Monday, April 11, 2022

All Eyes on Jesus!


"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."  "Come," he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" ~Matthew 14:28-31

Two weeks ago, I make a big mistake.  Thinking I have room to squeeze past the car in front of me in order to secure access to the left-hand turn lane, I misjudge the distance and manage to scrape the side of the other vehicle, damaging my rearview mirror in the process.  Fortunately for me and the other driver, a county police officer is right behind us, so we don't have to summon one to the scene.

No one is physically hurt, but I'm certainly shaken up.  I haven't had a ticket in over 30 years, and that was for rolling through a stop sign.  I know, of course, that this accident is all my fault.  And as I sit in my car, waiting for the policeman to issue me a ticket, I have time to replay the whole incident, questioning how and why my mind could be so distracted as to cause my lapse in judgment.

It doesn't take long to pinpoint the reason for my less-than-attentive attitude.  I'm returning home after a checkup with my pulmonologist.  Do you recall how I refused to submit to the doctors taking a lung sample while I'm still in the hospital?  Well, guess what they want to do now.  You got it!  I'm none too thrilled, to say the least, especially at the prospect of having my lungs temporarily collapsed.  Even though Dr. Chan assures me there is no hurry to have the procedure done, he is adamant about going through with it, and schedules me to meet with a pulmonary surgeon at the end of April.

Okay, so there's my excuse for failing to be on my game when I get in this accident, but it really isn't an excuse.  When I get behind the wheel, my one and only focus should be on safe driving.  If uninvited thoughts intrude, I should pull over and take time to pray about what's troubling me.  Had I taken time to refocus my thoughts on Jesus, I'm sure peace of mind would have returned to me, and this unfortunate accident would have been avoided.

It's the same story with Peter.  He is just fine walking on the water until he takes his eyes off Jesus.  Distracted by his earthly fears of wind and waves, he loses sight of the One who can, and does, save him.  How many times in our lives have we done the same, much to our shame and chagrin?

I don't like the fact that I had to learn this lesson the hard way, but I'm grateful to the Lord for His wake-up call.  Losing my focus on Him could have resulted in a more dire circumstance.  I'm so thankful for a slap on the wrist instead of a broken one.

How about you?  Have you taken your eyes off Jesus only to be plunged into an abyss of your own making?

Let's pray!



  1. In my hurry-up and stay-busy world, I find it very easy to take my eyes off Jesus. It is constant struggle to stay focused. I'm really trying, especially this week. to focus on Jesus as I prepare my heart for Resurrection Sunday. Thanks for the applicable object lesson Martha. Glad you are ok. I'm also praying the lung sample will go well.

    1. We say we want to stay focused on Jesus, Bill, but it really does take a conscious effort on our part. Holy Week is the perfect time to bring our full attention back to the Lord, and pray to deep it that way. I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson, Bill, and thanks for all your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh yes I have. Too many times to tell in this space. Thankfully, like you, God was there to protect me from my own folly and keep me safe with just a stern reminder. I will be praying for you as you must go through this procedure. I pray that it not reveal anything of great concern, but it is always better to be sure about such things. Praying that you have a blessed and peaceful Easter, trusting in the Risen Christ for everything you need. (((hugs)))

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this, Pamela. How gracious our
      God is! Thanks for your prayers about the procedure, too. They mean so much.
      May you have a wonderful Easter, too!
      Love and blessings!

  3. We've all been in exactly the same place. Whenever I do something like this, the first thing that happens is physical -- my ears "burn." It even happens when I don't realize at first that I just blew it.

    1. Wow, Glynn, that's quite a reaction to have when you know, even instinctively, that you've messed up. I'm so thankful that God is ever ready to forgive us when we make a mistake.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, being with your mind and thoughts elsewhere we all can get seriously sidetracked. Don't let the Devil win–Victor wrote his excellent book about the subject!
    As for your procedure, I would certainly want to get a second opinion before doing that. It is a serious thing and it is not only about getting revenue off a patient's tests. Needed or not.
    Also you better check out if the hospital where you are supposed to be tested, is on the list of unnecessary tests:
    Hugs and wishing you a meaningful Holy Week!

