Thursday, August 11, 2022

Keep it Simple


Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it:  'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" ~Matthew 22: 37-39

Last week, I officially begin physical therapy at an outlet called Benchmark.  My coach, Stephanie, is nothing but helpful and encouraging as I try each new exercise she introduces.  The routines seem, on the surface, to be innocuous.  And I wonder - how can such simple movements lead to rehabilitation?  Will these really increase my strength, mobility and balance?

But as I pursue these routines and try new ones, I begin to realize that the simpler way is the best path to take.  Not just in physical exercise, but in spiritual exercise, too.  

Jesus main message to us is as simple and straightforward as it can get:  We are to love God first, and love our neighbor as ourselves.  Period.  No ifs, ands or buts.

No unnecessary complications.

Yes, the daily humbling of ourselves to follow these commandments may seem repetitive, but it is all working toward a greater good - honoring God in all things.  And who doesn't want to do that?

There's nothing wrong with reading devotionals, participating in Bible study or reading God's Word.  In fact, it's icing on the cake when we don't take our eyes off the real prize.

But, keeping it simple goes a long, long way in our journey with Jesus.  Let's not overcomplicate things when His message is so clear and concise.

Yes, let's keep it simple; simply about God.



  1. What a great and simple message from Jesus. Thank you, Martha.

    And what a coincidence. Only yesterday I wrote about this on another website I contribute to:

    God bless.

    1. A great and simple message, indeed, Victor. I will certainly check out what you've written for another blog site!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Now, this is so nice tor read. I am thankful for your and your blog, Martja.

  3. I'm reading a book right now entitled "Dream Small: The Secret Power of the Ordinary Life" by Seth Lewis - and it has that same, keep-it-simple message.

    1. Sounds like a read I would enjoy, too, Glynn. Thanks for the recommendation!
      Love and blessings!

  4. What great advice! How we tend to over-complicate things -- and then expect an 'atta-boy' for doing so.

    1. I know, Myra! I believe it was theologian, Karl Barth, who when asked the guiding principle of his Christianity, answered, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." What could be simpler than that?
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, it is always and everywhere the same: KISS = Keep It Sweet & Simple.
    The same with God's Word.

  6. Thank you for this reminder, Martha! Keep it simple is a great mantra from many parts of our lives, the most important being our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus!! xo

    1. Amen, Terri! We do have a tendency to over complicate our lives when there is no need or reason for it.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Amen. A funny acrostic I've found myself saying through the years is K.I.S.S. "Keep it simple stupid". LOL. I know stupid isn't a nice word, but sometimes we need to be reminded to just keep things simple and stop trying to over complicate things. Your message was a good reminder. Thank you. (and the stupid was to me, not to others, LOL).

    1. No need to apologize to me, Pamela, for the use of the word "stupid." Examples are in abundance in our current society, much to my dismay. But God wants us to get down to the basics that will allow us simply live for Him and encourage others to do the same. May He continue to inspire us in that direction!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Longtime believer, and try-to-be applier of the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Silly) as I find myself constantly trying to overthink and over-analyze nearly everything. It's when we do what our instincts lead us to do that we truly discover the condition of our spiritual hearts my friend. As much as I dislike the Nike(tm) company, there's a partial truth in their tagline. In my life, I try to practice, "Pray, then just do it." Enjoyed as always Ms. Martha. Thank you!

    1. "Pray, then just do it." I love this, J. D., even though I'm with you when it comes to the Nike company. Still, we can find goodness, God's goodness, in almost everything if we look deeply enough.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I can second your AMEN Martha. I've been reading lately about simplifying our faith and focusing on Jesus. that is where it is at. He is who we should focus on...nothing more, nothing less.

    1. Amen, Bill! I couldn't agree with you more. Don't have to be a grad in theology to faithfully follow Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, thankful your physical therapy is helping you reach your goals. This is a great analogy to keeping the spiritual life simple. Even the religious rulers of Jesus' day tried to complicate the ways of God with their own set of rules and religious rites. God bless!

    1. Yes, those religious leaders did there best to keep access to God to themselves, and that's what so many folks, unfortunately, do today. They would have us think it's all about religion, not relationship - just the opposite!
      And thanks for your kind words about my PT. I do need the encouragement!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog, and your post brings me smiles...wishing you a beautiful week ahead. smiles

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! I'm glad you are on board.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh you're so right, Martha. We tend to overcomplicate and overthink truths that are simple, yet rich and freeing. Thank you for these needed words.

    Praying for you right now as you begin this next step on your health journey. Simply. One day at a time.

    1. Yes, Linda, it certainly is one day at a time for me right now. May we all remember to keep our relationship with the Lord simple and straightforward.
      Love and blessings!

  13. A beautiful reminder, Martha.
    I tend to overthink and complicate matters most of the time!

    Hugs and blessings, my dear friend.

    1. Guilty as charged when it comes to overthinking, Veronica, but I'm going to KISS it from now on.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Thought provoking words.
    Cultivation would mean decoration and complexity. Your bodies and souls are sometimes bewildered by its overwhelming progress.

    1. Thanks so much for your good thoughts here. We do need to remember to streamline God's message to us and not overthink things.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Bom dia, Martha
    Que postagem abençoada. Sucesso na fisioterapia, Jesus é o nosso maior exemplo de simplicidade. O meu pai também faleceu em 2014, no dia 11 de setembro, era um amor de pessoa e seus ensinamentos continuam presentes na minha vida, bjs querida.

    1. So, so heartbreaking to lose a parent, Lucinalva. As you probably know, my mother passed in July of last year. I still miss the both of them.
      Love and blessings!

  16. You are so right Martha! A good friend, a pastor's wife offered to let me join their zoom bible study. But I am not a huge fan of Priscilla Shirer. I just feel so many pastors and churches lean toward prosperity while preaching the gospel. I was raised Catholic but I know my father read his bible because when I seriously began to study the bible I read all the verses that he quoted from all the time. My husband is a very godly man and he has helped me study my bible intently along with several other friends. I like my quiet time with God. It is just how I roll. :-) I enjoy your blog and I will check into your books. Take care and rest when needed.

    1. I do cherish my quiet time with God, too, Anne. Such special moments to be valued and honored!
      Love and blessings!


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