Thursday, June 9, 2022

Friday's Forever!


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. ~Ephesians 2:10

I'm not sure how many years I've been a fan of Karen Friday's  blog, but it is definitely a favorite of mine.  I look forward to reading her weekly, God-inspired reflection every Thursday without fail.  If you aren't already one of Karen's followers, please hop over and introduce yourself!

You would think, having followed Karen for some time, that I would have been aware of the YouTube channel that she, and her husband of 37 years, Mike, have created.  But it's only a few weeks ago when I actually see the link and decide to pay them a visit.  Wow!  The Fridays are a talented team, indeed!

Here's a bit of background Karen has kindly provided for me to share with you.

Mike and Karen met on a college campus in the beautiful mountains of east Tennessee.  While they have lived many places as Mike served as a pastor, they returned to their roots years ago, where Mike served for eighteen years at his home church.

Now retired from the ministry, Karen is an office administrator for a realty company, and Mike is a real estate photographer/videographer during the week, but on the weekends?  That's a completely different story!

Their YouTube channel, Friday's Forever, feature their adventures throughout eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina.  You may see Karen and Mike enjoying a corn dog from Fannie Farkles on the Gatlinburg strip, reviewing a local hotel or restaurant, and enjoying the sights and sounds Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  Hiking a trail or gazing at a waterfall in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park showcases God's amazing and breathtaking creation for all to see and enjoy.  Especially in these hard economic times, when vacations may have to be virtual for many, Mike and Karen's unique videos give you scenic landscapes, quaint and historical towns, and introduction to the unique culture found in the hills of Appalachia.

Karen also adds that although their adventures are always fun and memory-making trips, the best part about being on YouTube is that they get to meet subscribers to their channel in person from time to time.  That's definitely a thrill for them!

As The Great Smoky Mountains is a favorite destination for Danny and me, Friday's Forever allows us to enjoy that gorgeous and majestic place from the comfort of our living room.  Won't you join Mike and Karen on their many adventures?

You can find their channel by simply going to YouTube and typing Friday's Forever in the search bar.  Karen also does speaking engagements and may be found on Facebook and Instagram.  

Happy Adventures!



  1. What a great idea for those of us (me) feeling homebound for one reason or another. Thank you so much! I'm going to check them out now!

    1. Good for you, Myra! I know you'll enjoy these.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I too love my dose of Friday on Thursday. Ms. Karen certainly shares the good news in a positive and exhilarating way doesn't she?

    1. Oh, yes, J. D., she most certainly does! Hope you enjoy her videos, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thank you for sharing. Regine

  4. I will have to check it out. It sounds like a lovely blog, God bless you

    1. It is, Cheryl! You won't be disappointed.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Thank you so much for the info. I read a lot of her work on Facebook. Blessings for a great weekend.

    3. I'm glad to hear you're one of Karen's fans, Nells! Visiting her YouTube channel is like icing on the cake.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Thank you, Martha! I will go check out the YouTube channel!!

  6. Thank you for a beautiful introduction.

    God bless always.

    1. A great opportunity for you to "tour" this region in the states without spending a dime, Victor! Hope you will also subscribe to Karen's blog.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Bom dia, Martha
    Obrigada por compartilhar. Fui no blog e as mensagens são muito edificantes. Não encontrei local para comentar, acho que não tem. Vou procurar também no youtube e instagram. Bjs

    1. There certainly should be a place to comment, Lucinalva, as I've left several there. Hope you will see how to do it! Let me know how you like the videos. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. Dearest Martha Jane,
    What a joy to go back with them to the Great Smokey Mountains!
    Fond memories and what a delightful couple they are.
    Thanks for sharing this.

    1. I'm thrilled to know that you're enjoying Mike and Karen's YouTube channel, Mariette! I watched two more episodes today while eating lunch. When Virginia is here, we might show her some since we will be taking her to the mountains the following week.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, thanks so much sweet friend. This is wonderful and we are so appreciative you shared our YouTube channel with your readers. We are grateful! Sorry for the delay in commenting, I had my grandchildren all weekend at their house while their parents were out of town.

    1. No need for apologies, Karen, especially when you have the stellar excuse of caring for your grandchildren. There can be no better times than those spent with our grands! I'm so glad I could share your channel here on my blog.
      Love and blessings!


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