Monday, March 7, 2022

Entertaining Angels


Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. ~Hebrews 13:2

Day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment.

We watch, in horror and disbelief, the atrocities of war being perpetrated upon the sovereign nation of Ukraine by the Russian military, commanded by the unhinged and power-driven dictator, Vladimir Putin.  I know we are all inspired by the courage of the Ukrainian people; their resolve to fight this enemy and preserve their freedoms is modeled bravely by their own President Zelenskyy.  Even though he faces multiple threats of assassination, this man has chosen to stay in his country and fight alongside his military and civilians.

Oh, how I despise the hesitancy and foot-dragging I see in our current administration when it comes to actually helping the people of Ukraine!  Afraid to be accused of an act of war?  Really?  What has Putin already done that the whole world acknowledges?  Does the phrase "war crimes" ring a bell?  And is it truly a problem to send fighter jets through Poland?  Aren't we a savvy enough military power to figure that out?

But, no.  Let's reinstate that self-defeating deal with Iran, with the Russians acting as brokers.  Let's refuse to drill for oil in our own country, and beg the bad actors who despise us for more oil production.  Worst of all, let's continue to fund this heinous conflict by purchasing said oil from Russia - her economic bloodline.

In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens are fleeing their war-ravaged nation, many of them heading for their neighbor, Poland.  I see on the news the crowds of women and children being processed upon their arrival, but refugee camps and shelters wont' be the final destination for a vast number these displaced people.

Why?  Because hundreds of Polish families have agreed to take these refugees into their homes.  Can you imagine the comfort and peace of mind that offers to those who fled their country, their loved ones, leaving everything familiar behind?  I can only imagine the relief on the faces and in the hearts of the women, children and elderly as a Polish family rolls out the welcome mat without a moment's hesitation.

I'd like to think that, were I in the same situation, I would do likewise.

Welcoming strangers.  Treating them as friends.

Entertaining them as if they were angels.

In the midst of the chaos and upheaval, I like to think that the generosity and kindness shown by the Polish people brings a smile to God's face.

May He richly bless each and every soul affected by this cruel and needless conflict.



  1. The world is in such a bad place at the moment. But God is still in control. He knows and sees what is happening. Let us pray for peace.

    God bless, Martha.

    1. Amen, Victor, and let us not stop praying!
      Love and blessings!

  2. My sentiments exactly Martha...on all points. It is downright shameful that sit by and let it happen. As for the refugees, my heart aches for them having to leave their home and homeland for the chance to live. I hope they find the peace they long for. By the time the egomaniac is done, there will be nothing left to go back to.

    1. I'm so afraid you are right, Bill, when it comes to Putin, but I'm praying that God still has plans to take this evil and use it for good, as we know only He can do. Let's keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thank you for this very thoughtful and heart-felt message today. I agree with you 100%. My heart is breaking for the people of Ukraine, especially the little children. This must be so confusing and scary for them. How wonderful that there are such caring people in Poland and the other surrounding countries who are welcoming these refugees into their own homes. May the Lord bless them for their kindness to strangers in a time of crisis. May God put a stop to this insane war before it gets worse. And may He open the eyes of our own government and wake them up before we are plunged into something far worse. Pray, pray , pray. Yes, God is still in control...but I find myself wanting to tell Him that He's not moving quickly enough either. I must trust Him to do what is best for all concerned, but still we need to keep praying. Thank you for this very thoughtful post. God bless you my friend.

    1. We can't stop praying, Pam, not for one minute! Oh, yes, this whole situation is so heartbreaking; I find myself weeping several times a day when I think of the upheaval and uncertainty the Ukrainian people are going through, and I do hope, like you, that God will choose to act sooner than later, in all facets of this conflict to reduce the destruction.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I want to weep. And then I see our own leaders pandering to Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to do what we're capable of doing ourselves but we don't want to offend the green lobby. In the meantime, people, die and country suffers. And I think that every time I pump a gallon of gasoline, I'm helping the invasion of Ukraine.

    1. Oh, Glynn, my sentiments exactly! What our "leaders" are doing makes absolutely no common sense, but then again . . . What did we expect from appeasers? Biden reminds me of Chamberlain.
      What is happening in the Ukraine is breaking all of our hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, thank you for this post... I share your thoughts and most certainly your prayers

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers for Ukraine!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautifully stated. Sometime I Have to stop and think hard as I get so angry about all the war and politics involved. But I remember who is really in control. You have a beautiful way with words. Our governor has stated he will accept Ukrainian refugees in our country. My friend Marsha knows a pastor Nick and his wife serving in Ukraine. Sasha is expecting a baby any time now. Lots of war babies being born. Pleasepray for them. Thank you for your words here. Much love and kindness to you and yours.

