Tuesday, May 26, 2020
More Prayer, Not Less
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
"Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential," [President] Trump said. "But have left out churches and other houses of worship. It's not right. So, I'm correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential . . . in America, we need more prayer, not less." Source: Fox News
I am listening to talk radio on my phone while tending to chores around the house. The station's news reporter breaks in to alert listeners that President Trump is going to issue a statement shortly, and that they will broadcast that in lieu of scheduled programming. Curious, I stay tuned in.
And wow! Am I glad I do!
I don't at all expect what I'm hearing from the president, and I'm so overwhelmed with surprise and joy that before I can stop them, tears well up in my eyes and spill forth unabashedly. Place of worship can open!!! President Trump has once again stood up for the American people and their rights, stressing that our freedom to worship is guaranteed in our Constitution.
Now, realistically, I know not every church is adequately prepared to open its doors to corporate worship at this juncture, especially those located in heavily populated urban areas. But certainly, there are hundreds of thousands of churches scattered throughout the country where either no or very few cases of Covid-19 exist. Why not get together?
As for our church, Kennesaw United Methodist, the opening date of June 22 has been set by our bishop. I don't think our pastors will buck the system. But there have been ongoing discussions and plans put in place so that we can reopen safely at that time. That's fantastic news!
So, for now, we will continue the online worship routine, but I will engage even more wholeheartedly in it, knowing that our rights are being defended by a caring and competent Commander-in-Chief.
President Trump is spot on, too, when he declares that our country needs more prayer, not less. In light of the recent Memorial Day weekend, and in the weeks to come, let us vow to pray daily for our nation, and give thanks for the freedoms we have because of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect them.
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Grace for the Race
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Thank you for sharing that wonderful "proclamation" with us! I, too, was very thankful to hear our President making that statement. We are blessed to have a President who truly does care about the rights of the American people. I am trying hard to be patient and wait for our church to reopen like yours, late in June, but we are not sure even then just how we will do it as our building is small and we normally pack it with people. There is no way to socially distance ourselves unless we have more services at different times, which isn't going to be easy to do as our pastor already is serving two churches. So we wait and pray and hope something can be figured out so we can assemble ourselves together again. I truly miss being with our sweet people. Yes, we do need MORE prayer, not less!! Amen!!
ReplyDeleteThe story of your church's dilemma mirrors so many others, Pamela. I, too, hope you all can reopen safely and securely when that time comes. And yes, we are blessed beyond measure to have a president who understands our basic rights under the Constitution and is willing to stand up boldly and defend them. I love, too, how your governor in Florida has handled the pandemic, and that your state is once again open for business, as it should be.
DeleteLove and blessings!
There seems to be plans here also to open in June. Not quite clear about this yet. Meanwhile, we're still on-line.
ReplyDeleteThe world needs more prayers.
God bless.
Good to hear about the plans to reopen, Victor. And yes, the world can always, always use more prayer!
DeleteLove and blessings!
More praying.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Regine, and lots of them!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I LOVE it! Both our President and his proclamation. Together with the Bishop, our Pastor has elected to continue on-line worship. Since our building is so small, she's even hinted at doing outdoor services in the gardens behind the church building. It will feel soooo good seeing everyone's faces once more.
ReplyDeleteAn outdoor service sounds like just the ticket, Myra! I wish our church would consider doing that, too, but as temperatures continue to go up, I wonder how many people would actually attend? And I agree with you about our president and his proclamation. Amen!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Our church won't be opening any time soon. In fact, the leadership is using this opportunity to do renovations that wouldn't be otherwise possible.
ReplyDeleteAnd contractors are hungry for work, so they're giving us good prices.
Good to know that even though your church is closed, they've been able to undertake those much needed renovations, Frank. And employing those who need work is a bonus!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I heard this as it happened and was so excited. Thank you for sharing it here as well.
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed so very exciting, Carol! And it's no exaggeration that I stopped what I was doing and simply cried. I love this country and all the freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution, and to have our president articulate this was sheer bliss.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Ms. Martha; Amen and Amen ma'am! We most certainly need more prayer and not less in this country. Like you, I recognize that some remain fearful of potential illness and will not open any time soon. For those churches, and their parishioners, I understand and respect their right to choose. In my small rural community, our church is largely older folks, and we will be delaying a few more weeks, putting social distancing guidelines in place, etc. I won't be attending as long as these arbitrary rules are in place. Not from pride, but principle. I respect each person's God-given free will to decide how to protect themselves, but I do not believe their fear should be projected onto me and my faith. I pray much fellowship is found among the so-called new normal; and I pray further that any on-line efforts by churches that have been working continue even after things return. From all the pastors and laypersons I've spoken with, church services, Bible studies, and other faith-based on-line meetings have been much better attended than in-person activities prior to all this. Just a prayerful request that we don't lose any momentum this opportunity has provided us to reach folks outside of the church building with the gospel of Christ. God's blessings ma'am; and I join you in welcoming the start of our return to normalcy in our lives.
ReplyDeleteJ.D., I have heard similar stories about how more people are "attending" church via the internet, and seeking God and His comfort in a whole new way. Because we have services on line, I'm visiting with a dear pastor and blogging friend every Sunday morning as well as listening to our church's pastor preach. I'm doubly blessed! And many in our congregation are elderly, too, and we want to do our level best to protect them under these circumstances. It is each person's God-given right to make their own responsible decisions in this matter, and that is clearly put forward in our Constitution. Americans are generally caring, loving and common sense individuals. We can, and we will, make the right decisions as the future unfolds.
