Monday, January 24, 2022

Breathe - Part Two


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

When I am diagnosed with pneumonia, confirmed by a chest scan and not complicated by any Covid infection, the doctors patently assume that the standard concoction of antibiotics will fit the bill for treatment.  But after two days, with my condition not worsening but not improving, they are more than a bit perplexed.  What can possibly be the root cause for this nemesis?

One prescient physician decides to change up the antibiotic cocktail completely, adding steroids to the mix; he gets no argument from his colleagues.  And of course, I'm all for anything that works to zap the sickness and allow me to wean down from the extravagant amount of oxygen I'm receiving.

Fortunately, for all involved, this new approach wends its slow, deliberate way toward a semblance of improvement on my part.  In the meantime, the "mystery pneumonia" has other physicians stymied, frustrated and over-the-top curious about its origin and modus operandi.

Several respiratory doctors and pulmonologists want to perform what's known as a bronchoscopy, where the patient is placed into twilight and a tube is inserted through the mouth and into the lungs to retrieve tissue samples for further examination.  To give them credit, they are upfront with the possible dangers such a procedure can entail, including the collapse of the lungs and the need for a ventilator.  I don't think I need to elaborate here for you to understand that this is NOT something I even remotely think is in my best, long-term interest.

Luckily, during the days this option continues to be discussed, my oxygen remains at too high a level to even contemplate such a procedure.  No doubt, God is hard at work on my behalf, protecting me from the unnecessary, so He can perform the extraordinary.

Though my improvements seem miniscule at first, the changes are manifesting in surprisingly tangible, visible signs.  Nurses and/or doctors who haven't seen me in two days or more do a double take when entering my room.  My eyes are brighter, my need for oxygen is slowly but surely tapering off, my complexion awakens from a waxen pallor to a healthy glow.  The transformation leaves many scratching their heads in wonder and disbelief.  Was this supposed to happen?  Wasn't she on her third strike?

And just like that, God gives me my chance to witness unabashedly, to believers and unbelievers alike, determined to share with these caring and curious folks what I know to be true about the countless prayers bombarding me continuously in this hospital bed.  I speak confidently, admitting that I have no way of counting all the prayers pouring over me, but I feel them.  I feel God's presence through them.  

He is healing me, in His way and in His time.  I have no doubt I will walk out of here, well and whole.  Leave the bronchoscopy be, and let God work His wonders!

Some readily agree about prayer.  Some politely defer.  Some admit they don't know how it works, but can't deny the improvement they see in me.  There is a remarkable openness on the part of most listeners; God is opening windows where doors have been tightly shut.

Oh, how I hope that my time in the hospital not only procures a once-in-a-lifetime miracle for me, but also prepares the soil of these precious hearts to receive and accept God's invitation to salvation!

Within days of my discharge, I begin to hear thanks from the nurses, for being gracious to them, and offering encouragement when so many patients offer nothing but complaints.  They praise my positive attitude, telling me its rubbed off on them, and actually tell me I will be missed, for all the right reasons.

Truthfully?  I will miss these beautiful children of God, too.  But I will continue to keep them in my prayers, to rejoice over them, and give thanks for all the care and love they lavished upon me during my stay.

May they know, if they don't already, the peace of God which passes all understanding.

And may we all, each and every one of us, know that same peace.



  1. Being able to witness of God's power and to tell people of the folks praying for you might just be "what the doctor ordered." yeah...I know...bad. :) According to your last post, God might have also been waiting for you to say, "Enough. You win. I give them up." Only time will tell us what ALL God did through your time in the hospital. For me? I'm glad you are back to good health.

    1. Yes, Bill, only time will tell, but I will rejoice in the time I had to share God's love with others. Yes, getting better, but having some issues with leg swelling; should get relief from that as I just started some Lasix.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I love to hear this story, and to know that God was indeed in the process of working a miracle in your body while you rested and waited for Him to do His best. And to know that our prayers were being answered on your behalf is very encouraging indeed! I am so thankful that your hubby Danny figured out how to contact us so we would know what was going on with you and so we could pray. God is so good...and we give Him the glory for the beautiful thing He has done for you. Praise God!!!

    1. Oh, yes, Pam, to God be all the glory! I'm so thankful for all of your prayers, my friend, and I do hope that my witness in the hospital made a difference in the life of at least one person, if not many. Prayers are powerful!!!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Doctors are supposed to know, and it must have been initially frightening to understand that they were mystified. But healing did come!

