1) try a different browser, I use firefox almost exclusively.
    2) You can try clearing the cache of your existing browser.
    If you don't know how, let me know I can walk you through it.
    --generally it will be under options, and a privacy setting...
    note - i would recommend you removing cookies and other items... note... if you have passwords saved for the websites you visit, those may be cleared, so make sure you know any 'autofill' or logins that you have been storing.

  8. And another thing ...

    I tried to comment on Floyd's Blog. Twice. The computer would not let me.

    God bless.

    Victor S E Moubarak

    1. Yes, I'm aware of that glitch on Floyd's blog, but fear not - your comment WAS published. If you go back to the blog, you should see it.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha,

    I tried to comment (above) anonymously. Your computer would not let me. So I had to log in to Blogger to comment above.

    God bless.

    1. Logging into blogger might be a key here, Victor.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I am not a "techie" so would not be of much use in this discussion, but I agree about Christian bloggers being a positive, encouraging bunch. I am amazed at how we support each other and lift each other up.

    1. Yes, it is an amazing phenomena, isn't it, Laurie? I'm so thankful for my blogging friends!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I am not tech-savvy enough to offer any ideas, Martha Jane. Sure hope someone has a fix for you and your blogging friend. I, too, am thankful for my fellow believers here in blog-land. This is my "resting place" away from Facebook and the general news. It is always uplifting to visit my friends here.

    1. We've gotten some really good suggestions so far, Terri, that I do hope will help Floyd resolve the issue. And I love how you called blog-land your "resting place." It's mine, too! So blessed to know all of you!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Interesting discussion, Martha. I'm on Wordpress and I use Chrome. Maybe I should change to Firefox? I've been having a lot of problems lately that I comment somewhere, even places I've commented at before, and my comment doesn't post. If I can find the person's email, I let them know. All of them have said it was in their spam. Strange. Also, there is one person who visits whose comments I always have to approve, even though my settings are for no approval needed if I've approved them before. I just heard from someone this week that has that same problem with two of her friends. Also, I have one friend I can't post a comment at unless I switch to Safari. Great encouragement reminder in the verse and your first words. :) Love and blessings to you!

    1. Wow, Trudy, than you so much for sharing this enlightening information with us here! I did check my spam today to see if any of Floyd's comments ended up there, but they didn't, but that's a great avenue to take. Hearing about the problems your friends are having really shines a light on the issues any of us can face at any given moment. So hoping Floyd's issue can be resolved, and I so appreciate your input, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Like Terri, I'm not savvy enough to offer any outside-the-box suggestions. Yet, I have to say, your second paragraph resonates so very much. You lift me up!

    1. And you lift me up too, Myra! I do treasure our blogging friendship, and know that I keep Tom and you in my prayers. I think that Ryan might really have some resolutions for Floyd in the days to come. Let's keep praying for that!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Okay, I'm on Firefox. I sent you an email of the comment I tried to post yesterday.

    Thanks for your kind words and heart, sister. You have a wonderful group of supporters here. Pretty cool stuff!

  15. It worked!!! I'm in!!!

    Ahhhhh... it's good to back on the inside...!

    Thanks, Ryan! You da man!!!


    1. Hooray!!!!!!! Kudos to Ryan! So glad you are back here, Floyd, and glad this post worked to get you here once again. I'll be looking forward to your wonderful comments in the future.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Glad it worked Floyd! If you like Chrome, you can try uninstalling it and reinstalling it. The application may have been corrupted. However, I have found that some browsers do not play well with all the different programming styles on the web, especially older versions of browsers that try to use new updated features.

      ---Regardless, I am glad you are back in and able to contribute your thoughts... they are worth contributing.

  16. Interesting that changing from one company to another affects our ability to comment. Glad it got figured out.

    To you encouragement to provide encouragement, I think this is so important. My daughter told me yesterday that one of the things she remembers from her childhood is my asking to speak to a manager in order to compliment an employee that provided excellent service. At the time, she said it was embarrassing, but not she sees that it was a kind and generous thing to do.

    I heard the phrase "speaking the blessing" in a sermon one time, meaning that we can speak words of praise and blessing to life someone up. Comments certainly count in that category.

    Saying something kind usually takes hardly any effort (unless you are Floyd! I've had similar problems on my blog.) and reaps huge rewards. Glad you took the time to call our attention to this.

    1. I'm so glad I could call attention to this issue, too, Galen, especially since in inquiry provided Floyd with the answer he needed to be able to finally comment again. I had a feeling one of my more tech-savvy readers would offer just the right tip!
      And we should encourage one another, thanking those who've done something that is meaningful to us, as you did with the employee years ago. It can mean the world of difference in someone's life, even though it may seem like a small gesture at the time.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Oh the technology of blogging will kill us! It's been my biggest frustration ... especially when people's comments don't show up.

    * sigh *

    1. Yes, Linda, such a pain! But isn't it glorious news that the tip Ryan (Reflecting the Light)left for Floyd worked? Praise the Lord!
      Love and blessings!

  18. I see Ryan already commented. He is my go to. I have issues with his blog. Some weird stuff comes up on my end after I hit submit comment but he says it shows up. He might have to get an account for Google since blogger is a Google product. Idk. I'm only a pastor not an IT genius. :)

    1. I think it's amazing that Ryan was able to solve Floyd's issue with leaving comments, Bill! Now I know why he is your tech go-to guy. And he's a pretty darned good writer, too!
      Love and blessings!

  19. Aw, bless Floyd's heart. He is such a blessing, and I hate to hear that he is having trouble. I wish I could help. People tell me they can't leave comments on my blog, either, and I have NO idea how to fix it. Some have no trouble with it, but others do. Whatever the technical difficulty term, I think at the root it is the work of satan to try to discourage and prevent us from being a blessing to each other. Anything he can do to divide and isolate God's children, he will do. Thank you for letting us all know about Floyd's difficulty - at least we can all pray for him and trust God to make a way for him to get it all resolved. God bless you, sweet sister.

    1. The good news, Cheryl, is that one of my readers, Ryan, diagnosed Floyd's problem, and he is finally able to comment! You can scroll through the former comments here - maybe something Ryan's suggested would help you out, too. Nothing like the blogging community coming together for a good cause!
      Love and blessings!

  20. Martha, where would we be without the encouragement of others? It's also a blessing to be an encourager of others. I hope you have the commenting issue sorted out; I'm simply not techie enough to be of much help.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Neither one of us is tech-savvy, Kim, but thanks be to God that Ryan is, and gave Floyd the info he needed to correct the problem! It's been a week for hoorays all around!
      And yes, we all need to give and receive encouragement on our Christian journey. So blessed to have so many blogging friends who do just that.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Glad it's working again for Floyd! He is one of the best encouragers I know, quite a Barnabas. You don't want to miss his words.

    For me, I have trouble commenting on certain blogs when I'm on Safari, but not when I'm on Chrome. Go figure. The internet is still quite a mystery. :)

    1. Yes, Lisa, Floyd is such a wonderful encourager, and I always look forward to reading his blogs! It's great that he is back on board.
      Love and blessings!

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Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....