Thursday, April 22, 2021

"Gimme a Head with Hair!"


So, he told her everything.  "No razor has ever been used on my head," he said, "because I have been a Nazirite dedicated to God from my mother's womb.  If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other man." ~Judges 16:17

The photo you see of me above documents how long my hair has grown since January of 2020.  Covid worries have kept me far, far away from the hair salon, that's for sure!  Even though I'm fully vaccinated, I've made some serious decisions about the future of the hair I always took too much pride in by highlighting and having it trimmed four times a year.

My natural look, given to me by God, that has emerged over this year, is more than enough.  But it took me going through this period of isolation to receive and accept the revelation.  The Lord has stripped me of my vanity and flushed it down the drain.  Oh, how grateful I am for that!  I don't need another roadblock on the path to His Kingdom.

My husband, Danny, orders official hair-cutting scissors and beautician's comb months ago.  I'm reluctant, at first, to let him have at it, so to speak.  

But this past week, knowing he's studied many a video on YouTube on how to trim hair, I decide it's time to grant permission.  And I'm not disappointed in the least by the outcome.

All the dead ends are gone, and my hair, naturally thin and fine, is showing more of a healthy body and sheen than I could have hoped for.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I will sorely miss my dear friend and hairdresser, Donna, but my hopes and prayers are that I can treat her to lunch or coffee in the near future, just to stay in touch and enjoy her company.  I certainly won't waste her time with fussing over my hair!

And the money saved by not visiting a salon?  More to give to my church and select charitable organizations!  Or, a gift out of the blue for the grands.

God desires nothing more than for us to look in the mirror and see ourselves as nothing less than His children.  The gray in my hair makes no difference to Him.

If that's the case, then it needs to make no difference to me.



  1. It is more important top be true to oneself and to be happy. You've made a good decision.

    I have tried to cut my own hair by using the hedge trimmer and looking in the mirror. It was difficult cutting at the back. Now we need a new mirror!

    I did not know there were videos on You Tube about this.

    God bless.

    1. You are too funny, Victor! No, I don't advise cutting one's own hair, but grateful Danny did such a good job. And it is so important to be true to ourselves, content in the persons God has created.
      Love and blessings!

  2. He cuts hair, he cooks - you have a gem there, Martha! Last year, I finally convinced my wife to trim my hair, which was getting seriousdly put of control with the lockdown. I had the "flying nun" look - my hair flips on the sides when it gets too long. Terrified, she trimmed it, and it turned out fine. So she cooks and cuts hair, too!

    1. Janet is, indeed, a most talented woman, Glynn! We've had some electric hair clippers for years - Danny runs them over what hair he has (lol!) and I trim the back/neck for him. Drastic times call for drastic measures! Saves lots of $, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. You are absolutely beautiful, friend ... your hair, too! I don't know too many women that would allow their husbands anywhere near their head with scissors!

    You're both brave!


    1. Thank you, Linda, for your sweet words shared here. Honestly, it did take me some time to finally allow Danny near my hair, but I figured if he just got rid of the split ends, and it wasn't even, I could schedule a haircut down the road. Thankfully, he did a perfect job!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm glad you have joined my club Martha. Jo has been "cutting" my hair for over 20 years. Of course, I have quite a bit less than you. :) I'm with Glynn on this. Cooks. Cleans. Cuts hair. Don't trade him off! Sign him to another long-term contract. P.S. I happen to like long hair so I can honestly say you have beautiful hair.

    1. I wouldn't trade Danny in a million years, Bill! I'm one very fortunate woman, that's all I can say. And thanks so much for the compliment regarding my hair. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. Bom dia Marta, seu cabelo ficou muito lindo, parabéns.

  6. Thanks so much, Luiz!
    Love and blessings!

  7. He did a great job! I gave up salons once I had kids and learned to cut and highlight my own hair. Went natural after I retired so I went into the pandemic looking just like I do now. It's nice not to have to be worried about it. :)

    1. Wow, Martha, I'm impressed that you could highlight and cut your own hair! Yes, I agree, that Danny did a fantastic job. I'm so proud of him!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Dearest Martha Jane,
    For as long as I live, I've always had my true, natural color hair; never used ANY dye as it harms the hair.
    Yours looks 'happy' so you might want to travel this road from now on.