    1. What the doctors are supposed to know and what they do know can be two different things, Glynn. It is odd, however, when one confesses to NOT knowing! I'd really rather they be honest about it all in the long run. Life is full of mystery, is it not?
      Love and blessings!

  4. Often, when we go through difficult times, God uses our situation for the benefit of others as well as ourselves. In your case, what you went through may well have made someone else consider the power of prayer and perhaps get to search more about God. What a privilege that through you someone has found God in their lives.

    Let us praise God for your healing and for whatever good has resulted from it, for you and others.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. Amen, Victor! God can certainly use our misfortunes and trials to bless others, even if we can't quite see it at the time. He offers us grace in every opportunity if we choose to take Him up on it. This was one of those times I simply had to speak up and speak out, the prayers were so powerful.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, knowing that feeling of a miracle is well–known to me. When I got completely paralyzed in January of 2010, after I'd taken some Prednisone in the morning I could move. I called Pieter and summoned him to come to the hospital quick. He fed our kitties and hurried over. Then I sat up and swung my legs over the bed's edge and went to the bathroom on my own instead of being helped on the potty... Can you do that?! Pieter hardly could believe his eyes. Yes, prayer works and I was not yet ready to meet my Angel sister.
    May we always be protected by our Creator!

    1. Oh, Mariette, what an inspirational story!!! Yes, God knows when we need to stay on this earthly orb and when it's time to call us home. Obviously, He had some big plans for you right here.
      I love how you, and others, have shared miraculous encounters here; we have gleaned so much from one another, and been so inspired.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thank you Martha Jane, and yes, now 12 years ago, it was the most dreadful year for both of us. Pieter had open heart surgery on September 3, that very year...

    3. We know all about heart surgery here at the Orlando Compound. Danny has had to have two pacemakers(one got infected) and as recently as last year, a heart ablation which seems to have done the trick in keeping him healthy. Thank goodness and thank God that Pieter made it through!

  6. Another powerful testimony, Martha! I'm so glad to know your nurses and caregivers were similarly touched by what they saw and heard. Do you happen to know if they follow your blog?

    1. I have no way of knowing that, Myra, although I did leave a stack of bookmarks so they could look up and, hopefully, order my books so they could remember me as someone other than the frail, struggling patient in the hospital room. I think there is a link to my blog at my author's website, so one can only hope. What a wonderful group of people these are, and I remember them fondly.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I know that I know that this was nothing short of a miracle. I know it in my spirit. The experts, hard-pressed to determine the best approach, know it too. The Spirit of Christ in you, discerned. Thank you Jesus for your unfailing love and faithfulness ❣ And here you are, testifying and glorifying💕 Much love and praise going forth over this miracle.

    1. Amen, and amen, again, Debra! When God offers that opportunity to witness, we are fools not to jump right in with both feet. Yes, nothing short of a miracle, and I'm so grateful to be here to tell the tale with all my heart and soul.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, I enjoyed hearing more of your story and how God worked on your behalf behind the scenes. Danny had told me about the possible procedure, but not the details. So thankful you didn't have to endure that. God was on the move and used you to touch medical staff. Oh, Hallelujah!

    1. Oh, yes, Karen, I'm more convinced than ever that the procedure would have been of no benefit to God's long-term plan. They even had me fast for a possible test on the following morning, but when my oxygen wasn't cooperating, I could actually feel the wind go out of the doctors' sails. Even had one doctor, when I confronted him with the obvious improvement, tell me that I could definitely opt to have such a procedure done later once I was feeling recovered. Praise God!!! He was definitely at work the whole time, and I'm glad these words of mine spoke to your heart.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I am sure your testimony while in the hospital will have a lasting effect on a few souls if not many! Prayer is so powerful!! Praise God!

    1. Oh, Terri, how I pray that is true!!! I've continued to pray for these nurses and doctors who were so selfless and caring during my stay. Wow, what they have to put up with! We can too often forget that they are human beings, too, in need of encouragement and knowing how much they are beloved by God.
      Love and blessings!