    1. Oh, yes, Anne, so many babies coming into a war-torn world, reminding us of the sanctity and vulnerability of life. May God preserve them, their parents, and all the innocent victims of this needless, senseless conflict. I just saw a news segment today about a pastor who got his family out of the country, but who is staying behind to train men for combat and to give them spiritual guidance. What a story!
      Love and blessings!

  7. YES, I hope I would be willing to be the one who said, "Yes" to the strangers in my midst. PRAYING---praying for these poor people.

    1. I think we all would hope to say "yes" in this situation, Lulu. Let's keep praying - I feel that although things look bad right now, God has the entire situation in His hands and is more than capable of turning what was meant for evil into good.
      Love and blessings!

  8. By Paragraph #5 I was weeping. What a gift you have for painting a picture with your words. Thank you for sharing this gift!

    1. I'm gratified, Myra, that my words could paint a picture so well for you, but I'm sorry that it is such a sad one to relate. Let's keep praying!!!
      Love and blessings!

  9. We could have been oil independent if the pipeline had not been closed down as a spiteful thing for Trump. I feel for Ukraine— sweet people who were minding their own business and harming no one. I’m with you, Martha, I would like to think that I would react as the people of Poland and invite the Ukraine people into to my home. Thanks for this well written message. Hugs and blessings.

    1. When I think back on that first spiteful action Pres. Biden took upon taking office, I can't help but wonder, "Does this man hate Trump so deeply that he would cut off America's nose to spite her face?" Apparently, and sadly, I was right. Now we look to other nasty nations for our oil and gas? How nuts is that???
      Yes, let's keep praying for all the innocent victims in the Ukraine, that God might replace the fighting with peace.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Just read your post, Martha--not much time to respond right now because we have company, but will try to get back with you later. The compassion that pours through your words is one of those primary things that separate us from the heartless, narcissistic, power-mad maniacs and those who follow and support them. My heart resonates with yours and once again I appreciate and praise God for your courage to stand up for the truth and righteousness. We are in this together, and it's encouraging to know that you're willing to take on the real enemy, whose fingerprints are all over this thing.

    1. I have to agree, Ron, that the real enemy is the devil himself, and we are not only up to our eyeballs in physical battles, but in spiritual ones, too. Praying that God will save the Ukrainians from this maniac madman by the name of Putin. He is satan's minion, of that, I have no doubt. As Christians, we are wired to have compassion on those in need; may our fervent prayers be enough!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Am praising and praying the fact that God's "end-game" is in place, with just the last few moves about to occur before the final checkmate/"game over" is completed. Until that time, I join you in praying for the people of the Ukraine and other persecuted Christians all around the globe. Let us finish the race strong dear sister in Christ, proclaiming His sovereignty over all things. God's blessings Ms. Martha; and thank you for sharing your heart with us ma'am. It's wonderful to know that we are suffering together as one body. They are not alone.

    1. You've put it so perfectly, J. D., that all of us as Christians are suffering as one body, united in our love for God and one another. Seeing the women and children fleeing their country just breaks my heart. I couldn't go another day without writing about what could very well herald end times for this world.
      Love and blessings!

  12. It definitely shows the love of Christ when we reach out to theses in need,especially those who seemingly have no way to repay our kindness. War sadly is often about greed and strategy of obtaining wealth and power. Gods live is about giving and thinking of others first. It’s so sad what is happening in Ukraine. How it must grieve the Holy Spirit. Praying for Gods provision and May He bless those who are extending themselves to receive these precious people. I pray we all can somehow make a difference

    1. I pray, too, Cheryl, that somehow our donated gifts to the organizations that are helping the refugees and our continued prayers will make a difference for God's kingdom. War is always about greed and power, nothing more and nothing less. And yes, these happenings do grieve the Holy Spirit in ways we can only imagine.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Meant to type Gods Love ❤️ not live . My typos

  14. Well said, Martha. The horrors are all around us, including in DC. God is ultimately in control. I trust in Him.

    1. God is absolutely in control, Terri. We can keep the faith and have hope only because of Him.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Great blog... don't hope Ukraine... ohh God please help Ukraine.