    1. I certainly plan to stay on this road, Mariette, that's for sure! Yes, I like to think of my hair as "happy." :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. What a great job Danny did! I love how he researched everything thoroughly; more so, that you trusted him. I'm sure Donna will be delighted to enjoy your company again. Just in another venue! Blessings!

    1. Yes, Myra, I certainly do miss Donna. It seemed that in my visits with her, we had the whole world's problems solved by the end of my appointment! I'll be sure to pass your compliment on to Danny - yes, he did a stellar job, for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  10. You look wonderful, and Danny did a perfect job of cutting your hair! I am impressed! Your hair looks like a lovely strawberry blonde...very pretty. I often trim the top and sides of my hair, but can't do the back. Of course, I wear my hair much much shorter than you. It never has done well very long...too many cowlicks. I now have a perm, and I am very happy with it because it makes it so carefree. I don't color my hair, never have. Gray is starting to creep in more and more, but after all, I am in my 7th decade, so why shouldn't it? I always cut our sons' hair when they were growing up. They'd never been to a barber until they left home. I used to do John's too, but now it is so fine and thin that I prefer he go to the barber and get it done right. I'm too afraid of gapping it and it would be too noticeable. I can trim the neckline in between cuts. Enjoy your lovely locks and relax and be happy!!

    1. Thank you, Pamela, for all your kind words about my hair and the great job Danny did in trimming it! I'm glad to hear that you are happy with how your hair looks naturally, and have never had it colored. It seems we can't avoid that gray as we enter those latter years, but isn't that how God planned it? Ironically, the gray in my hair makes it look a lot blonder than it is; as you said, strawberry blonde. My mother had auburn hair in her youth, and I was a straight-out blonde. Hmmm. Are the tables turning? And I hear you about trying to trim John's hair. I do help trim Danny's with our clippers, but like him to get a regular cut and style every once in a while to make sure it really looks good.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Some good points given here. Love you, Martha. Blessings.

    1. Love you, too, Nells! Glad you enjoyed the post, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Your natural color is beautiful and Danny did a great job!! Look at that line!! Great job! Thanks for sharing! Is he ready to hang out a shingle?

    1. Thanks so much for these compliments, Terri. No, I don't think Danny is ready to hang that barber shingle out, but his engineering skills certainly came into play with his cutting precision. I'm just glad we'll be saving money!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Looks pretty good to me Ms. Martha Jane! Mr. Danny should hang out his shingle. As for me, I've been cutting my own (or perhaps I should say "what's left of it") for many years. I sit in the workshop's office, fire up the clippers, and buzz cut myself in less than two minutes. :-) Now, for my beard? I go see my barber Mr. Billy Jack Silman every couple of months. LOL I don't trust myself with scissors. Have a blessed weekend ma'am.

    1. Thanks for your kind and complementary words here, J. D.! Danny doesn't have much hair on his head, either, so he uses clippers to go all around and then I trim his neckline. Fortunately, he doesn't have a beard and can trim his mustache himself. You have a wonderful weekend, too, and give my love to Ms. Diane!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Well done, Danny--you've a good eye for cutting a straight line! Looks terrific, Martha!

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy! Yes, Danny does have a great eye for such things, having been an engineer. I just wonder now why I didn't trust him earlier to do the perfect job. After all, I trust him with everything else. :)
      Love and blessings!

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you, Beckie! Praying for you, dear friend, each and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beauty post Martha, how much better to grow pld gracefully, and Danny has done a grand job too.

    Yes think the changing times have taught us all lots.. certainly has taught me deeper prayer, and casting more upon the Lord.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Yes, Shaz, it is such a good thing to grow old gracefully. This pandemic has caused so many of us to take stock of what is meaningful in life, and to lean upon the Lord for all our needs.
      Love and blessings!

  17. At 36 I am starting to see a lot more grey hairs popping up here and there. I've given up trying to pluck them. I know I could start dying my hair but I have always admired women who keep their beautiful grey hair. I decided I won't cover it up. I think it is a beautiful and freeing thing to embrace exactly how God made us.