  10. So wonderful to read your words and appreciate your encouragement again Ms. Martha. Answered prayers my friend. I loved your point about "preparing the soil of their souls"; what a great example of explaining what the goal of our carrying out Christ's great commission is. We are to prepare those who hear us to listen for and act upon Christ's calling in their life. We don't save, but we must do our part to pave the way. Well said author!

    1. You are so right, J. D. - our job is to prime the soil, and let God do the planting in His good time. I know there were many well-intentioned folks along my path before I came to Jesus who did just that for me; eventually, their influence seeped its way down into my heart until I was receptive to Jesus' message for my life. Let us all continue to do God's will for His kingdom!
      Love and blessings!

  11. What a witness! So thankful for your healing and praising our Great Physician for that healing and your witness!

    1. Oh, I'm so grateful for God's healing, Lulu, and that I had this opportunity to witness to others. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, all the stops need to be thrown out. Do hope my words and my testimony have made a difference for some of these lovely people.
      Love and blessings!

  12. God truly does work in mysterious ways. I am glad you have received this remarkable (God’s infused) recovery. God bless you

    1. Know I'm praying for you, too, Nells, that your recovery from your bouts with recent illnesses will be swift and definitive. Know you are loved and cared about!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I believe God brings the stormy black clouds in our lives so the brightness of His glory might shine the brighter...

    We are but doulos, bondslaves, servants of Jesus so when He works in our weak feeble lives He is indeed glorified, and folks see the power of God at work!

    Martha your story thrilled my soul, glory to His name above all names.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Oh, Shaz, I'm so happy that my story here spoke to your heart! Yes, God has a way of making opportunities come clear to share His good news with the world. May we all continue to spread the Gospel.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, Thank you for sharing more of your healing journey. PTL that you shared with your care team about the Lord! Miracles have never ceased; we just have stopped seeing them or acknowledging them as such.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I'm so grateful that I could share this journey with others; praying the Good News stuck in some of those needy hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  15. How wonderful to see the power of prayer in action! Thankful that the Lord orchestrated your healing, and prevented you from having to undergo a needless test! May you continue to heal and improve every day!!! And certainly the amazing doctors and nurses, they need our prayers so very much too, and what a blessing that you were such an encouragement to them!

    1. The doctors and nurses everywhere need our prayers, Marilyn, especially with all that Covid has put them through. I was amazed by how positive and energetic my own caregivers were at the hospital, and I so hope that God used me to speak to them on His behalf. When those times of witness come, we must be ready!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Thank for sharing this and getting better for all of us!

    1. Every day, Jean, every day, the Lord is leading me to embrace His plan and His destiny for me. May we all be well aware of the joys He holds in store for us.
      Love and blessings!

  17. How beautiful, Martha! God's power worked your miracle and his love ministered through you to the hospital staff. May the seeds you planted become strong trees of faith, and may you continue to gain physical strength and energy!

    1. Trees of faith . . .
      Oh, Nancy, how I love and relish all the trees that stand sentinel watch around our home, guarding us with the blessed shade of summer! I do pray that there will be many who will turn to the Lord for the first time, and those who will strengthen their original convictions. One can only do what one is moved to do in the moment, but in God's economy, that can surely be enough.
      Love and blessings!

  18. When God uses for His purpose we know He is on the track to let others see firsthand His amazing work before their eyes. What a blessing many received as a result of your confinement in the hospital. I hope many will come to Him if they have not already. He is the greatest physician there is and I think we are going to see more and more of His works displayed openly with His believers to those riding the fence or not believing at all. There is a person who comes to my blog, a non believer and has become very mean regarding me asking for prayer for people. Among other things, she is very stubborn and very rude. I have prayed, asked others to pray and yet she returns to harass my faith. I have just prayed on it and refuse to interact with her. I am praying God will work in her life as we do not have the tools to fight this evil. Two good friends who are married to pastors told me I must not allow her to spread such hatred and to leave her be and pray. God is a miracle worker and I have seen a miracle in my own life so I am never going to be persuaded to turn from him. All I can do is pray. Get well my friend and keep spreading God's word and HIs love. Thank you.

    1. To be frank and honest with you, Anne, I do believe if I had someone harassing me at my blog as this person does to you, I would pray, too, for her, but such negativity would take a toll on my forbearance. That could be a good thing, because I would have to pray to God all the more!
      Let us pray that this person has a change of heart, one touched by the grace of God, that she may know the abundance of grace and joy He has to offer.
      Love and blessings!


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