    1. Yes, Rajani, may God save Ukraine!
      Love and blessings!

  16. WELL SPOKEN/WRITTEN, MARTHA! Couldn't agree with you more. My husband and I are continually praying for "right" to triumph over "might"--with God's powerful and compassionate help!

    1. We need "God's powerful and compassionate help" more than ever, Nancy. When I saw today that a children's hospital and maternity ward were hit, I think that was the last straw for me. Who is this monster who has no regard for human life? Lord, we trust that You will make everything right when all is said and done.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Had my eyes dilated yesterday afternoon at the Macon Ophthalmologist so blog reading was out of question...
    Yes, it is heartbreaking every, day for two weeks now, to see the suffering of a nation of forty-four million people. Only a tiny percentage fled. We indeed have to have high regard of the Polish and other nations around Ukraine, for doing what they do!
    We personally have mushroom related friends in the Ukraine and the first day it was so emotional for him saying that now his wife and children have fled the country, he might never see them again...
    So much pain is being lived in all human forms, very hard to understand. My Pieter does understand some of it as he's lived through WWII and had to be evacuated with his Parents and two brothers. They were split up for staying at two farmers with their family. They too became for half a year part of the family.
    Just this week, I've been touching up old photographs and one was of a visit back with them in 1956. They attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Pieter's Parents. I've personally met them too, at the funeral of Pieter's Mother. Those people lived out Hebrews 13:2 but none of them would have been able to share life together if they had not been liberated by the allied forces.
    What is wrong with the world now? 'Never Again' memorials of the Holocaust and yet we let again millions of our brothers and sister live the very same agony. And the barbaric invader will not stop there!
    Indeed; is the New Green Deal really THAT important?
    The oil that we can produce is already 42% cleaner produced than the 'expensive' one we now buy with blood money...
    Guess the world has never prayed harder, at least we do but that is not enough!
    Hugs and thanks for speaking out.

  18. Mariette, thank you for taking the time and making the effort to share Pieter's family's experiences during war time. Like you, I never thought something like the atrocities of WWII could ever happen again, but I was totally wrong. Let us continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and all those adversely affected by this needless, senseless conflict.
    And no, the New Green Deal only serves to punish middle and lower class Americans, and makes no sense in the current economy. Our "leaders" are, sadly, clueless.
    Love and blessings!

    1. Martha Jane,
      Some sad facts indeed... At present we have no 'leaders' but a group of clueless self-interested people selected by the illegal that occupies The White House.
      May God help us ALL!

    2. I could not agree with you more!
      May God intervene sooner than later, I pray.

  19. Martha, thank you for these words from Hebrews 13:2. You're so right, this verse points us to a powerfully appropriate response to the horrific evil that is being unleashed in front of our eyes.

    My daughter and her husband have taken in refugee children for years - from Mexico, South America, and now Afghanistan. I have a feeling it won't be long til someone from Ukraine joins them.

    Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

    1. Oh, my, what generous hearts your daughter and her husband have, Linda! I'm reminded of what it means to "do the least for these."
      There is not doubt that evil is personified in what Russia is doing because of a dictator that can only see power and has no regard for human life. May God intervene and bring a peace that we cannot yet see with our human eyes.
      Love and blessings!

    2. I meant to say to do for the least of these. Please forgive, and thanks again for your comment, Linda!

  20. Martha, I stand with you and so many others in prayer. A woman named Natalia that works for my husband is from Ukraine. She has family there that have fled safely (praise God). But poor Natalia has been a mess!

    We know our battle is not against flesh and blood because what is happening in our world today is just plain demonic!
    But God...
    We are not a people without hope. God is surely in control. We must pray and do our best to be lights in the darkness.
    Thank you, dear friend, for being a light of encouragement through your blog.

    1. Oh, how terribly difficult this all must be for Natalia, Beckie! When you know someone personally who is directly affected by this horrible conflict, it changes everything. I'm so glad her family was able to get out safely.
      And I must agree that what's going on is demonic, but God is there with us through all of the terror, sadness and upheaval. You are so right to say that we are not a people without hope.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Martha, it's so disturbing and heartbreaking to watch the scenes unfold and see the disparity among the people of Ukraine. How generous and loving for the people of Poland to take these women and children and elderly into their homes and lives. So inspiring. God bless!

    1. The story of these Polish families was inspiring to me, too, Karen. They are offering hope and comfort at a time when the Ukrainians are in such desperate need. May God bless them!
      Love and blessings!


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