    My husband cuts my hair too. Even though going to a salon can be so delightful it's so nice to save the money.

    Your hair is beautiful!


    1. Thank you for your kind and complimentary words here, Annie! Yes, I think you've made a wise decision to simply keep your hair as natural as possible, even when the gray hairs pop up. And how cool is it that your husband cuts your hair! Seems like both of us are blessed with some talented guys.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Danny has many talents. :-) Looks pretty, Martha! I've been cutting my husband's hair with clippers and now I've got it down to a science.

    1. I do the same for Danny, Karen, and it certainly is a dollar saver, isn't it? Just another animal when it comes to trimming long hair, so I'm so grateful for Danny's engineering eye when it comes to such challenges.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Your hair is lovely. It truly is. I marvel that Danny could trim it so well for you, but he did!!! I am so glad he is doing well. I continue to pray for his recovery from the recent hospitalization. The Lord's mercies are wonderful.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers for Danny, Barbara! He is doing so much better, and will have an MRI on May 11 so the doctors can determine if they can perform an ablation on his heart. If so, that would get him off some medication he is currently taking - that would be wonderful!
      And thanks so much for your kind words about my hair, my friend. Know you are daily in my prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  20. You have great hair and it is long. Well trimmed :) I haven't seen a hairdresser since October. Normally I go 3 times a year or so. My hair is thick and curly and if it gets too long... hmmm, not so nice.

    1. Yes, Marja, your hair is thick, curly and beautiful! Hope you can get it trimmed soon once all this mess is behind us. Thanks for the kind words about mine.
      Love and blessings!

  21. I love the ideas you have for the money you would have used to go to your hairdresser, Martha. Danny's haircutting skills are wonderful! I still get my hair cut, but I stopped highlighting it when I retired from teaching almost 4 years ago!

    1. Yes, Danny's skills are wonderful, Laurie! I guess his accuracy is due to his engineer-trained brain. :) I'm one fortunate woman, that's for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  22. I've often offered to cut my wife's hair, Martha, because she's been cutting mine for more decades than I care to reveal. She says she'd be fine with it as long as it's a post-mortem event, but as long as she's still alive and conscious, she'd rather pass on it. I do love your encouraging attitude about praising God for who we really are and how we really look, whether the culture at large approves or not. God bless you for being real.

    1. Thanks, Ron, for your kind words here! I do trim Danny's hair, too, but am always a bit nervous about it. I'm glad he had the courage to tackle mine, and that I trusted him enough to get the job done right.
      Love and blessings!

  23. You have my utmost admiration. Danny did a great job! My hair has been -not gray, but white- for a long time. I do not have your courage, My Friend! Good for you!

    1. Thank you, Loralu! Yes, Danny did a fabulous job, and boy, am I grateful. :) Glad to know I'm in good company with the decision not to color my hair anymore. Enjoy the natural look, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Danny did a great job with your hair! You're brave. :) So is my husband. I've been cutting his hair for over 20 years, despite not knowing what I'm doing. lol. I've only really messed him up one time when I didn't have a guard on the clippers and cut a VERY short streak down the center of his head. It was a horrifying moment! But he handled it very well. He had very, very short hair for awhile until it grew back in. :)

    1. Thanks, Lisa, I think he did, too! And I think that's great that you've been cutting your husband's hair for so long and only had one mishap - that's quite a record of success. Danny uses clippers to "shave" most of his hair, but I always trim up the back for him. It doesn't matter how many times I do it, I still get nervous that I'll really mess up. So far, so good!
      Love and blessings!

  25. Your husband does a great job on your hair. Ace has only cut my hair once and that was in our mission training. But I cut his and my two children hair for years, all the years we lived overseas. It's been only recently that I quit, my hands are not as steady and my judgement is not as good so now Ace goes to a barber and I am glad to retire my hair cutting.

    1. Wow, Betty, I'm impressed that you've cut the hair of your husband and your kids! Thanks for your kind words about the job Danny did with mine. He's certainly a keeper!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...