DeleteLove and blessings!
ReplyDeleteJust like you I was thrilled and deeply moved by our Presidents announcement.
My husband and I went out to dinner for the first time in 2 1/2 months last evening and it felt so, so good! Everyone except for the waiters were without masks and I actually felt human again. Just hearing the melodic voices of other folks and the giggles of a small child were music to my hears.
Blessings to you and yours,
Oh, what a marvelous experience you have shared here, Jemma! Yes, I want so badly to return to eating out, going to church, and being able to socialize with family and friends. Danny and I have to be extra careful, though, as he has some compromising heart issues, so we will probably choose to remain quarantined well into June. But it lifts my spirits to know that others, like you, are getting out and about!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Amen, indeed!
ReplyDeleteAmen is right! Thank the Lord for a president who understands and upholds our rights guaranteed by our Constitution.
DeleteLove and blessings!
This is wonderful news. I can’t wait to be back in the Lord’s house. I have so missed it. Thank you, Martha for this lovely post. I too feel that our president has America’s best interest in mind. God bless you and America.
ReplyDeleteI'm so looking forward to getting back to church, too, Nells. President Trump definitely has the best interest of the country at the top of his agenda. Thank the Lord for that!
DeleteLove and blessings!
I don't listen to much news Martha but have heard about this. And he is right. We have somehow gotten our priorities twisted when we say liguor stores and other places are essential but churches are not. Those who say churches can limit to 10 are asking for a revolt. And they are finding out the American people will have nothing to do with that. However, I do agree with you about needing more prayer not less. And thank you for listening in on Sunday morning. That means more to me than you know.
ReplyDeleteI do love tuning in to your service every Sunday morning, Bill; I'm inspired every time by your thoughtful sermons. Yes, I'd agree that priorities are mixed up in this country, and I'm proud of our president for calling that out and giving us hope for a return to our constitutional values. Those are the absolute glue of this country, and something some secularists would love to tear down.
DeleteLove and blessings!
How I praise God for President Trump. The man has more common sense and gumption than many other presidents combined. He has stood up for Christianity, religious freedom, life, and the Bible than any other president in modern years. We are very blessed that God had mercy and allowed him to win our last election, and oh, how we need to be in MUCH prayer that God will have mercy upon us again one more time and allow him to be re-elected in November. God is our only hope, and while we don't look to government to take His place, we absolutely need God-fearing, Christian-protecting leaders in place to preserve our liberties and to continue the fight against the rampant murder aka abortion raging through our land. I pray earnestly for President Trump and plead the blood of Jesus to have mercy on us all.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Cheryl, and amen, again! I truly think that if President Trump hadn't won, we would be seeing a rampant invasion of secular tyranny in this country. They are already, and have been for many years, trying to dismantle the Judeo-Christian foundations of our nations. Trump provided the stop gap we need to regroup our mission to spread the Gospel and support the freedom of religion our Constitution guarantees. I thank God every day for his leadership and understanding, his fighting spirit and his growing faith. We are blessed, indeed!
DeleteLove and blessings!
We are blessed to have a President that is pro-christian and that is overturning many of Obama’s laws in our favor. May we get out and vote so this will continue!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, Valerie, I have no doubt that all the "deplorables" will be out in force to vote this year! We have had enough of the elite secularists telling us what to eat, what to think, what to say, what to do. The sleeping giant sleeps no more! We are blessed that God sent President Trump to salvage this country from Satan's will.
DeleteLove and blessings!
No word here in PA when our churches will open yet. I am happy for you, Martha! You will get to see your church family soon.
ReplyDeleteWe will and we won't, Laurie. Danny's heart condition (he has a pacemaker) makes him all the more cautious about moving freely about in public, and as I wish to protect him, I'm choosing to stay in isolation, too. It's okay. I'm just so overjoyed for others without preexisting conditions to be able to go back to church and to work without fear. Here's a message for PA - open up!!!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Well written Martha, although I live in the Netherlands, I love the USA and the people.
ReplyDeleteI know you do, Marja, and I, for one, thank you for your support in this time. By the way, I was able to download your ebook on my Chrome Book, thanks to my husband. It's in my reading queue, and I will review it in the future. Looking forward to it!
DeleteLove and blessings!
Beautiful post, Martha. Yes, we do need to pray more both in our church buildings and throughout each day of the week. Our prayers do more good than we can ever know this side of Heaven.
ReplyDeleteIowa's UMC bishop recommended that churches stay closed until/through June. Many pastors and church admin. councils opted to open--using many safety measures and social distancing. My pastor and church opted to follow Iowa governor's recommendations.
Love and blessings!
I'm so, so glad your church opted to open up, Kim, and praying that many others won't be far behind. Just read an article today that Danny posted to my Facebook page about why we should wear masks. You might want to check it out when you get a chance. If this is truly legit, than I think we will be safer as we gather together as a church family.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Blogger ate my long comment. No time nor heart to write another ..
ReplyDeleteMartha I rejoice with you, praise God for President Trump, that he wants more prayer not less shows where he stands. Praise God too for our Chrisian PM Morison, very grateful. In oz had 10 for 2 weeks on June 1st its 50!
Thanks for your lovely uplifting comments on my wonderful words blog. You encourate my heartso!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 6
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
So sorry your long comment disappeared, Shaz; such a nuisance when that happens! Yes, more prayers, not less, and praise God that we have Christian leaders like President Trump and PM Morison!
DeleteLove and blessings!