    1. I've read that excellent book by Victor, Mariette, and I'd recommend it to everyone!
      Yes, we will certainly get a second opinion before agreeing to any procedure. The good thing is, even though I'm meeting with the surgeon in two weeks, that doesn't mean we have to go through with it right away. I'm not scheduling anything health-wise until after June. That's when we will have Virginia with us for at least two weeks.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Olá Martha
    Linda reflexão, diante das adversidades da vida precisamos ter os olhos fixos em Jesus. Orando pela sua saúde, o Senhor está no controle. Um forte abraço.

    1. Oh, yes, Lucinaiva, let us keep our eyes on Jesus at all times.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your accidental accident, Martha! As you said, it could have been so much worse. But yes, I 'get' where you mind was. We had to meet with two cardio surgeons at UAB today. One wants to do a procedure that had Tom practically 'freaking out. No way did I want him driving home in that state of mind. Holding you in my prayers while you arrive at a decision that feels right.

    1. Thank you so much for your empathy and prayers, Myra. Tell Tom I certainly understand his dilemma, and I'll be praying for his peace of mind. Just out of curiosity, do Tom's doctors want him to undergo an ablation? Danny did this last year, and the outcome was more than positive, although the procedure took well over five hours to complete. Just keep in touch and let me know how to pray specifically for both of you.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I'm so sorry about your accident, Martha. Even though no one was hurt, it's still a major hassle and a costly error that you wish hadn't happened. It's so easy to lose our focus. Thanks for this reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus.

    1. Thanks for your words of sympathy, Lisa. Yes, I'm still without my car as it's at the repair shop; poor Danny has had to take me everywhere!
      And let's all commit to keeping our eyes on Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the car accident, Martha. I am praying for your good health. Take courage my friend and trust in God. Jesus cares for you.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy, Victor. I'm just grateful that no one was hurt. A car's bumps and bruises are much easier to fix.
      Trusting in God always!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I first thanked God that you nor the other driver were injured. Next, I thanked Him that He chose to allow this to happen while you were driving distracted and not some other calamity that could have been much worse my friend. Next, I added more prayers for you. These health things can be scary, but let us remember in whose arms we rest. He's got this my friend, even when we temporarily forget He has. God's blessings and prayers for continued safety.

    1. Yes, J. D., God most certainly has everything in His more than capable hands, so I simply have to trust in Him. Thank you, my friend, for all your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, so sorry to hear about your incident and thankful it wasn't a bad accident. I can see why you were shaken up. I'll certainly be praying for your peace and if this is an absolutely necessary medical procedure on your lungs.

    Great analogy to keeping our eyes and focus on God.

    1. I'm so glad you liked the analogy, Karen, and your prayers are very much cherished and appreciated.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, so sorry about the accident! I'm thankful it wasn't more serious. Praise God for the lessons that He teaches us. And thank you for sharing so we can learn, too.

    1. I'm so thankful, too, Beckie, that God gives us real-time incidents that help us learn about His mercy and grace. We are currently going back and forth with our insurance company as to whether the car should be considered "totaled" which is very discouraging. It really doesn't have that much damage, but I'm hoping we can straighten that mess out before week's end.
      Love and blessings!

  12. sorry about the accident and how easily it could have been any of us. But I do love how you found the spiritual lesson in that experience, It's all good isn't it?

    1. It is all good, Jean, when we take the time to reflect upon the incident and look for God's reason behind it. Whether we learn the lesson or not, the Lord never stops in His efforts to teach us and to keep us humble.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Grateful you were ok. It can happen to anyone and it is never easy. I am happy you are safe as a life can not be replaced but things can be. Your outlook is such a good one. Please take care and enjoy h=the weekend.

    1. I'm grateful, too, Anne, that no one was injured in this incident. Still don't have my car back, but am hoping to reclaim it sometime next week.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Oh, goodness! So sorry to hear about your accident and so thankful everyone is okay! God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. Happy Easter!
      Love and blessings!


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